require "active_model_serializers" require "active_support/concern" require 'active_support/core_ext/class/attribute_accessors' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/slice' module ActiveModel class VersionSerializer # make sure we move serialization to the version [:as_json, :to_json, :serializable_hash].each do |method| undef_method method if instance_methods.include?(method) end class_attribute :_versions, :_default, :_root, :_name self._versions, self._default = {}, :v1 attr_reader :object, :options, :version, :vklass def initialize(object, options = {}) @object, @options = object, options @version = @options[:version] || _default @vklass = self._versions[@version] @vinstance =, @options) end def self.default(version) self._default = version end # Defines the root used on serialization. If false, disables the root. def self.root(name) self._root = name end # Replication of inherited from active_model_serializer but we # get the name so we can define the correct name on each version # # of defined active model serializers def self.inherited(klass) #:nodoc: return if klass.anonymous? name =$/, '') self._name = name klass.class_eval do alias_method name.to_sym, :object root name.to_sym unless self._root == false end end # creates a anoymous subclass of ActiveModel::Serializer # setting the root from base alias of the serialbe object # with the name # # version_attributes so less typing if the versions are similar # options :with and :without. # # @example # version :v1 do # attributes :beans, :eggs # end # # version :v2 do # version_attributes :v1, with: :toast # end # # @param [Symbol] version # @param [Proc] block def self.version(version, &block) base_class = self vklass = do self.root(base_class._root) alias_method base_class._name.to_sym, :object singleton_class.class_eval do define_method(:to_s) do "(#{} VERSION: #{version})" end alias inspect to_s end define_singleton_method(:version_attributes) do |v, options = {}| version_attributes = base_class._versions[v]._attributes.keys version_options = options.extract!(:without, :with) if with_attributes = version_options[:with] version_attributes = (version_attributes + [*with_attributes]) end if without_attributes = version_options[:without] version_attributes = (version_attributes - [*without_attributes]) end attributes(*version_attributes) end self.class_eval(&block) end # mutables with class attribute use setters! self._versions = self._versions.merge({version => vklass}) end def method_missing(method, *args) if @vinstance.respond_to?(method) @vinstance.send(method, *args) else super end end # lets be nice to method def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false) @vinstance.respond_to?(method_name, include_private) end end end