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If you use some plugins with your [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/) blog, chances are you can not
have your blog generated by [GitHub Pages](https://pages.github.com/).
First of all, because they [do not allow](https://help.github.com/en/articles/adding-jekyll-plugins-to-a-github-pages-site)
custom plugins.
This is where jekyll-github-deploy (a.k.a. jgd) comes in: it will
automatically build your Jekyll blog and push it to your gh-pages
branch. You may want to read this blog post before you start
using this tool:
[_Deploy Jekyll to GitHub Pages_](https://www.yegor256.com/2014/06/24/jekyll-github-deploy.html).
It is assumed that your blog is in the home directory of your repo.
Install it first:
$ gem install jgd
Run it locally:
$ jgd
Now your site is deployed to `gh-pages` branch of your repo. Done.
Below is a list of all command line options.
| Option | Description |
| -------- | ----------- |
| `-u` or `--url` | The GitHub URL. Defaults to th URL of your current project. |
| `-b` or `--branch` | The branch to push your site to. Defaults to `gh-pages`. If the branch does not exist, it will be created. |
| `-r` or `--branch-from` | The source branch. Defaults to `master`. |
| `-c` or `--config` | Name of the optional deploy config file. See [Production variables](#production-variables) below for more information. |
| `-d` or `--drafts` | Adds the `--drafts` option to Jekyll so that it will build draft posts. |
| `-h` or `--help` | Displays a list of all options. |
If you need to have different values for your deployed blog, just add a
`_config-deploy.yml` file in your project's root and you're set. Values
re-defined in `_config-deploy.yml` will override those defined in
Typical usage includes changing site `url`, disable disqus or ga in
development...., you name it.
While `_config-deploy.yml` is the default, you may specify any config
file by using the `--config` command line option.
For example:
$ jgd -c _config-deploy-develop.yml -r develop -b gh-pages-develop
## Deploying with Travis
This is how I configure [my Jekyll blog](https://github.com/yegor256/blog)
to be deployed automatically by [travis-ci](http://www.travis-ci.org):
- master
- secure: ...
- bundle
script: jgd -u http://yegor256:$PASSWORD@github.com/yegor256/blog.git
The environment variable `$PASSWORD` is set through
`env/global/secure`, as explained
Don't forget to add `gem require 'jgd'` to your `Gemfile`.
You can use SSH key instead. First, you should [encrypt](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/encrypting-files/) it:
$ travis encrypt-file id_rsa --add
Then, use the URI that starts with `git@`:
- jgd -u git@github.com:yegor256/blog.git
Read also [this article](http://www.yegor256.com/2014/06/24/jekyll-github-deploy.html).
## Building locally
In order to build a package locally run below commands.
gem build jgd.gemspec
gem install jgd-.gem