// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('data_sources/data_source'); sc_require('models/record'); /** @class TODO: Describe Class @extends SC.DataSource @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.FixturesDataSource = SC.DataSource.extend( { // .......................................................... // STANDARD DATA SOURCE METHODS // /** Invoked by the store whenever it needs to load a fresh new batch or records or simply refresh based on their storeKeys. This method is invoked from the store methods 'findAll' and 'retrieveRecords'. findAll() will request all records and load them using store.loadRecords(). retrieveRecords() checks if the record is already loaded and in a clean state to then just materialize it or if is in an empty state, it will call this method to load the required record to then materialize it. @param {SC.Store} store the requesting store @param {Object} fetchKey key describing the request, may be SC.Record @param {Hash} params optional additonal fetch params @returns {SC.Array} result set with storeKeys. */ fetch: function(store, fetchKey, params) { var ret = [], fixtures; // TODO: this currently only supports one recordType per SC.Query if(SC.instanceOf(fetchKey, SC.Query)) { fetchKey = fetchKey.recordType; } if(SC.typeOf(fetchKey)===SC.T_STRING) { fetchKey = SC.objectForPropertyPath(fetchKey); } if(fetchKey === SC.Record || SC.Record.hasSubclass(fetchKey)) { this.loadFixturesFor(store, fetchKey, ret); } return ret; }, /** Load fixtures for a given fetchKey into the store and push it to the ret array. @param {SC.Store} store @param {SC.Record} fetchKey @param {SC.Array} ret */ loadFixturesFor: function(store, fetchKey, ret) { var dataHashes, i, storeKey, hashes = []; dataHashes = this.fixturesFor(fetchKey); for(i in dataHashes){ storeKey = fetchKey.storeKeyFor(i); hashes.push(dataHashes[i]); ret.push(storeKey); } // before loading fixtures again, make sure they have not been // loaded already, so that SC.Query does not end up in // infinite loop if(!this.fixturesLoadedFor(fetchKey)) { store.loadRecords(fetchKey, hashes); } }, /** Retrieve a record from fixtures. @param {SC.Store} store @param {Number} storeKey @param {SC.Array} ret @param {Hash} params to be passed down to data source. originated from the commitRecords() call on the store @returns {Array} storeKeys */ retrieveRecord: function(store, storeKey, params) { var ret = [], recordType = SC.Store.recordTypeFor(storeKey), id = store.idFor(storeKey), hash = this.fixtureForStoreKey(store, storeKey); ret.push(storeKey); store.dataSourceDidComplete(storeKey, hash, id); return ret; }, /** Fixture operations complete immediately so you cannot cancel them. @param {SC.Store} store @param {SC.Array} storeKeys @returns {Boolean} YES if handled */ cancel: function(store, storeKeys) { return NO; }, /** Update the dataHash in this._fixtures @param {SC.Store} store @param {Number} storeKey @param {Hash} params to be passed down to data source. originated from the commitRecords() call on the store @returns {Boolean} YES if handled */ updateRecord: function(store, storeKey, params) { this.setFixtureForStoreKey(store, storeKey, store.readDataHash(storeKey)); store.dataSourceDidComplete(storeKey); return YES ; }, /** Adds records to this._fixtures. If the record does not have an id yet, then then calls generateIdFor() and sets that. @param {SC.Store} store the store @param {Number} storeKey the store key @param {Hash} params to be passed down to data source. originated from the commitRecords() call on the store @returns {Boolean} YES if successful */ createRecord: function(store, storeKey, params) { var id = store.idFor(storeKey), recordType = store.recordTypeFor(storeKey), dataHash = store.readDataHash(storeKey), fixtures = this.fixturesFor(recordType); if (!id) id = this.generateIdFor(recordType, dataHash, store, storeKey); this._invalidateCachesFor(recordType, storeKey, id); fixtures[id] = dataHash; store.dataSourceDidComplete(storeKey, null, id); return YES ; }, /** Removes the data from the fixtures. @param {SC.Store} store the store @param {Number} storeKey the store key @param {Hash} params to be passed down to data source. originated from the commitRecords() call on the store @returns {Boolean} YES if successful */ destroyRecord: function(store, storeKey, params) { var id = store.idFor(storeKey), recordType = store.recordTypeFor(storeKey), fixtures = this.fixturesFor(recordType); this._invalidateCachesFor(recordType, storeKey, id); if (id) delete fixtures[id]; store.dataSourceDidDestroy(storeKey); return YES ; }, // .......................................................... // INTERNAL METHODS // /** Generates an id for the passed record type. You can override this if needed. The default generates a storekey and formats it as a string. */ generateIdFor: function(recordType, dataHash, store, storeKey) { return "@id%@".fmt(SC.Store.generateStoreKey()); }, /** Based on the storeKey it returns the specified fixtures @param {SC.Store} store the store @param {Number} storeKey the storeKey @returns {Hash} data hash or null */ fixtureForStoreKey: function(store, storeKey) { var id = store.idFor(storeKey), recordType = store.recordTypeFor(storeKey), fixtures = this.fixturesFor(recordType); return fixtures ? fixtures[id] : null; }, /** Sets the data hash fixture for the named store key. @param {SC.Store} store the store @param {Number} storeKey the storeKey @param {Hash} dataHash @returns {SC.FixturesDataSource} receiver */ setFixtureForStoreKey: function(store, storeKey, dataHash) { var id = store.idFor(storeKey), recordType = store.recordTypeFor(storeKey), fixtures = this.fixturesFor(recordType); this._invalidateCachesFor(recordType, storeKey, id); fixtures[id] = dataHash; return this ; }, /** Invoked methods to ensure fixtures for a particular record type have been loaded. @param {SC.Record} recordType @returns {Hash} data hashes */ fixturesFor: function(recordType) { // get basic fixtures hash. if (!this._fixtures) this._fixtures = {}; var fixtures = this._fixtures[SC.guidFor(recordType)]; if (fixtures) return fixtures ; // need to load fixtures. var dataHashes = recordType ? recordType.FIXTURES : null, len = dataHashes ? dataHashes.length : 0, primaryKey = recordType ? recordType.prototype.primaryKey : 'guid', idx, dataHash, id ; this._fixtures[SC.guidFor(recordType)] = fixtures = {} ; for(idx=0;idx