require "scaffolding" require "scaffolding/transformer" require "scaffolding/block_manipulator" require "scaffolding/class_names_transformer" require "scaffolding/oauth_providers" require "scaffolding/routes_file_manipulator" require_relative "../bullet_train/terminal_commands" FIELD_PARTIALS = { address_field: nil, boolean: "boolean", buttons: "string", cloudinary_image: "string", color_picker: "string", date_and_time_field: "datetime", date_field: "date", email_field: "string", emoji_field: "string", file_field: "attachment", image: "attachment", options: "string", password_field: "string", phone_field: "string", super_select: "string", text_area: "text", text_field: "string", number_field: "integer", trix_editor: "text" } # filter out options. argv = [] @options = {} ARGV.each do |arg| if arg[0..1] == "--" arg = arg[2..] if arg.split("=").count > 1 @options[arg.split("=")[0]] = arg.split("=")[1] else @options[arg] = true end else argv << arg end end def get_untracked_files `git ls-files --other --exclude-standard`.split("\n") end def check_required_options_for_attributes(scaffolding_type, attributes, child, parent = nil) tableized_parent = nil # Ensure the parent attribute name has the proper namespacing for adding as a foreign key. if parent.present? if child.include?("::") && parent.include?("::") child_parts = child.split("::") parent_parts = parent.split("::") child_parts_dup = child_parts.dup parent_parts_dup = parent_parts.dup # Pop off however many spaces match. child_parts_dup.each.with_index do |child_part, idx| if child_part == parent_parts_dup[idx] child_parts.shift parent_parts.shift else tableized_parent ="_") break end end end # In case we're not working with namespaces, just tableize the parent as is. tableized_parent ||="/", "_") if parent.present? end generation_command = case scaffolding_type when "crud" "bin/rails generate model #{child} #{tableized_parent}:references" when "crud-field" "" # This is blank so we can create the proper migration name first after we get the attributes. end # Even if there are attributes passed to the scaffolder, # They may already exist in previous migrations, so we # only register ones that need to be generated. # i.e. - *_ids attributes in the join-model scaffolder. attributes_to_generate = [] attributes.each do |attribute| parts = attribute.split(":") name = parts.shift type = parts.join(":") type_without_option = type.gsub(/{.*}/, "") unless Scaffolding.valid_attribute_type?(type) raise "You have entered an invalid attribute type: #{type}. General data types are used when creating new models, but Bullet Train " \ "uses field partials when Super Scaffolding, i.e. - `name:text_field` as opposed to `name:string`. " \ "Please refer to the Field Partial documentation to view which attribute types are available." end # extract any options they passed in with the field. type, attribute_options = type.scan(/^(.*){(.*)}/).first || type # create a hash of the options. attribute_options = if attribute_options attribute_options.split(",").map do |s| option_name, option_value = s.split("=") [option_name.to_sym, option_value || true] end.to_h else {} end data_type = if type == "image" && cloudinary_enabled? "string" elsif attribute_options[:multiple] case type when "file" "attachments" else "jsonb" end else FIELD_PARTIALS[type_without_option.to_sym] end if name.match?(/_id$/) || name.match?(/_ids$/) attribute_options ||= {} unless attribute_options[:vanilla] name_without_id = if name.match?(/_id$/) name.delete_suffix("_id") elsif name.match?(/_ids$/) name.delete_suffix("_ids") end attribute_options[:class_name] ||= name_without_id.classify file_name = Dir.glob("app/models/**/*.rb").find { |model| model.match?(/#{attribute_options[:class_name].underscore}\.rb/) } || "" # If a model is namespaced, the parent's model file might exist under # `app/models/`, but sometimes these files are modules that resolve # table names by providing a prefix as opposed to an actual ApplicationRecord. # This check ensures that the _id attribute really is a model. is_active_record_class = attribute_options[:class_name].constantize.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base) unless File.exist?(file_name) && is_active_record_class puts "" puts "Attributes that end with `_id` or `_ids` trigger awesome, powerful magic in Super Scaffolding. However, because no `#{attribute_options[:class_name]}` class was found defined in `#{file_name}`, you'll need to specify a `class_name` that exists to let us know what model class is on the other side of the association, like so:".red puts "" puts " bin/super-scaffold #{scaffolding_type} #{child}#{" " + parent if parent.present?} #{name}:#{type}{class_name=#{name.gsub(/_ids?$/, "").classify}}".red puts "" puts "If `#{name}` is just a regular field and isn't backed by an ActiveRecord association, you can skip all this with the `{vanilla}` option, e.g.:".red puts "" puts " bin/super-scaffold #{scaffolding_type} #{child}#{" " + parent if parent.present?} #{name}:#{type}{vanilla}".red puts "" exit end end end # TODO: Is there ever a case that we want this to be a string? data_type = "references" if name.match?(/_id$/) # For join models, we don't want to generate a migration when # running the crud-field scaffolder in the last step, so we skip *_ids. # Addresses belong_to :addressable, so they don't have to be represented in a migration. unless name.match?(/_ids$/) || data_type.nil? generation_command += " #{name_without_id || name}:#{data_type}" attributes_to_generate << name end end # Generate the models/migrations with the attributes passed. if attributes_to_generate.any? case scaffolding_type # "join-model" and "oauth-provider" are not here because the # `rails g` command is written inline in their own respective scaffolders. when "crud" puts "Generating #{child} model with '#{generation_command}'".green when "crud-field" generation_command = "bin/rails generate migration add_#{attributes_to_generate.join("_and_")}_to_#{"/", "_")}#{generation_command}" puts "Adding new fields to #{child} with '#{generation_command}'".green end puts "" unless @options["skip-migration-generation"] untracked_files = get_untracked_files generation_thread = { `#{generation_command}` } generation_thread.join # Wait for the process to finish. newly_untracked_files = get_untracked_files if (newly_untracked_files - untracked_files) error_message = <<~MESSAGE Since you have already created the #{child} model, Super Scaffolding won't allow you to re-create it. You can either delete the model and try Super Scaffolding again, or add the `--skip-migration-generation` flag to Super Scaffold the classic Bullet Train way. MESSAGE puts "" puts exit 1 end end end end # grab the _type_ of scaffold we're doing. scaffolding_type = argv.shift if BulletTrain::SuperScaffolding.scaffolders.include?(scaffolding_type) scaffolder = BulletTrain::SuperScaffolding.scaffolders[scaffolding_type].constantize, @options).run end