require '../spec_helper' describe 'Openpay Exceptions' do before(:all) do @merchant_id='mywvupjjs9xdnryxtplq' @private_key='sk_92b25d3baec149e6b428d81abfe37006', @private_key) @customers=@openpay.create(:customers) @cards=@openpay.create(:cards) end describe OpenpayException do it 'should raise an OpenpayException when a non given resource is passed to the api factory' do expect { @openpay.create(:foo) }.to raise_exception OpenpayException end it 'should raise an OpenpayException when the delete_all method is used on production' do,@private_key,true) cust=@openpayprod.create(:customers) expect { cust.delete_all }.to raise_exception OpenpayException end end describe OpenpayTransactionException do it 'should fail when an invalid field-value is passed in *email' do #invalid email format email='foo' customer_hash =, email: email) #perform checks expect { @customers.create(customer_hash) }.to raise_exception OpenpayTransactionException begin @customers.create(customer_hash) rescue OpenpayTransactionException => e #should have the corresponding attributes coming from the json message expect(e.http_code).to be 400 expect(e.error_code).to be 1001 expect(e.description).to match 'email\' not a well-formed email address' expect(e.json_body).to have_json_path('category') end end it ' raise an OpenpayTransactionException when trying to delete a non existing bank account ' do #non existing resource #perform checks expect { @customers.delete('1111') }.to raise_exception OpenpayTransactionException begin @customers.delete('1111') rescue OpenpayTransactionException => e #should have the corresponding attributes coming from the json message expect(e.http_code).to be 404 expect(e.error_code).to be 1005 expect(e.description).to match "The customer with id '1111' does not exist" expect(e.json_body).to have_json_path('category') end end it 'fails when trying to create an existing card' do #create customer customers=@openpay.create(:customers) customer_hash =, name: 'Juan', last_name: 'Perez') customer=customers.create(customer_hash) #create card using json card_json = card=@cards.create(card_json) #perform check expect { @cards.create(card_json) }.to raise_error(OpenpayTransactionException) #cleanup @customers.delete(customer['id']) card_hash=JSON.parse card @cards.delete card_hash['id'] end it 'raise an OpenpayTransactionException when using an expired card' do card_hash = expect { @cards.create(card_hash) }.to raise_error(OpenpayTransactionException) begin @cards.create(card_hash) rescue OpenpayTransactionException => e expect(e.description).to match 'The card has expired.' expect(e.error_code).to be 3002 end end end describe OpenpayConnectionException do it 'raise an OpenpayConnectionException when provided credentials are invalid' do merchant_id='santa' private_key='invalid', private_key) customers=openpay.create(:customers) expect { customers.delete('1111') }.to raise_exception OpenpayConnectionException begin customers.delete('1111') rescue OpenpayConnectionException => e #should have the corresponding attributes coming from the json message expect(e.http_code).to be 401 expect(e.error_code).to be 1002 expect(e.description).to match 'The api key or merchant id are invalid.' expect(e.json_body).to have_json_path('category') end end end end