# # Configuration Options for: Jellog::Config # project_root = '/home/robert/dev/projects/jerbil' # Path to a writeable directory where Jellog will save log files. #log_dir "/var/log/jerbil" log_dir "#{project_root}/log" # Controls the amount of logging done by Jellog # # * :system - standard message, plus log to syslog # * :verbose - more generous logging to help resolve problems # * :debug - usually used only for resolving problems during development # log_level :debug # Number of log files to retain at any time, between 0 and 20 #log_rotation 2 # Size of a log file (in MB) before switching to the next log, upto 20 MB #log_length 1 # Reset the logfile when starting logging by setting to true, otherwise append to # existing log #log_reset false # Set to false to suppress colourful logging. Default colours can be changed by calling # #colours= method #log_coloured true # Format string for time stamps. Needs to be a string that is recognised by String#strftime # Any characters not recognised by strftime will be printed verbatim, which may not be what you want #log_date_time_format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" # Setting to true (the default) will flush log messages immediately, which is useful if you # need to monitor logs dynamically #log_sync true # Set the string to be used for marking the log with logger.mark #log_mark " ===== Mark =====" # Set to true to prevent system log calls from logging to syslog as well #disable_syslog false # # Configuration Options for: JerbilService::Config # # Set the environment for the service to run in. # # Can be one of the following: # :prod - for productionised services in use across a network # :test - for testing a release candidate, e.g. also across the network # :dev - for developing the next release # # Services can be running in all three environments at the same time. Clients # will need to use the appropriate config file to connect with each environment. environment :test # a writable directory where Jerbil stores a private key for each service. # This key is used to authenticate systems operations, such as stopping the service. # It is not used for client interactions, which can require a separate service key. key_dir "#{project_root}/tmp" # A writable directory used to store the pid to assist in stopping reluctant servers pid_dir "#{project_root}/tmp" # Set this only to use a Jerbil Server that is not running in the production environment #jerbil_env # # Configuration Options for: Jerbil::Config # # A valid IPv4 address for the LAN on which the servers will operate. # Note that the broker uses this address to search for all servers. # Therefore a large range will take a long time to search. Set the net_mask to limit this. #net_address "" # A valid netmask for the hosts to search using the above net address. This should be # between 24 (a class C network) and 30, beyound which its not much of a network. If you only have a few # hosts it will be easier to restrict them to a small subnet. # # To find out more about netmasks, go to [UnixWiz](http://www.unixwiz.net/techtips/netmask-ref.html). #net_mask 26 # Provide a timeout in seconds when searching for jerbil servers on the net during startup. # Depending on the size of the net mask this timeout may make the search long. # The default should work in most cases #scan_timeout 0.1 # Define how many times the monitor process will check for other servers # at start up. Limited to at least once and at most 10 times. Probably is not need # to check more than 3 times unless you set a very short scan timeout. #check_count 3 # Define the delay between successive checks carried out by the monitor at start up. # Setting it to 0 will cause the checks to be completed without delay. The upper limit is # an hour for no particular reason. Default should work for most cases. Could be quicker on smaller # nets with fewer machines to check each time. #loop_time 30 # A secret key available to all Jerbil Servers and used to authenticate the initial registration. # If security is an issue, ensure that this config file is readable only be trusted users secret "ddd3863fe7ab8506d13c86b797d5ab45496ce00e"