#compdef -U cure # cureutils completion for zsh. Source from somewhere in your $fpath. # cure CMD subcommands=( "version: Output the version number." "help: Output the usage and exit." "date: Display date, time and Precure related events." "echo: Print messages of Precure." "girls: Print girls' name" "grep: Print lines matching a pattern." "humanize: Change precure_name to human_name." "janken: Let's play \"Pikarin Janken\" !" "precures: Print Precure names" "tr: Translate Precure related parameters." "transform: Replace human_name to precure_name" ) # bundle exec cure precures -m |bundle exec cure tr [:precure_name:] [:girl_name:] | grep '[[:alnum:]]' | sort | uniq precure_girl_names=( 'cure_ace' 'cure_aqua' 'cure_beat' 'cure_beauty' 'cure_berry' 'cure_black' 'cure_bloom' 'cure_blossom' 'cure_chocolat' 'cure_custard' 'cure_diamond' 'cure_dream' 'cure_echo' 'cure_egret' 'cure_felice' 'cure_flora' 'cure_fortune' 'cure_gelato' 'cure_happy' 'cure_heart' 'cure_honey' 'cure_lemonade' 'cure_lovely' 'cure_macaroon' 'cure_magical' 'cure_march' 'cure_marine' 'cure_melody' 'cure_mermaid' 'cure_mint' 'cure_miracle' 'cure_moonlight' 'cure_muse' 'cure_passion' 'cure_peace' 'cure_peach' 'cure_pine' 'cure_princess' 'cure_rhythm' 'cure_rosetta' 'cure_rouge' 'cure_scarlet' 'cure_sunny' 'cure_sunshine' 'cure_sword' 'cure_twinkle' 'cure_whip' 'cure_white' 'milky_rose' 'shiny_luminous' ) # ruby -r rubicure -e 'cures = [Cure.magical, Cure.miracle, Cure.felice]; cures.map{|c| c.transform_styles.map{|k, _v| k}}.uniq.each{|v| puts v}' transform_styles=( 'diamond' 'ruby' 'sapphire' 'topaz' 'emerald' ) function _cure-grep () { local -a args if (( CURRENT>=3 )) ;then echo $words | grep -w -- '-o' 1> /dev/null || args=($args '-o:Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line, with each such part on a separate output line.') echo $words | grep -w -- '-E' 1> /dev/null || args=($args '-E:Interpret PATTERN as an extended regular expression.') _describe -t args 'args' args fi } function _cure-tr () { local -a args if (( CURRENT>=3 )) ;then echo $words | grep -w -- '\[\:girl_name\:\]' 1> /dev/null || args=($args '\[\:girl_name\:\]:Girl name.') echo $words | grep -w -- '\[\:human_name\:\]' 1> /dev/null || args=($args '\[\:human_name\:\]:Real name before transforming.') echo $words | grep -w -- '\[\:precure_name\:\]' 1> /dev/null || args=($args '\[\:precure_name\:\]:Precure name.') echo $words | grep -w -- '\[\:cast_name\:\]' 1> /dev/null || args=($args '\[\:cast_name\:\]:Voice actor name.') echo $words | grep -w -- '\[\:color\:\]' 1> /dev/null || args=($args '\[\:color\:\]:Name of the color of the Precure.') _describe -t args 'args' args fi } function _cure-echo () { local -a args if [[ ('--precure' == "${words[$CURRENT-1]}") || ('-p' == "${words[$CURRENT-1]}") ]] ; then _describe -t precure_girl_names 'precure_girl_names' precure_girl_names elif [[ ('--style' == "${words[$CURRENT-1]}") || ('-s' == "${words[$CURRENT-1]}") ]] ; then _describe -t transform_styles 'transform_styles' transform_styles elif (( CURRENT>=3 )) ; then echo $words | grep -w -- '-p' 1> /dev/null || args=($args '-p:Print messages of given Prequre.') echo $words | grep -w -- '-q' 1> /dev/null || args=($args '-q:Print messages immediately.') echo $words | grep -w -- '-a' 1> /dev/null || args=($args '-a:Print attack messages.') echo $words | grep -w -- '-t' 1> /dev/null || args=($args '-t:Print transform message.') echo $words | grep -w -- '-s' 1> /dev/null || args=($args '-s:Choose style of the transformation.') _describe -t args 'args' args fi } function _cure-date () { local -a args args=( '-d: cure date -d STRING: Display time described by STRING.' '+%Y/%m/%d_%H\:%M\:%S_@P: Example date string 1.' '+%Y/%m/%d_@P: Example date string 2.' ) if (( CURRENT==3 )) ; then _describe -t args 'args' args fi if (( CURRENT==5 )) ; then shift args _describe -t args 'args' args fi } function _cure-precures () { local -a args if (( CURRENT>=3 )) ; then echo $words | grep -w -- '-m' 1> /dev/null || args=($args '-m:Include who have only appeared in the movies.') _describe -t args 'args' args fi } function _cure-girls () { local -a args if (( CURRENT>=3 )) ; then echo $words | grep -w -- '-f' 1> /dev/null || args=($args "-f:Show girl's full name if it exists.") echo $words | grep -w -- '-m' 1> /dev/null || args=($args '-m:Include who have only appeared in the movies.') _describe -t args 'args' args fi } function _cure() { if (( CURRENT==2 )) ; then _describe -t subcommands 'subcommands' subcommands elif (( CURRENT>2 )) ;then _call_function ret _cure-"${words[2]}" fi }