module Jena module Query # Perform a SPARQL select query against the given model. Returns # an array of result objects, where each result is a Hash from # query variable name to value. # # By default, all variables from the query are returned. To return # just a subset of the query variables, pass the variable name(s) as # the last argument to the call. # # Various options are supported: # * `:ns` - a `PrefixMapping` or hash of prefixes to URI's # * `:bindings` - a `QuerySolutionMap` or hash of existing var name to value pairs # # == Examples # Jena.querySelect( m, 'select * where {?s ?p ?o}' ) # Jena.querySelect( m, 'select * where {?s ?p ?o}', {}, "s" ) # Jena.querySelect( m, 'select * where {?s ?p foo:bar}', # {:ns => {"foo" => ""}}, "s" ) # # @param m [Model] The model to run the query against # @param query [String] The query to run # @param options [Hash] Options (see above) # @param *vars [String] Optional variables to project from results # @return [Array] Non-nil array of hashes, one per result def m, query, options = nil, *vars ) results = [] select_each( m, query, options, *vars ) {|soln| results << soln} results end # Perform a select query as per {#select}, but returns only the first # result, if defined, or nil def self.select_first( m, query, options = nil, *vars ) qexec = setup_query_execution( m, query, options ) result = nil begin rs = qexec.execSelect result = project_variables(, *vars ) if rs.hasNext ensure qexec.close end result end # Perform a select query as per {#select}, but rather than accumulate # an array of results, we yield to the associated block with each solution def self.select_each( m, query, options = nil, *vars, &block ) select_each_qe( setup_query_execution( m, query, options ), *vars, &block ) end # Perform a select query using the given query execution, yielding to the # associated block for each solution def self.select_each_qe( qexec, *vars ) begin qexec.execSelect.each do |soln| yield( project_variables( soln, *vars ) ) end ensure qexec.close end end # Perform a SPARQL describe query. Options as per {#select}, # but this call returns a `Model`. # # @param m [Model] The model to run the query against # @param query [String] The query to run # @param options [Hash] Options (see above) # @return [Array] Non-empty array of hashes, one per result def self.describe( m, query, options = nil ) describe_qe( setup_query_execution( m, query, options ) ) end # Perform a describe query using the given query execution object, and # return the resulting model def self.describe_qe( qexec ) begin return qexec.execDescribe ensure qexec.close end end # Project variables from a result set entry, returning a `Hash` of variable # names to values def self.project_variables( soln, *vars ) nn = vs = vars || [] soln.varNames.each {|v| vs << v} if vs.empty? vs.each {|v| nn[v.to_sym] = soln.get( v )} nn end # Return the given bindings object as a `QuerySolutionsMap`. Convert a # hash to a `QuerySolutionsMap` if necessary def self.as_bindings( b ) return nil unless b return b if b.is_a? com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QuerySolutionMap qsm = b.each_pair do |k,v| qsm.add k, v end qsm end # A mutable collection of well-known namespace prefixes, which can # be used as a basis for building up a larger collection def self.useful_prefixes pm = pm.setNsPrefixes( com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.PrefixMapping.Standard ) pm end # Return true if a string represents a valid SPARQL query. def self.valid?( query_string, syntax = Jena::Query::Syntax.syntaxSPARQL_11 ) q = Jena::Query::QueryFactory.create begin Jena::Query::QueryFactory.parse( q, query_string, nil, syntax ) return true rescue end false end # Return a QueryExecution for executing the given query against a # remote SPARQL service endpoint def self.sparql_service( url, query ) Jena::Query::QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService( url, query ) end # Return a list of the solutions to executing the given select query # against the given remote SPARQL endpoint def self.service_select( url, query, *vars ) results = [] select_each_qe( sparql_service( url, query ), *vars ) {|soln| results << soln} results end # Yield to the associated block for each solution to the given query against # the given SPARQL service endpoint URL def self.service_select_each( url, query, *vars, &block ) select_each_qe( sparql_service( url, query ), *vars, &block ) end # Return a model from a describe query against a remote SPARQL endpoint def self.service_describe( url, query ) describe_qe( sparql_service( url, query ) ) end # Format a given value in a manner suitable for inclusion in a SPARQL query def self.sparql_format( value ) if value.is_a? Core::Resource value.is_anon ? "_:#{value.get_id.to_string.gsub(/[^[[:alnum:]]]/, '_')}" : "<#{value.get_uri}>" elsif value.is_a? Core::Literal if dt = value.get_datatype_uri "\"#{value.get_lexical_form}\"^^<#{dt}>" else "\"#{value.to_string}\"" end elsif value.to_s =~ /\A(file|http):\/\// "<#{value}>" elsif value.to_s =~ /\A[-_[[:alnum:]]]*:/ # looks like a qname value.to_s else # guess "\"#{value.to_s}\"" end end :private def self.option( options, opt, default ) if has_option?( options, opt ) then options[opt] else default end end def self.has_option?( options, opt ) options && options.has_key?( opt ) end # Common part of setting up a query execution def self.setup_query_execution( m, query, options ) q = q.setPrefixMapping has_option?( options, :ns ) ? Util::as_prefix_map( options[:ns] ) : useful_prefixes baseURI = option( options, :baseURI, nil ) syntax = option( options, :syntax, com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Syntax.syntaxSPARQL_11 ) QueryFactory.parse( q, query, baseURI, syntax ) bindings = as_bindings( option( options, :bindings, nil ) ) bindings ? QueryExecutionFactory.create( q, m, bindings ) : QueryExecutionFactory.create( q, m ) end end end