module Metanorma module Standoc module Section def in_terms? @term_def end def nonterm_symbols_parse(attrs, xml, node) defs = @definitions @definitions = false clause_parse(attrs, xml, node) @definitions = defs end def symbols_attrs(node, attr) case sectiontype1(node) when "symbols" then attr.merge(type: "symbols") when "abbreviated terms", "abbreviations" attr.merge(type: "abbreviated_terms") else attr end end def symbols_parse(attr, xml, node) node.role == "nonterm" and return nonterm_symbols_parse(attr, xml, node) xml.definitions **attr_code(attr) do |xml_section| xml_section.title { |t| t << node.title } defs = @definitions termdefs = @term_def @definitions = true @term_def = false xml_section << node.content @definitions = defs @term_def = termdefs end end def nonterm_term_def_subclause_parse(attrs, xml, node) defs = @term_def @term_def = false clause_parse(attrs, xml, node) @term_def = defs end def terms_boilerplate_parse(attrs, xml, node) defs = @term_def @term_def = false clause_parse(attrs.merge(type: "boilerplate"), xml, node) @term_def = defs end # subclause contains subclauses def term_def_subclause_parse(attrs, xml, node) node.role == "nonterm" and return nonterm_term_def_subclause_parse(attrs, xml, node) node.role == "boilerplate" and return terms_boilerplate_parse(attrs, xml, node) st = sectiontype(node, false) return symbols_parse(attrs, xml, node) if @definitions sub = node.find_by(context: :section) { |s| s.level == node.level + 1 } sub.empty? || (return term_def_parse(attrs, xml, node, false)) st == "symbols and abbreviated terms" and return symbols_parse(attrs, xml, node) st == "terms and definitions" and return clause_parse(attrs, xml, node) term_def_subclause_parse1(attrs, xml, node) end def term_def_subclause_parse1(attrs, xml, node) xml.term **attr_code(attrs) do |xml_section| term_designation(xml_section, node, "preferred", node.title) xml_section << node.content end end def term_def_parse(attrs, xml, node, _toplevel) xml.terms **attr_code(attrs) do |section| section.title { |t| t << node.title } (s = node.attr("source")) && s.split(",").each do |s1| section.termdocsource(nil, **attr_code(bibitemid: s1)) end section << node.content end end def term_designation(xml, _node, tag, text) xml.send tag do |p| p.expression do |e| { |name| name << text } end end end def termsource_origin_attrs(_node, seen_xref) { case: seen_xref.children[0]["case"], droploc: seen_xref.children[0]["droploc"], bibitemid: seen_xref.children[0]["target"], format: seen_xref.children[0]["format"], type: "inline" } end def add_term_source(node, xml_t, seen_xref, match) if seen_xref.children[0].name == "concept" xml_t.origin { |o| o << seen_xref.children[0].to_xml } else attrs = termsource_origin_attrs(node, seen_xref) attrs.delete(:text) xml_t.origin **attr_code(attrs) do |o| o << seen_xref.children[0].children.to_xml end end add_term_source_mod(xml_t, match) end def add_term_source_mod(xml_t, match) match[:text] && xml_t.modification do |mod| mod.p { |p| p << match[:text].sub(/^\s+/, "") } end end TERM_REFERENCE_RE_STR = <<~REGEXP.freeze ^(?<(xref|concept)[^>]+>(.*?)?) (,\s(?.*))? $ REGEXP TERM_REFERENCE_RE =\s/, "").gsub(/_/, "\\s"), Regexp::IGNORECASE | Regexp::MULTILINE) def extract_termsource_refs(text, node) matched = TERM_REFERENCE_RE.match text matched.nil? and @log.add("AsciiDoc Input", node, "term reference not in expected format:"\ "#{text}") matched end def termsource_attrs(node, matched) status = node.attr("status") || (matched[:text] ? "modified" : "identical") { status: status, type: node.attr("type") || "authoritative" } end def termsource(node) matched = extract_termsource_refs(node.content, node) or return noko do |xml| xml.termsource **termsource_attrs(node, matched) do |xml_t| seen_xref = Nokogiri::XML.fragment(matched[:xref]) add_term_source(node, xml_t, seen_xref, matched) end end.join("\n") end def termdefinition(node) noko do |xml| xml.definition do |d| d << node.content end end.join("\n") end end end end