# JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source # Copyright 2009, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors # by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a # full listing of individual contributors. # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this software; if not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. require 'boxgrinder-build/plugins/delivery/base/base-delivery-plugin' require 'boxgrinder-build/plugins/delivery/s3/aws-helper' require 'AWS' require 'aws/s3' include AWS::S3 module BoxGrinder class S3Plugin < BaseDeliveryPlugin AMI_OSES = { 'fedora' => [ '11' ], 'centos' => [ '5' ], 'rhel' => [ '5' ] } KERNELS = { 'us_east' => { 'fedora' => { '11' => { 'i386' => { :aki => 'aki-a71cf9ce', :ari => 'ari-a51cf9cc' }, 'x86_64' => { :aki => 'aki-b51cf9dc', :ari => 'ari-b31cf9da' } } }, 'centos' => { '5' => { 'i386' => { :aki => 'aki-a71cf9ce', :ari => 'ari-a51cf9cc' }, 'x86_64' => { :aki => 'aki-b51cf9dc', :ari => 'ari-b31cf9da' } } }, 'rhel' => { '5' => { 'i386' => { :aki => 'aki-a71cf9ce', :ari => 'ari-a51cf9cc' }, 'x86_64' => { :aki => 'aki-b51cf9dc', :ari => 'ari-b31cf9da' } } # '5' => { # 'i386' => { :aki => 'aki-e3a54b8a', :ari => 'ari-f9a54b90' }, # 'x86_64' => { :aki => 'aki-ffa54b96', :ari => 'ari-fda54b94' } # } } } } def info { :name => :s3, :type => [:cloudfront, :ami, :s3], :full_name => "Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)" } end def after_init set_default_config_value('overwrite', false) set_default_config_value('path', '/') @ami_build_dir = "#{@appliance_config.path.dir.build}/ec2/ami" @ami_manifest = "#{@ami_build_dir}/#{@appliance_config.name}.ec2.manifest.xml" end def supported_os supported = "" AMI_OSES.each_key do |os_name| supported << "#{os_name}, versions: #{AMI_OSES[os_name].join(", ")}" end supported end def execute( deliverables, type = :ami ) validate_plugin_config(['bucket', 'access_key', 'secret_access_key']) @aws_helper = AWSHelper.new( @config, @appliance_config, @plugin_config ) case type when :s3 upload_to_bucket(deliverables) when :cloudfront upload_to_bucket(deliverables, :public_read) when :ami validate_plugin_config(['cert_file', 'key_file']) unless AMI_OSES[@appliance_config.os.name].include?(@appliance_config.os.version) @log.error "You cannot convert selected image to AMI because of unsupported operating system: #{@appliance_config.os.name} #{@appliance_config.os.version}. Supported systems: #{supported_os}." return end unless image_already_uploaded? bundle_image( deliverables ) upload_image else @log.debug "AMI for #{@appliance_config.name} appliance already uploaded, skipping..." end register_image end end def upload_to_bucket(deliverables, permissions = :private) package = PackageHelper.new(@config, @appliance_config, {:log => @log, :exec_helper => @exec_helper}).package(deliverables) @log.info "Uploading #{@appliance_config.name} appliance to S3 bucket '#{@plugin_config['bucket']}'..." begin AWS::S3::Bucket.find(@plugin_config['bucket']) rescue AWS::S3::NoSuchBucket AWS::S3::Bucket.create(@plugin_config['bucket']) retry end remote_path = "#{@plugin_config['path']}/#{File.basename(package)}" size_b = File.size(package) unless S3Object.exists?(remote_path, @plugin_config['bucket']) or @plugin_config['overwrite'] @log.info "Uploading #{File.basename(package)} (#{size_b/1024/1024}MB)..." AWS::S3::S3Object.store(remote_path, open(package), @plugin_config['bucket'], :access => permissions) end @log.info "Appliance #{@appliance_config.name} uploaded to S3." end def bundle_image( deliverables ) return if File.exists?( @ami_build_dir ) @log.info "Bundling AMI..." FileUtils.mkdir_p( @ami_build_dir ) @exec_helper.execute("ec2-bundle-image -i #{deliverables[:disk]} --kernel #{KERNELS['us_east'][@appliance_config.os.name][@appliance_config.os.version][@appliance_config.hardware.arch][:aki]} --ramdisk #{KERNELS['us_east'][@appliance_config.os.name][@appliance_config.os.version][@appliance_config.hardware.arch][:ari]} -c #{@plugin_config['cert_file']} -k #{@plugin_config['key_file']} -u #{@plugin_config['account_number']} -r #{@appliance_config.hardware.arch} -d #{@ami_build_dir}") @log.info "Bundling AMI finished." end def image_already_uploaded? begin bucket = Bucket.find(@plugin_config['bucket']) rescue return false end manifest_location = @aws_helper.bucket_manifest_key(@appliance_config.name, @plugin_config['path']) manifest_location = manifest_location[manifest_location.index("/") + 1, manifest_location.length] for object in bucket.objects do return true if object.key.eql?(manifest_location) end false end def upload_image @log.info "Uploading #{@appliance_config.name} AMI to bucket '#{@plugin_config['bucket']}'..." @exec_helper.execute("ec2-upload-bundle -b #{@aws_helper.bucket_key(@appliance_config.name, @plugin_config['path'])} -m #{@ami_manifest} -a #{@plugin_config['access_key']} -s #{@plugin_config['secret_access_key']} --retry") end def register_image ami_info = @aws_helper.ami_info(@appliance_config.name, @plugin_config['path']) if ami_info @log.info "Image is registered under id: #{ami_info.imageId}" return else ami_info = @aws_helper.ec2.register_image(:image_location => @aws_helper.bucket_manifest_key(@appliance_config.name, @plugin_config['path'])) @log.info "Image successfully registered under id: #{ami_info.imageId}." end end end end