require 'net/http' require 'time' require 'zlib' module Resourceful class Response REDIRECT_RESPONSE_CODES = [301,302,303,307] NORMALLY_CACHEABLE_RESPONSE_CODES = [200, 203, 300, 301, 410] attr_reader :uri, :code, :header, :body, :response_time alias headers header attr_accessor :authoritative, :request_time alias authoritative? authoritative def initialize(uri, code, header, body) @uri, @code, @header, @body = uri, code, header, body @response_time = end # Is this a cached response that has expired? # # @return true|false def expired? if header['Cache-Control'] and header['Cache-Control'].first.include?('max-age') max_age = header['Cache-Control'].first.split(',').grep(/max-age/).first.split('=').last.to_i return true if current_age > max_age elsif header['Expire'] return true if Time.httpdate(header['Expire'].first) < end false end # Is this a cached response that is stale? # # @return true|false def stale? return true if expired? if header['Cache-Control'] return true if header['Cache-Control'].include?('must-revalidate') return true if header['Cache-Control'].include?('no-cache') end false end # Is this response cachable? # # @return true|false def cacheable? @cacheable ||= begin @cacheable = true if NORMALLY_CACHEABLE_RESPONSE_CODES.include?(code.to_i) @cacheable = false if header.vary && header.vary.include?('*') @cacheable = false if header.cache_control && header.cache_control.include?('no-cache') @cacheable = true if header.cache_control && header.cache_control.include?('public') @cacheable = true if header.cache_control && header.cache_control.include?('private') @cacheable || false end end # Does this response force revalidation? def must_be_revalidated? header.cache_control && header.cache_control.include?('must-revalidate') end # Update our headers from a later 304 response def revalidate!(not_modified_response) header.merge!(not_modified_response.header) request_time = not_modified_response.request_time @authoritative = true end # Algorithm taken from RCF2616#13.2.3 def current_age age_value = header['Age'] ? header['Age'].first.to_i : 0 date_value = Time.httpdate(header['Date'].first) now = apparent_age = [0, response_time - date_value].max corrected_received_age = [apparent_age, age_value].max current_age = corrected_received_age + (response_time - request_time) + (now - response_time) end def body encoding = header['Content-Encoding'] && header['Content-Encoding'].first case encoding when nil # body is identity encoded; just return it @body when /^\s*gzip\s*$/i gz_in =, 'r')) @body = gz_in.close header.delete('Content-Encoding') @body else raise UnsupportedContentCoding, "Resourceful does not support #{encoding} content coding" end end CODE_NAMES = { 100 => "Continue".freeze, 101 => "Switching Protocols".freeze, 200 => "OK".freeze, 201 => "Created".freeze, 202 => "Accepted".freeze, 203 => "Non-Authoritative Information".freeze, 204 => "No Content".freeze, 205 => "Reset Content".freeze, 206 => "Partial Content".freeze, 300 => "Multiple Choices".freeze, 301 => "Moved Permanently".freeze, 302 => "Found".freeze, 303 => "See Other".freeze, 304 => "Not Modified".freeze, 305 => "Use Proxy".freeze, 307 => "Temporary Redirect".freeze, 400 => "Bad Request".freeze, 401 => "Unauthorized".freeze, 402 => "Payment Required".freeze, 403 => "Forbidden".freeze, 404 => "Not Found".freeze, 405 => "Method Not Allowed".freeze, 406 => "Not Acceptable".freeze, 407 => "Proxy Authentication Required".freeze, 408 => "Request Timeout".freeze, 409 => "Conflict".freeze, 410 => "Gone".freeze, 411 => "Length Required".freeze, 412 => "Precondition Failed".freeze, 413 => "Request Entity Too Large".freeze, 414 => "Request-URI Too Long".freeze, 415 => "Unsupported Media Type".freeze, 416 => "Requested Range Not Satisfiable".freeze, 417 => "Expectation Failed".freeze, 500 => "Internal Server Error".freeze, 501 => "Not Implemented".freeze, 502 => "Bad Gateway".freeze, 503 => "Service Unavailable".freeze, 504 => "Gateway Timeout".freeze, 505 => "HTTP Version Not Supported".freeze, }.freeze CODES = CODE_NAMES.keys CODE_NAMES.each do |code, msg| method_name = msg.downcase.gsub(/[- ]/, "_") class_eval <<-RUBY def #{method_name}? # def ok? @code == #{code} # @code == 200 end # end RUBY end # Is the response informational? True for # 1xx series response codes # # @return true|false def informational? 100..199 end # Is the response code sucessful? True for only 2xx series # response codes. # # @return true|false def successful? 200..299 end alias success? successful? # Is the response a redirect? True for # 3xx series response codes # # @return true|false def redirection? 300..399 end # Is the response a actual redirect? True for # 301, 302, 303, 307 response codes # # @return true|false def redirect? REDIRECT_RESPONSE_CODES end # Is the response the result of a client error? True for # 4xx series response codes # # @return true|false def client_error? 400..499 end # Is the response the result of a server error? True for # 5xx series response codes # # @return true|false def server_error? 500..599 end # Is the response the result of any kind of error? True for # 4xx and 5xx series response codes # # @return true|false def error? server_error? || client_error? end end end