#require 'rubygems' #TODO: require 'gdata/spreadsheet' #require 'log4r' # overwrite some methods from the gdata-gem: module GData class Spreadsheet < GData::Base #-- modified def evaluate_cell(cell, sheet_no=1) raise ArgumentError, "invalid cell: #{cell}" unless cell raise ArgumentError, "invalid sheet_no: #{sheet_no}" unless sheet_no >0 and sheet_no.class == Fixnum path = "/feeds/cells/#{@spreadsheet_id}/#{sheet_no}/#{@headers ? "private" : "public"}/basic/#{cell}" doc = Hpricot(request(path)) result = (doc/"content").inner_html end #-- new def sheetlist path = "/feeds/worksheets/#{@spreadsheet_id}/private/basic" doc = Hpricot(request(path)) result = [] (doc/"content").each { |elem| result << elem.inner_html } result end #-- new def save_entry_roo(entry) path = "/feeds/cells/#{@spreadsheet_id}/1/#{@headers ? 'private' : 'public'}/full" post(path, entry) end #-- new def entry_roo(formula, row=1, col=1) < XML end #-- new def add_to_cell_roo(row,col,value) save_entry_roo(entry_roo(value,row,col)) end #-- new def get_one_sheet path = "/feeds/cells/#{@spreadsheet_id}/1/private/full" doc = Hpricot(request(path)) end #new def oben_unten_links_rechts(sheet_no) path = "/feeds/cells/#{@spreadsheet_id}/#{sheet_no}/private/full" doc = Hpricot(request(path)) rows = [] cols = [] (doc/"gs:cell").each {|item| rows.push item['row'].to_i cols.push item['col'].to_i } return rows.min, rows.max, cols.min, cols.max end def fulldoc(sheet_no) path = "/feeds/cells/#{@spreadsheet_id}/#{sheet_no}/private/full" doc = Hpricot(request(path)) return doc end end # class end # module class Google < GenericSpreadsheet #include Log4r # Creates a new Google spreadsheet object. def initialize(spreadsheetkey,user=nil,password=nil) @filename = spreadsheetkey # $log = Logger.new("my_log") # $log.outputters = FileOutputter.new("f1", :filename => "roo.log") # $log.debug("created a new Google-object") @spreadsheetkey = spreadsheetkey @user = user @password = password unless user user = ENV['GOOGLE_MAIL'] end unless password password = ENV['GOOGLE_PASSWORD'] end @default_sheet = nil @cell = Hash.new @cell_type = Hash.new @formula = Hash.new @first_row = Hash.new @last_row = Hash.new @first_column = Hash.new @last_column = Hash.new @cells_read = Hash.new @header_line = 1 @gs = GData::Spreadsheet.new(spreadsheetkey) @gs.authenticate(user, password) #-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #-- Behandlung von Berechtigungen hier noch einbauen ??? #-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if self.sheets.size == 1 @default_sheet = self.sheets.first end end # returns an array of sheet names in the spreadsheet def sheets return @gs.sheetlist end # is String a date with format DD/MM/YYYY def Google.date?(string) return false if string.class == Float return true if string.class == Date return string.strip =~ /^([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)$/ end # Returns the content of a spreadsheet-cell. # (1,1) is the upper left corner. # (1,1), (1,'A'), ('A',1), ('a',1) all refers to the # cell at the first line and first row. def cell(row, col, sheet=nil) sheet = @default_sheet unless sheet check_default_sheet #TODO: 2007-12-16 read_cells(sheet) unless @cells_read[sheet] row,col = normalize(row,col) if celltype(row,col,sheet) == :date # $log.debug("splitte Datumsfeld auf (#{row},#{col}): #{ @cell[sheet]["#{row},#{col}"]}") yyyy,mm,dd = @cell[sheet]["#{row},#{col}"].split('-') # $log.debug(yyyy) # $log.debug(mm) # $log.debug(dd) #TODO: #if dd.to_i < 1 or dd.to_i >31 or mm.to_i < 1 or mm.to_i > 12 or yyyy.to_i < 1900 or yyyy.to_i > 3000 # raise "Invalid date parameter: #{yyyy}, #{mm}, #{dd}" #end begin return Date.new(yyyy.to_i,mm.to_i,dd.to_i) rescue ArgumentError raise "Invalid date parameter: #{yyyy}, #{mm}, #{dd}" end end # celltype date return @cell[sheet]["#{row},#{col}"] end # returns the type of a cell: # * :float # * :string, # * :date # * :percentage def celltype(row, col, sheet=nil) sheet = @default_sheet unless sheet read_cells(sheet) unless @cells_read[sheet] row,col = normalize(row,col) if @formula[sheet]["#{row},#{col}"] return :formula else @cell_type[sheet]["#{row},#{col}"] end end # Returns the formula at (row,col). # Returns nil if there is no formula. # The method #formula? checks if there is a formula. def formula(row,col,sheet=nil) sheet = @default_sheet unless sheet read_cells(sheet) unless @cells_read[sheet] row,col = normalize(row,col) if @formula[sheet]["#{row},#{col}"] == nil return nil else return @formula[sheet]["#{row},#{col}"] #TODO: ["oooc:".length..-1] end end # true, if there is a formula def formula?(row,col,sheet=nil) sheet = @default_sheet unless sheet read_cells unless @cells_read[sheet] row,col = normalize(row,col) formula(row,col) != nil end # returns each formula in the selected sheet as an array of elements # [row, col, formula] def formulas(sheet=nil) theformulas = Array.new sheet = @default_sheet unless sheet read_cells(sheet) unless @cells_read[sheet] first_row(sheet).upto(last_row(sheet)) {|row| first_column(sheet).upto(last_column(sheet)) {|col| if formula?(row,col,sheet) f = [row, col, formula(row,col,sheet)] theformulas << f end } } theformulas end # returns all values in this row as an array # row numbers are 1,2,3,... like in the spreadsheet def row(rownumber,sheet=nil) sheet = @default_sheet unless sheet read_cells(sheet) unless @cells_read[sheet] result = [] tmp_arr = [] @cell[sheet].each_pair {|key,value| y,x = key.split(',') x = x.to_i y = y.to_i if y == rownumber tmp_arr[x] = value end } result = tmp_arr[1..-1] while result[-1] == nil result = result[0..-2] end result end # true, if the cell is empty def empty?(row, col, sheet=nil) value = cell(row, col, sheet) return true unless value return false if value.class == Date # a date is never empty return false if value.class == Float value.empty? end # returns all values in this column as an array # column numbers are 1,2,3,... like in the spreadsheet #-- #TODO: refactoring nach GenericSpreadsheet? def column(columnnumber, sheet=nil) if columnnumber.class == String columnnumber = GenericSpreadsheet.letter_to_number(columnnumber) end sheet = @default_sheet unless sheet read_cells(sheet) unless @cells_read[sheet] result = [] first_row(sheet).upto(last_row(sheet)) do |row| result << cell(row,columnnumber,sheet) end result end # sets the cell to the content of 'value' # a formula can be set in the form of '=SUM(...)' def set_value(row,col,value) @gs.add_to_cell_roo(row,col,value) end # returns the first non-empty row in a sheet def first_row(sheet=nil) sheet = @default_sheet unless sheet unless @first_row[sheet] sheet_no = sheets.index(sheet) + 1 @first_row[sheet], @last_row[sheet], @first_column[sheet], @last_column[sheet] = @gs.oben_unten_links_rechts(sheet_no) end return @first_row[sheet] end # returns the last non-empty row in a sheet def last_row(sheet=nil) sheet = @default_sheet unless sheet unless @last_row[sheet] sheet_no = sheets.index(sheet) + 1 @first_row[sheet], @last_row[sheet], @first_column[sheet], @last_column[sheet] = @gs.oben_unten_links_rechts(sheet_no) end return @last_row[sheet] end # returns the first non-empty column in a sheet def first_column(sheet=nil) sheet = @default_sheet unless sheet unless @first_column[sheet] sheet_no = sheets.index(sheet) + 1 @first_row[sheet], @last_row[sheet], @first_column[sheet], @last_column[sheet] = @gs.oben_unten_links_rechts(sheet_no) end return @first_column[sheet] end # returns the last non-empty column in a sheet def last_column(sheet=nil) sheet = @default_sheet unless sheet unless @last_column[sheet] sheet_no = sheets.index(sheet) + 1 @first_row[sheet], @last_row[sheet], @first_column[sheet], @last_column[sheet] = @gs.oben_unten_links_rechts(sheet_no) end return @last_column[sheet] end # find a row either by row number or a condition # Caution: this works only within the default sheet -> set default_sheet before you call this method # (experimental. see examples in the test_roo.rb file) #-- # ----------------------------------------------------- # !!!TODO: should be factored out to GenericSpreadsheet # also in Openofiffe # ----------------------------------------------------- #++ def find(*args) result_array = false args.each {|arg,val| if arg.class == Hash arg.each { |hkey,hval| if hkey == :array and hval == true result_array = true end } end } column_with = {} 1.upto(last_column) do |col| column_with[cell(@header_line,col)] = col end result = Array.new #-- id if args[0].class == Fixnum rownum = args[0] tmp = {} 1.upto(self.row(rownum).size) {|j| x = '' column_with.each { |key,val| if val == j x = key end } tmp[x] = cell(rownum,j) } result = [ tmp ] # row(rownum) #-- :all elsif args[0] == :all if args[1].class == Hash args[1].each {|key,val| if key == :conditions column_with = {} 1.upto(last_column) do |col| column_with[cell(@header_line,col)] = col end conditions = val first_row.upto(last_row) do |i| # are all conditions met? found = 1 conditions.each { |key,val| if cell(i,column_with[key]) == val found *= 1 else found *= 0 end } # p self.row(i) if found > 0 if found > 0 tmp = {} 1.upto(self.row(i).size) {|j| x = '' column_with.each { |key,val| if val == j x = key end } tmp[x] = cell(i,j) } if result_array result << self.row(i) else result << tmp end end end end # :conditions } end end result end private # read all cells in a sheet def read_cells(sheet=nil) sheet = @default_sheet unless sheet sheet_no = sheets.index(sheet)+1 doc = @gs.fulldoc(sheet_no) (doc/"gs:cell").each {|item| row = item['row'] col = item['col'] value = item['inputvalue'] numericvalue = item['numericvalue'] if value[0,1] == '=' formula = value # $log.debug("formula: <#{formula}>") else formula = nil end @cell_type[sheet] = {} unless @cell_type[sheet] if formula ty = :formula if numeric?(numericvalue) value = numericvalue.to_f else value = numericvalue end elsif Google.date?(value) ty = :date elsif numeric?(value) # or o.class ??? ty = :float value = value.to_f else ty = :string end key = "#{row},#{col}" @cell[sheet] = {} unless @cell[sheet] if ty == :date dd,mm,yyyy = value.split('/') @cell[sheet][key] = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d",yyyy.to_i,mm.to_i,dd.to_i) else @cell[sheet][key] = value unless value == "" or value == nil end @cell_type[sheet][key] = ty # Openoffice.oo_type_2_roo_type(vt) @formula[sheet] = {} unless @formula[sheet] # $log.debug("formula vor belegen @formula: <#{formula}>") if formula @formula[sheet][key] = formula if formula # $log.debug("@formula[#{sheet}][#{key}] = #{formula}") if formula # $log.debug("#{@formula[sheet][key]}") if formula } @cells_read[sheet] = true end def numeric?(string) string =~ /^[0-9]+[\.]*[0-9]*$/ end # convert string DD/MM/YYYY into a Date-object #TODO: was ist mit verschiedenen Typen der Datumseingabe bei Google? def Google.to_date(string) if string.strip =~ /^([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)$/ return Date.new($3.to_i,$2.to_i,$1.to_i) else return nil end end end # class