#-- # Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Engine Yard, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # This source code is available under the MIT license. # See the file LICENSE.txt for details. #++ require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe Warbler::Task do run_in_directory "spec/sample_war" use_fresh_environment use_test_webserver let :config do Warbler::Config.new do |config| config.jar_name = "warbler" config.gems = ["rake"] config.webserver = "test" config.webxml.jruby.max.runtimes = 5 end end let(:warble_task) { Warbler::Task.new "warble", config } def run_task(t) warble_task Rake::Task[t].invoke end before :each do @rake = Rake::Application.new Rake.application = @rake verbose(false) mkdir_p "log" touch "log/test.log" end after :each do run_task "warble:clean" rm_rf "log" rm_f FileList["config.ru", "*web.xml", "config/web.xml*", "config/warble.rb", "config/special.txt", "config/link.txt", "tmp/gems.jar", "file.txt", 'Gemfile', 'lib/rakelib', '**/*.class'] end it "should define a clean task for removing the war file" do war_file = "#{config.jar_name}.war" touch war_file run_task "warble:clean" File.exist?(war_file).should == false end it "should define a make_gemjar task for storing gems in a jar file" do silence { run_task "warble:gemjar"; run_task "warble:files" } File.exist?("tmp/gems.jar").should == true warble_task.jar.files.keys.should_not include(%r{WEB-INF\/gems}) warble_task.jar.files.keys.should include("WEB-INF/lib/gems.jar") end it "should define a war task for bundling up everything" do files_ran = false; task "warble:files" do; files_ran = true; end jar_ran = false; task "warble:jar" do; jar_ran = true; end silence { run_task "warble" } files_ran.should == true jar_ran.should == true end it "should define a jar task for creating the .war" do touch "file.txt" warble_task.jar.files["file.txt"] = "file.txt" silence { run_task "warble:jar" } File.exist?("#{config.jar_name}.war").should == true end it "should invoke feature tasks configured in config.features" do config.features << "gemjar" silence { run_task "warble" } warble_task.jar.files.keys.should include("WEB-INF/lib/gems.jar") end it "should warn and skip unknown features configured in config.features" do config.features << "bogus" capture { run_task "warble" }.should =~ /unknown feature `bogus'/ end it "should define an executable task for embedding a server in the war file" do silence { run_task "warble:executable"; run_task "warble:files" } warble_task.jar.files.keys.should include('WEB-INF/webserver.jar') end it "should be able to define all tasks successfully" do Warbler::Task.new "warble", config end it "should compile any ruby files specified" do config.features << "compiled" silence { run_task "warble" } java_class_magic_number = [0xCA,0xFE,0xBA,0xBE].map { |magic_char| magic_char.chr }.join Warbler::ZipSupport.open("#{config.jar_name}.war") do |zf| java_class_header = zf.get_input_stream('WEB-INF/app/helpers/application_helper.class') {|io| io.read }[0..3] ruby_class_definition = zf.get_input_stream('WEB-INF/app/helpers/application_helper.rb') {|io| io.read } java_class_header.should == java_class_magic_number ruby_class_definition.should == %{load __FILE__.sub(/.rb$/, '.class')} end end it "should compile ruby 2 mode" do config.features << "compiled" silence { run_task "warble" } java_class_magic_number = [0xCA,0xFE,0xBA,0xBE].map { |magic_char| magic_char.chr }.join Warbler::ZipSupport.open("#{config.jar_name}.war") do |zf| java_class_header = zf.get_input_stream('WEB-INF/lib/ruby_one_nine.class') {|io| io.read }[0..3] ruby_class_definition = zf.get_input_stream('WEB-INF/lib/ruby_one_nine.rb') {|io| io.read } java_class_header.should == java_class_magic_number ruby_class_definition.should == %{load __FILE__.sub(/.rb$/, '.class')} end end it "should allow bytecode version in config" do config.features << "compiled" config.bytecode_version = '1.7' silence { run_task "warble" } java_class_magic_number = [0xCA,0xFE,0xBA,0xBE].map { |magic_char| magic_char.chr }.join # 0x33 is version 51, i.e. Java7 java7_version_bytes = [0x00,0x33].map { |magic_char| magic_char.chr }.join Warbler::ZipSupport.open("#{config.jar_name}.war") do |zf| class_file_bytes = zf.get_input_stream('WEB-INF/lib/ruby_one_nine.class') {|io| io.read } java_class_header = class_file_bytes[0..3] bytecode_version = class_file_bytes[6..7] java_class_header.should == java_class_magic_number bytecode_version.should == java7_version_bytes end end it "should delete .class files after finishing the jar" do config.features << "compiled" silence { run_task "warble" } File.exist?('app/helpers/application_helper.class').should be false end context "where symlinks are available" do begin FileUtils.ln_s "README.txt", "r.txt.symlink", :verbose => false it "should process symlinks by storing a file in the archive that has the same contents as the source" do File.open("config/special.txt", "wb") {|f| f << "special"} Dir.chdir("config") { FileUtils.ln_s "special.txt", "link.txt" } silence { run_task "warble" } Warbler::ZipSupport.open("#{config.jar_name}.war") do |zf| special = zf.get_input_stream('WEB-INF/config/special.txt') {|io| io.read } link = zf.get_input_stream('WEB-INF/config/link.txt') {|io| io.read } link.should == special end end it "should process directory symlinks by copying the whole subdirectory" do Dir.chdir("lib") { FileUtils.ln_s "tasks", "rakelib" } silence { run_task "warble" } Warbler::ZipSupport.open("#{config.jar_name}.war") do |zf| zf.find_entry("WEB-INF/lib/tasks/utils.rake").should_not be nil zf.find_entry("WEB-INF/lib/rakelib/").should_not be nil zf.find_entry("WEB-INF/lib/rakelib/utils.rake").should_not be nil if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) end end FileUtils.rm_f "r.txt.symlink", :verbose => false rescue NotImplementedError end end context "with a Bundler Gemfile" do run_out_of_process_with_drb if DRB = true after do if DRB drbclient.run_task "warble:clean" else silence { run_task "warble:clean" } end end it "includes gems from the Gemfile" do File.open("Gemfile", "w") {|f| f << "gem 'rspec'"} if DRB drbclient.run_task "warble" config = drbclient.config else silence { run_task "warble" } end Warbler::ZipSupport.open("#{config.jar_name}.war") do |zf| rspec = config.gems.keys.detect { |spec| spec.name == 'rspec' } rspec.should_not be(nil), "expected rspec gem among: #{config.gems.keys.join(' ')}" zf.find_entry("WEB-INF/gems/specifications/rspec-#{rspec.version}.gemspec").should_not be nil end end end end describe "Debug targets" do run_in_directory "spec/sample_war" before(:each) do @rake = Rake::Application.new Rake.application = @rake verbose(false) silence { Warbler::Task.new :war, Object.new } end it "should print out lists of files" do capture { Rake::Task["war:debug:includes"].invoke }.should =~ /include/ capture { Rake::Task["war:debug:excludes"].invoke }.should =~ /exclude/ capture { Rake::Task["war:debug"].invoke }.should =~ /Config/ end end