root = exports ? this # # Data # # Hermitage options root.hermitage = looped: true # Image viewer z-index property default: styles: zIndex: 10 position: 'fixed' top: 0 left: 0 width: '100%' height: '100%' # Darkening properties darkening: default: attributes: id: 'overlay' styles: position: 'absolute' top: 0 left: 0 width: '100%' height: '100%' backgroundColor: '#000' opacity: 0.85 # 0 if you don't want darkening styles: {} # Navigation buttons' properties navigationButtons: default: styles: position: 'absolute' width: '50px' height: '100%' top: 0 cursor: 'pointer' color: '#FAFAFA' fontSize: '30px' fontFamily: 'Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif' textAlign: 'center' verticalAlign: 'middle' enabled: true styles: {} next: default: attributes: id: 'navigation-right' styles: right: 0 styles: {} text: '▶' previous: default: attributes: id: 'navigation-left' styles: left: 0 styles: {} text: '◀' # Close button properties closeButton: default: attributes: id: 'close-button' styles: position: 'absolute' top: 0 right: 0 color: '#FFF' fontSize: '30px' fontFamily: 'Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif' whiteSpace: 'nowrap' cursor: 'pointer' enabled: true text: '×' styles: {} # Current image properties image: default: attributes: class: 'current' styles: cursor: 'pointer' maxWidth: 'none' # Fix the conflict with Twitter Bootstrap styles: {} # Bottom panel (for text or anything else) bottomPanel: default: attributes: class: 'bottom-panel' styles: position: 'absolute' bottom: 0 height: '70px' styles: {} text: default: attributes: class: 'text' styles: width: '100%' height: '100%' textAlign: 'center' color: '#FAFAFA' styles: {} # Minimum size of scaled image, px minimumSize: width: 100 height: 100 # Duration of all animations, ms animationDuration: 400 # Array of images of current gallery images: [] # Array of texts for current gallery texts: [] # Timeout before adjustig elements after window resize resizeTimeout: 100 # Timer for resizing resizeTimer: undefined # Initializes the gallery on this page init: -> # Create Hermitage layer if it doesn't exist if $('#hermitage').length is 0 $('
') .attr('id', 'hermitage') .css(hermitage.default.styles) .hide() .appendTo($('body')) # Clear old images and texts array hermitage.images.length = 0 hermitage.texts.length = 0 # Create new images and texts array $.each $('a[rel="hermitage"]'), -> hermitage.images.push($(this).attr('href')) hermitage.texts.push($(this).attr('title')) # Set on click handlers to all elements that # have 'hermitage' rel attribute $('a[rel="hermitage"]').click (event) -> openGallery(this) event.preventDefault() # Set event on window resize $(window).resize -> clearTimeout(hermitage.resizeTimer) if hermitage.resizeTimer hermitage.resizeTimer = setTimeout \ -> adjustImage(true), hermitage.resizeTimeout # # Helpers # # Place element at the center of screen $ = (withAnimation = false, width = 0, height = 0, offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0) -> this.css('position', 'absolute') width = $(this).outerWidth() if width is 0 height = $(this).outerWidth() if height is 0 param = top: "#{Math.max(0, ($(window).height() - height) / 2 + offsetY)}px" left: "#{Math.max(0, ($(window).width() - width) / 2 + offsetX)}px" if withAnimation this.animate(param, { duration: hermitage.animationDuration, queue: false }) else this.css(param) $.fn.setSize = (width, height, withAnimation = false) -> params = { width: width, height: height} if withAnimation this.animate(params, { duration: hermitage.animationDuration, queue: false }) else this.css(params) $.fn.maximizeLineHeight = (withAnimation = false) -> param = { lineHeight: "#{this.outerHeight()}px" } if withAnimation this.animate(param, { duration: hermitage.animationDuration, queue: false }) else this.css(param) # # Hermitage logic # # Creates darkening overlay, shows it and sets its click handler createDarkening = -> $('
') .attr(hermitage.darkening.default.attributes) .css(hermitage.darkening.default.styles) .css('opacity', hermitage.darkening.opacity) .css('filter', "alpha(opacity='#{hermitage.darkening.opacity * 100}')") .css(hermitage.darkening.styles) .appendTo($('#hermitage')) .hide() .fadeIn() .click(closeGallery) # Creates base navigation button and returns it createNavigationButton = -> $('
') .appendTo($('#hermitage')) .hide() .css(hermitage.navigationButtons.default.styles) .maximizeLineHeight() .css(hermitage.navigationButtons.styles) # Creates right navigation button and returns it createRightNavigationButton = -> createNavigationButton() .attr( .css( .css( .text( .click(showNextImage) # Create left navigation button and returns it createLeftNavigationButton = -> createNavigationButton() .attr(hermitage.navigationButtons.previous.default.attributes) .css(hermitage.navigationButtons.previous.default.styles) .css(hermitage.navigationButtons.previous.styles) .text(hermitage.navigationButtons.previous.text) .click(showPreviousImage) # Creates close button createCloseButton = -> $('
') .appendTo($('#hermitage')) .hide() .attr(hermitage.closeButton.default.attributes) .css(hermitage.closeButton.default.styles) .text(hermitage.closeButton.text) .css(hermitage.closeButton.styles) .click(closeGallery) createBotomPanel = -> bottomPanel = $('
') .appendTo($('#hermitage')) .hide() .attr(hermitage.bottomPanel.default.attributes) .css(hermitage.bottomPanel.default.styles) .css(hermitage.bottomPanel.styles) text = $('
') .appendTo(bottomPanel) .attr(hermitage.bottomPanel.text.default.attributes) .css(hermitage.bottomPanel.text.default.styles) .css(hermitage.bottomPanel.text.styles) # Shows original image of the chosen one openGallery = (image) -> $('#hermitage') .css('z-index', hermitage.zIndex) .empty() .show() createDarkening() createRightNavigationButton() createLeftNavigationButton() createCloseButton() createBotomPanel() showImage(indexOfImage(image)) # Shows image with specified index from images array showImage = (index) -> img = $('') .attr(hermitage.image.default.attributes) .css(hermitage.image.default.styles) .attr('src', hermitage.images[index]) .css(hermitage.image.styles) .hide() .appendTo($('#hermitage')) (event) -> if event.pageX >= $(window).width() / 2 showNextImage() else showPreviousImage() adjustImage(false, img) # Shows next image showNextImage = -> current = $('img.current') if current.length is 1 index = indexOfImage(current) return unless canShowNextAfter(index) hideCurrentImage() if index < hermitage.images.length - 1 showImage(index + 1) else showImage(0) # Shows previous image showPreviousImage = -> current = $('img.current') if current.length is 1 index = indexOfImage(current) return unless canShowPreviousBefore(index) hideCurrentImage() if index > 0 showImage(index - 1) else showImage(hermitage.images.length - 1) # Hides current image hideCurrentImage = -> current = $('img.current') if current.length is 1 current.fadeOut hermitage.animationDuration, -> current.remove() # Starts fade out animation and clears Hermitage at the end of animation closeGallery = -> $('#hermitage :not(#overlay)').fadeOut() $('#overlay').fadeOut hermitage.animationDuration, -> $('#hermitage').hide() .empty() # Moves image to correct position and sets correct size. # Then it calls adjusting methods for navigation and close buttons. # Attributes: # * `withAnimation` - boolean value determines if adjusting should be animated # * `image` - currently opened image. It is optional argument and can be evaluated by the method itself. adjustImage = (withAnimation = false, image = undefined) -> if image is undefined image = $('#hermitage img.current') return unless image.length is 1 index = indexOfImage(image) # Wait until source image is loaded $('').attr('src', hermitage.images[index]).load -> # Offset for image position offsetY = 0 maxWidth = $(window).width() - $('#navigation-left').outerWidth() - $('#navigation-right').outerWidth() maxHeight = $(window).height() text = hermitage.texts[index] if text offsetY = - $('#hermitage .bottom-panel').outerHeight() / 2 maxHeight -= $('#hermitage .bottom-panel').outerHeight() $('#hermitage .bottom-panel .text').text(text or '') if maxWidth <= hermitage.minimumSize.width or maxHeight <= hermitage.minimumSize.height if maxWidth < maxHeight maxWidth = hermitage.minimumSize.width maxHeight = maxWidth * (this.height / this.width) else maxHeight = hermitage.minimumSize.height maxWidth = maxHeight * (this.width / this.height) scale = 1.0 if this.width > maxWidth or this.height > maxHeight scale = Math.min(maxWidth / this.width, maxHeight / this.height) image .setSize(this.width * scale, this.height * scale, withAnimation) .center(withAnimation, this.width * scale, this.height * scale, 0, offsetY) .fadeIn(hermitage.animationDuration) adjustNavigationButtons(withAnimation, image) adjustCloseButton(withAnimation, image) adjustBottomPanel(withAnimation) # Moves navigation buttons to proper positions adjustNavigationButtons = (withAnimation, current) -> return unless hermitage.navigationButtons.enabled previous = $('#hermitage #navigation-left') next = $('#hermitage #navigation-right') # Set correct styles previous.maximizeLineHeight(withAnimation) next.maximizeLineHeight(withAnimation) # Show or hide buttons currentIndex = indexOfImage(current) duration = hermitage.animationDuration if canShowPreviousBefore(currentIndex) previous.fadeIn(duration) else previous.fadeOut(duration) if canShowNextAfter(currentIndex) next.fadeIn(duration) else next.fadeOut(duration) # Moves close button to proper position adjustCloseButton = (withAnimation, current) -> return unless hermitage.closeButton.enabled button = $('#hermitage #close-button') if button.css('display') is 'none' button.fadeIn(hermitage.animationDuration) adjustBottomPanel = (withAnimation) -> panel = $('#hermitage .bottom-panel') if panel.text() is '' panel.fadeOut(hermitage.animationDuration) else params = width: "#{$(window).width() - $('#navigation-left').outerWidth() - $('#navigation-right').outerWidth()}px" left: "#{$('#navigation-left').position().left + $('#navigation-left').outerWidth()}px" if withAnimation panel.animate(params, { duration: hermitage.animationDuration, queue: false }) else panel.css(params) panel.fadeIn(hermitage.animationDuration) indexOfImage = (image) -> href = if $(image).prop('tagName') is 'IMG' then $(image).attr('src') else $(image).attr('href') hermitage.images.indexOf(href) canShowNextAfter = (index) -> if index < hermitage.images.length - 1 true else hermitage.looped canShowPreviousBefore = (index) -> if index > 0 true else hermitage.looped # Initialize gallery on page load $(document).ready(hermitage.init) $(document).on('page:load', hermitage.init)