require 'dbf' require 'zip' require 'tempfile' module ICU class Tournament # # This is the format produced by the Windows program, SwissPerfect[]. It consists of three # files with the same name but different endings: <em>.ini</em> for meta data such as tournament name and tie-break # rules, <em>.trn</em> for the player details such as name and rating, and <em>.sco</em> for the results. The first # file is text and the other two are in an old binary format known as <em>DBase 3</em>. # # To parse such a set of files, use either the <em>parse_file!</em> or _parse_file_ method supplying the name of any one # of the three files or just the stem name without any ending. In case of error, such as any of the files not being # found, <em>parse_file!</em> will throw an exception while _parse_file_ will return _nil_ and record an error message. # As well as a file name or stem name, you should also supply a start date in the options as SwissPerfect does not # record this information. # # parser = # tournament = parser.parse_file('champs', :start => '2010-07-03') # looks for "champs.ini", "champs.trn" and "champs.sco" # puts tournament ? 'ok' : "problem: #{parser.error}" # # Alternatively, if all three files are in a ZIP archive, the parser will extract them if the name of the # archive file is supplied to the _parse_file_ method and it ends in ".zip" (case insensitive): # # tournament = parser.parse_file('', :start => '2010-07-03') # # Or, if the file is a ZIP archive but it's name doesn't end in ".zip", that can be signalled with an option: # # tournament = parser.parse_file('/tmp/a84f21ge', :zip => true, :start => '2010-07-03') # # Note there must be only three files in the archive, they must all have the same stem name and # their endings should be ".ini", ".trn" and ".sco" (case insensitive). # # If no start date is supplied it will default to 2000-01-01, and can be reset later. # # tournament = parser.parse_file('') # tournament.start # => '2000-01-01' # tournament.start = '2010-07-03' # # SwissPerfect files have slots for both local and international IDs and ratings and these, if present # (and if integers) are copied to the _id_, _fide_, _rating_ and _fide_rating_ attributes. # # tournament = parser.parse_file('ncc', :start => '2010-05-08') # tournament.player(2).id # => 12379 (ICU ID) # tournament.player(2).fide_id # => 1205064 (FIDE ID) # tournament.player(2).rating # => 2556 (ICU rating) # tournament.player(2).fide_rating # => 2530 (FIDE rating) # # By default, the parse will fail completely if the ".trn" file contains any invalid federations (see ICU::Federation). # There are two alternative behaviours controlled by setting the _fed_ option: # # tournament = parser.parse_file('ncc', :start => '2010-05-08', :fed == 'skip') # => silently skips invalid federations # tournament = parser.parse_file('ncc', :start => '2010-05-08', :fed == 'ignore') # => ignores all federations # # Note that federations that don't match 3 letters are always silently skipped. # # Because the data is in three parts, some of which are in a legacy binary format, serialization to this format is # not supported. Instead, a method is provided to serialize any tournament type into the text export format of # SwissPerfect (see ICU::Tournament::SPExport). # class SwissPerfect attr_reader :error TRN = { :dob => "BIRTH_DATE", :fed => "FEDER", :first_name => "FIRSTNAME", :gender => "SEX", :id => "LOC_ID", :fide_id => "INTL_ID", :last_name => "SURNAME", :num => "ID", :rank => "ORDER", :rating => "LOC_RTG", :fide_rating => "INTL_RTG", } # not used: ABSENT BOARD CLUB FORB_PAIRS LATE_ENTRY LOC_RTG2 MEMO TEAM TECH_SCORE WITHDRAWAL (START_NO, BONUS used below) SCO = %w{ROUND WHITE BLACK W_SCORE B_SCORE W_TYPE B_TYPE} # not used W_SUBSCO, B_SUBSCO # Parse SP data returning a Tournament or raising an exception on error. def parse_file!(file, arg={}) @t ='Unspecified', '2000-01-01') @t.start = arg[:start] if arg[:start] @bonus = {} @start_no = {} ini, trn, sco = get_files(file, arg) parse_ini(ini) parse_trn(trn, arg) parse_sco(sco) fixup @t.validate!(:rerank => true) @t end # Parse SP data returning an ICU::Tournament or a nil on failure. In the latter # case, an error message will be available via the <em>error</em> method. def parse_file(file, arg={}) begin parse_file!(file, arg) rescue => ex @error = ex.message nil end end # Serialise a tournament to SwissPerfect text export format. def serialize(t, arg={}) t.validate!(:type => self) # Ensure a nice set of numbers. t.renumber(:order) # Widths for the rank, name and ID and the number of rounds. m1 = t.players.inject(2) { |l, p| p.num.to_s.length > l ? p.num.to_s.length : l } m2 = t.players.inject(4) { |l, p| > l ? : l } m3 = t.players.inject(6) { |l, p| > l ? : l } rounds = t.last_round # The header, followed by a blank line. formats = ["%-#{m1}s", "%-#{m2}s", "%-#{m3}s", "%-5s"] (1..rounds).each { |r| formats << "%#{m1}d " % r } sp = formats.join("\t") % ['No', 'Name', 'Loc Id', 'Total'] sp << "\r\n\r\n" # Adjust the round parts of the formats for players results. (1..t.last_round).each { |r| formats[r+3] = "%#{m1+2}s" } # Now add a line for each player. t.players.each { |p| sp << p.to_sp_text(rounds, "#{formats.join(%Q{\t})}\r\n") } # And return the whole lot. sp end # Additional tournament validation rules for this specific type. def validate!(t) # None. end # :enddoc: private def get_files(file, arg) file.match(/\.zip$/i) || arg[:zip] ? get_zip_files(file) : get_bare_files(file) end def get_bare_files(file) file.sub!(/\.\w+$/, '') %w(ini trn sco).map do |p| q = [p, p.upcase].detect { |r| File.file? "#{file}.#{r}" } raise "cannot find file #{file}.#{p}" unless q "#{file}.#{q}" end end def get_zip_files(file) temp = begin do |zf| raise "ZIP file should contain exactly 3 files (.ini, .trn and .sco)" unless zf.size == 3 stem = zf.entries.each do |e| if e.file? &&^(.+)\.(ini|trn|sco)$/i) stm = $1 ext = $2.downcase stem[ext] = stm tmp = pth = tmp.path tmp.close! e.extract(pth) { true } temp[ext] = pth end end %w(ini trn sco).each { |ext| raise "no #{ext.upcase} file found" unless stem[ext] } raise "different stem names found" unless stem['ini'] == stem['trn'] && stem['trn'] == stem['sco'] end rescue Zip::ZipError raise "invalid ZIP file" rescue => ex raise ex end %w(ini trn sco).map { |ext| temp[ext] } end def parse_ini(file) begin ini = ICU::Util::File.load_ini(file) rescue raise "non-existant INI file (#{file})" end raise "invalid INI file (no sections)" if ini.size == 0 if ini["Tournament Info"] %w(name arbiter).each do |key| val = (ini["Tournament Info"][key.capitalize] || '').squeeze(" ") @t.send("#{key}=", val) if val.size > 0 end end if ini["Standings"] && ini["Standings"]["Tie Breaks"] @t.tie_breaks = ini["Standings"]["Tie Breaks"].to_s.split(/,/).map do |tbid| case tbid.to_i # tie break name in SwissPerfect when 1217 then :buchholz # Buchholz when 1218 then :harkness # Median Buchholz when 1219 then :progressive # cumulative when 1220 then :neustadtl # Berger when 1221 then :ratings # rating sum when 1222 then :wins # number of wins when 1223 then nil # minor scores - not applicable when 1226 then nil # Brightwell - not applicable else nil end end.find_all { |tb| tb } end end def parse_trn(file, arg={}) begin trn = rescue raise "invalid TRN file" end raise "invalid TRN file (no records)" if trn.record_count == 0 trn.each do |r| next unless r h = trn_record_to_hash(r, arg) @t.add_player(, h.delete(:last_name), h.delete(:num), h)) end end def parse_sco(file) begin sco = rescue raise "invalid SCO file" end raise "invalid SCO file (no records)" if sco.record_count == 0 sco.each do |r| next unless r hs = sco_record_to_hashes(r) hs.each { |h| @t.add_result(, h.delete(:player), h.delete(:score), h)) } end end def trn_record_to_hash(r, arg={}) @bonus[r.attributes["ID"]] = %w{BONUS MEMO}.inject(0.0){ |b,k| b > 0.0 ? b : r.attributes[k].to_f } @start_no[r.attributes["ID"]] = r.attributes["START_NO"] TRN.inject( do |hash, pair| key = pair[1] val = r.attributes[key] case pair[0] when :fed then val = val && val.match(/^[A-Z]{3}$/i) ? val.upcase : nil when :gender then val = val.to_i > 0 ? %w(M F)[val.to_i-1] : nil when :id then val = val.match(/^\s*([1-9]\d*)\s*$/) ? $1 : nil when :fide_id then val = val.match(/^\s*([1-9]\d*)\s*$/) ? $1 : nil when :rating then val = val.to_i > 0 ? val : nil when :fide_rating then val = val.to_i > 0 ? val : nil when :title then val = val.to_i > 0 ? %w(GM WGM IM WIM FM WFM)[val.to_i-1] : nil end if pair[0] == :fed && val && arg[:fed] val = nil if arg[:fed].to_s == 'ignore' val = nil if arg[:fed].to_s == 'skip' && !ICU::Federation.find(val) end hash[pair[0]] = val unless val.nil? || val == '' hash end end def sco_record_to_hashes(record) r, w, b, ws, bs, wt, bt = { |k| record.attributes[k] } hashes = [] if w > 0 && b > 0 && ws + bs == 2 hashes.push({ :round => r, :player => w, :score => %w(L D W)[ws], :opponent => b, :colour => 'W' }) hashes.last[:rateable] = false unless wt == 1 && bt == 1 else hashes.push({ :round => r, :player => w, :score => %w(L D W)[ws], :colour => 'W' }) if w > 0 hashes.push({ :round => r, :player => b, :score => %w(L D W)[bs], :colour => 'B' }) if b > 0 end hashes end def fixup fix_number_of_rounds fix_missing_results fix_bonuses fix_numbering end # Since version 1.6.3 we no longer trust the number of rounds from the INI file. def fix_number_of_rounds @t.rounds = @t.last_round end def fix_missing_results @t.players.each { |p| @t.add_result(, p.num, 'L')) if p.results.size == 0 } end def fix_bonuses @t.players.each do |p| bonus = @bonus[p.num] || 0 next unless bonus > 0 # Try to distribute the bonus in half-points to rounds where the player has no result. (1..@t.rounds).each do |r| result = p.find_result(r) next if result bonus = bonus - 0.5 p.add_result(, p.num, 'D')) break if bonus <= 0 end next unless bonus > 0 # Try to distribute the bonus in half-points to rounds where the player has unrated results. (1..@t.rounds).each do |r| result = p.find_result(r) next unless result next if result.opponent next if result.score == 'W' bonus = bonus - 0.5 result.score = result.score == 'D' ? 'W' : 'D' break if bonus <= 0 end end end def fix_numbering @t.renumber(@start_no) end end end class Player # Format a player's record as it would appear in an SP text export file. def to_sp_text(rounds, format) attrs = [num.to_s, name, id.to_s, ('%.1f' % points).sub(/\.0/, '')] (1..rounds).each do |r| result = find_result(r) attrs << (result ? result.to_sp_text : " : ") end format % attrs end end class Result # Format a player's result as it would appear in an SP text export file. def to_sp_text sp = opponent ? opponent.to_s : '0' sp << ':' if rateable sp << score else sp << case score when 'W' then '+' when 'L' then '-' else '=' end end end end end