// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore Costello - Property Observing Library // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*globals module test ok equals expects object same */ var object ; module("Cloned Objects", { setup: function() { object = SC.Object.create({ name:'Cloned Object', value:'value1', clone: function(object) { var ret = object ; switch (SC.typeOf(object)) { case SC.T_ARRAY: ret = object.slice() ; break ; case SC.T_OBJECT: ret = {} ; for(var key in object) ret[key] = object[key] ; } return ret ; } }); } }); test("should return a cloned object", function() { var objectA = [1,2,3,4,5] ; var objectB = "SproutCore" ; var objectC = SC.hashFor(objectA); var objectE = 100; var a = SC.clone(objectA); var b = SC.clone(objectA); equals(SC.clone(objectB), SC.clone(objectB)) ; equals(SC.clone(objectC), SC.clone(objectC)) ; equals(SC.clone(objectE), SC.clone(objectE)) ; same(a, b); }); test("should return cloned object when the object is null", function() { var objectD = null; equals(SC.clone(objectD), SC.clone(objectD)) ; }); test("should return a cloned array ", function() { var arrayA = ['value1','value2'] ; var resultArray = object.clone(arrayA); equals(resultArray[0], arrayA[0], 'check first array item'); equals(resultArray[1], arrayA[1], 'check first array item'); }); test("should use copy() if isCopyable", function() { var obj = SC.Object.create(SC.Copyable, { isCopy: NO, copy: function() { return SC.Object.create(SC.Copyable, { isCopy: YES }); } }); var copy = SC.clone(obj); ok(!!copy, 'clone should return a copy'); equals(copy.isCopy, YES, 'copy.isCopy should be YES'); }); test("SC.copy should be an alias for SC.clone", function() { equals(SC.copy, SC.clone, 'SC.copy should equal SC.clone'); });