Dasht.map_geocoder_cache = {} Dasht.map_plot_address = function(map, markers, geocoder, address) { // Maybe pull the location from cache. var location; if (location = Dasht.map_geocoder_cache[address]) { Dasht.map_plot_location(map, markers, address, location); return; } geocoder.geocode({ "address": address }, function(results, status) { // Don't plot if the lookup failed. if (status != google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) return; var location = results[0].geometry.location; Dasht.map_geocoder_cache[address] = location; Dasht.map_plot_location(map, markers, address, location); }); } Dasht.map_plot_ip = function(map, markers, ip) { // Maybe pull the location from cache. var location; if (location = Dasht.map_geocoder_cache[ip]) { Dasht.map_plot_location(map, markers, ip, location); return; } jQuery.ajax({ url: 'http://freegeoip.net/json/' + ip, type: 'POST', dataType: 'jsonp', success: function(response) { var location = new google.maps.LatLng(response.latitude, response.longitude); Dasht.map_geocoder_cache[ip] = location; Dasht.map_plot_location(map, markers, ip, location); }, error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { alert("Failed!"); } }); } Dasht.map_plot_location = function(map, markers, address_or_ip, location) { var location_exists = _.any(_.values(markers), function(marker) { return _.isEqual(marker.position, location); }); if (location_exists) return; // Drop a pin. var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ map: map, animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP, position: location }); // Keep track of markers. markers[address_or_ip] = marker; } Dasht.map_init = function(el, options) { // Initialize. var old_data = undefined; var styles = [ { stylers: [ { hue: "#ffffff" }, { saturation: -100 }, { lightness: 20 }, { gamma: 0.5 } ] }, { featureType: "water", stylers: [ { hue: "#ffffff" }, { saturation: 80 }, { lightness: 100 }, { gamma: 0.43 } ] } ]; var mapOptions = { zoom: 4, center: new google.maps.LatLng(39.8282, -98.5795), styles: styles, disableDefaultUI: true }; var map_el = $(el).find(".map").get()[0]; var num_entries = options["n"] || 10; var map = new google.maps.Map(map_el, mapOptions); var markers = {}; var geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); var ip_regex = /\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/; Dasht.fill_tile($(el).find(".map")); // Update values. setTimeout(function() { Dasht.get_value(options, function(new_data) { new_data = new_data[0]; if (_.isEqual(old_data, new_data)) return; // Remove old markers. var old_markers = _.difference(_.keys(markers), new_data); _.each(old_markers, function(address) { markers[address].setMap(null); delete markers[address]; }); // Plot each marker. _.each(new_data, function(item, index) { if (item.search(ip_regex) >= 0) { Dasht.map_plot_ip(map, markers, item); } else { Dasht.map_plot_address(map, markers, geocoder, item); } }); old_data = new_data; }); }, 1000); }