.fields.ticket-type-fields .well .control-group =f.label :name, "Name", :class => 'control-label' .controls =f.text_field :name, :class => 'span4' .control-group =f.label :price, "Price", :class => 'control-label' .controls .input-prepend %span.add-on $ - if can? :create, :paid_events =f.text_field :price, :placeholder => '0.00', :class => 'input-small section-price', :value => number_as_cents(f.object.price, :format => "%n") - else %span.section-price-disabled{'data-toggle' => "modal", 'data-target' => "#request-paid-ticket-kit"} =f.text_field :price, :placeholder => '0.00', :class => 'input-small disabled section-price-disabled', :value => number_as_cents(f.object.price, :format => "%n"), :disabled => 'disabled' - unless can? :create, :paid_events %p.muted %a{:href=>"#request-paid-ticket-kit", 'data-toggle' => "modal"} Paid Ticketing Kit not enabled. .control-group =f.label :limit, "Limit", :class => 'control-label' .controls =f.text_field :limit, :class => 'input-small' %p.muted Leave blank for unlimited. %a{:href=>"#unlimited-help", 'data-toggle' => "modal"} Learn more. .control-group =f.label :description, "Description", :class => 'control-label' .controls =f.text_area :description, :class => 'span4', :size => '10x2' .control-group =f.label :availablity, "Availablity", :class => 'control-label' .controls - TicketType.new.channels.each do |channel, icon| =f.check_box channel =channel_checkbox channel %br .control-group.pull-right .controls - show_remove_links = true if show_remove_links.nil? - if show_remove_links %span.remove-fields-link = f.hidden_field :_destroy %i.icon-minus-sign.icon-gray = link_to_remove_fields "remove", f #unlimited-help.modal .modal-header .close{'data-dismiss'=>'modal'} x %h3 Ticket Type Limits .modal-body %p You can set a limit on how many tickets will be sold at this price. If you prefer not to limit the number of tickets sold at this price, leave the "Limit" field blank. %p Of course, across all prices, we won't sell more tickets than you specified in the "Capacity" field. .modal-footer = button_tag "Close", :class => "btn", 'data-dismiss' => 'modal'