require 'earth/locality/data_miner' ResidenceFuelPrice.class_eval do class FuelOilParser def initialize(options = {}) # nothing end def apply(row) virtual_rows = [] row.keys.grep(/(.*) Residual Fuel Oil/) do |location_column_name| match_1 = $1 next if (price = row[location_column_name]).blank? or (date = row['Date']).blank? if match_1.starts_with?('U.S.') locatable_id = 'US' locatable_type = 'Country' elsif match_1.include?('PADD') /\(PADD (.*)\)/.match match_1 match_2 = $1 next if match_2 == '1' # skip PADD 1 because we always prefer subdistricts locatable_id = match_2 locatable_type = 'PetroleumAdministrationForDefenseDistrict' else locatable_id = match_1 locatable_type = 'State' end date = Time.parse(date) new_row = new_row['locatable_id'] = locatable_id new_row['locatable_type'] = locatable_type new_row['price'] = new_row['year'] = date.year new_row['month'] = date.month row_hash = RemoteTable::Transform.row_hash new_row new_row['row_hash'] = row_hash virtual_rows << new_row end virtual_rows end end class PropaneParser def initialize(options = {}) # nothing end def apply(row) virtual_rows = [] row.keys.grep(/(.*) Propane Residential Price/) do |location_column_name| match_1 = $1 next if (price = row[location_column_name]).blank? or (date = row['Date']).blank? if match_1.starts_with?('U.S.') locatable_id = 'US' locatable_type = 'Country' else /\(PADD (.*)\)/.match match_1 match_2 = $1 next if match_2 == '1' # skip PADD 1 because we always prefer subdistricts locatable_id = match_2 locatable_type = 'PetroleumAdministrationForDefenseDistrict' end date = Time.parse(date) new_row = new_row['locatable_id'] = locatable_id new_row['locatable_type'] = locatable_type new_row['price'] = new_row['year'] = date.year new_row['month'] = date.month row_hash = RemoteTable::Transform.row_hash new_row new_row['row_hash'] = row_hash virtual_rows << new_row end virtual_rows end end class NaturalGasParser def initialize(options = {}) # nothing end def apply(row) virtual_rows = [] row.keys.grep(/\A(.*) Natural Gas/) do |location_column_name| match_1 = $1 next if (price = row[location_column_name]).blank? or (date = row['Date']).blank? if match_1 == 'U.S.' locatable_id = 'US' locatable_type = 'Country' else locatable_id = match_1 # name locatable_type = 'State' end date = Time.parse(date) new_row = new_row['locatable_id'] = locatable_id new_row['locatable_type'] = locatable_type new_row['price'] = price new_row['year'] = date.year new_row['month'] = date.month row_hash = RemoteTable::Transform.row_hash new_row new_row['row_hash'] = row_hash virtual_rows << new_row end virtual_rows end end # TODO sabshere fix data_miner strangeness # Ran # in 0 # Ran # in 0 # Ran # in 93 # Skipping {"locatable_id"=>"US", "locatable_type"=>"Country", "price"=>"1.71", "year"=>1990, "month"=>6, "row_hash"=>"142ed08d9adac8e322dd123317b06de8"} because there's no primary key # Skipping {"locatable_id"=>"Alabama", "locatable_type"=>"State", "price"=>"2.75", "year"=>1990, "month"=>6, "row_hash"=>"d56480d06e32e7e99ba5f85444fe4827"} because there's no primary key data_miner do # electricity in dollars per kWh import 'residential electricity prices from the EIA', :url => '', :select => lambda { |row| row['Year'].to_s.first(4).to_i > 1989 } do key 'row_hash' store 'residence_fuel_type_name', :static => 'electricity' store 'locatable_id', :field_name => 'State' # postal abbrev store 'locatable_type', :static => 'State' store 'price', :field_name => 'Average Retail Price Residential (c/kWh)', :from_units => :cents, :to_units => :dollars store 'price_description', :static => 'dollars_per_kilowatt_hour' store 'year', :field_name => 'Year' store 'month', :field_name => 'Month' end # natural gas in dollars per cubic metre # breaks if date-performance is enabled because DateTime.parse(...1899...) dies import 'residential natural gas prices from the EIA', :url => '', :sheet => 'Data 1', :skip => 2, :select => lambda { |row| row['year'].to_i > 1989 }, :transform => { :class => NaturalGasParser } do key 'row_hash' store 'residence_fuel_type_name', :static => 'natural gas' store 'locatable_id' store 'locatable_type' store 'price', :from_units => :cubic_metres, :to_units => :cubic_feet # denominator store 'price_description', :static => 'dollars_per_cubic_metre' store 'year' store 'month' end # FIXME TODO file missing # dollars per litre # sabshere 4/18/2011 this file has gone missing # ihough 4/22/2011 comment out for now; we'll deal with this later # import "residential fuel oil prices from the EIA", # :url => '', # :sheet => 'Data 1', # :skip => 2, # :select => lambda { |row| row['year'].to_i > 1989 }, # :transform => { :class => FuelOilParser } do # key 'row_hash' # store 'residence_fuel_type_name', :static => 'fuel oil' # store 'locatable_id' # store 'locatable_type' # store 'price', :from_units => :litres, :to_units => :gallons # denominator # store 'price_description', :static => 'dollars_per_litre' # store 'year' # store 'month' # end # FIXME TODO file missing # dollars per litre # ihough 4/22/2011 comment out for now; we'll deal with this later # import "residential propane prices from the EIA", # :url => '', # :sheet => 'Data 1', # :skip => 2, # :select => lambda { |row| row['year'].to_i > 1989 }, # :transform => { :class => PropaneParser } do # key 'row_hash' # store 'residence_fuel_type_name', :static => 'propane' # store 'locatable_id' # store 'locatable_type' # store 'price', :from_units => :litres, :to_units => :gallons # denominator # store 'price_description', :static => 'dollars_per_litre' # store 'year' # store 'month' # end # per Matt in # "For coal and kerosene, there isn't good residential price data available, because hardly anybody actually uses them residentially." end end