%h4 AWS
You haven't set up your AWS account in this environment! Set the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
environment variables to configure AWS. You should have the client sign up and follow the instructions below.
- else
%h4 AWS
Your AWS account is configured for this environment!
%h4 Google Analytics
You haven't set up a Google Analytics account in this environment! Set the GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_SITE_ID
environment variables to configure Google Analytics. You should ask the client to set up a Google Analytics account.
- else
%h4 Google Analytics
Your Google Analytics account is configured for this environment!
- unless @tracker_gems.values.any?
%h4 Exception Tracking
You haven't set up an exception tracker! May I recommend Honeybadger?
- else
%h4 Exception Tracking
Found exception tracker gems(s):
= @tracker_gems.select{|k,v| v}.keys.join(', ')
- if ENV['MAILCHIMP_API_KEY'].blank?
%h4 Mailchimp
You haven't set up a Mailchimp account in this environment! Have the client create an account at mailchimp.com and set the MAILCHIMP_API_KEY
environment variables to configure Mailchimp.
Once a Mailchimp account is configured, you'll need to create a list through the web interface and set the MAILCHIMP_SPLASH_SIGNUP_LIST_ID
environment variable to the list id (ten-digit hex id visible in the List name & defaults tab).