# ronin-new-project 1 "2023-02-01" Ronin "User Manuals" ## SYNOPSIS `ronin new project` [*options*] *PATH* ## DESCRIPTION Creates a new Ruby project directory. ## ARGUMENTS *PATH* : The path to the new project directory. ## OPTIONS `--git` : Initializes a git repo. `--ruby-version` *VERSION* : The desired ruby version for the project. Defaults to the current `ruby` version if not specified. `--rakefile` : Creates a `Rakefile`. `--dockerfile` : Adds a `Dockerfile` to the new project. `-h`, `--help` : Print help information ## EXAMPLES Generate a new Ruby project: $ ronin new project path/to/dir Set the desired ruby version for the project: $ ronin new project --ruby-version 3.2.0 path/to/dir Add a `Rakefile` to the project for defining automated tasks: $ ronin new project --rakefile path/to/dir Add a `Dockerfile` to the project: $ ronin new project --dockerfile path/to/dir ## AUTHOR Postmodern ## SEE ALSO [ronin-new-script](ronin-new-script.1.md)