require 'fastlane_core/analytics/analytics_ingester_client' module FastlaneCore class AnalyticsSession attr_accessor :session_id attr_accessor :client attr_accessor :events attr_accessor :fastfile_id attr_accessor :is_fastfile alias fastfile? is_fastfile # make this a method so that we can override it in monkey patches def oauth_app_name return 'fastlane_v2' end def initialize(analytics_ingester_client: require 'securerandom' @session_id = SecureRandom.uuid @client = analytics_ingester_client @events = [] @is_fastfile = false end def backfill_p_hashes(p_hash: nil) return if p_hash.nil? || p_hash == ActionLaunchContext::UNKNOWN_P_HASH || @events.count == 0 @events.reverse_each do |event| # event[:actor][:name] is the field in which we store the p_hash # to be sent to analytics ingester. # If they are nil, we want to fill them in until we reach # an event that already has a p_hash. if event[:actor][:name].nil? || event[:actor][:name] == ActionLaunchContext::UNKNOWN_P_HASH event[:actor][:name] = p_hash else break end end end def action_launched(launch_context: nil) backfill_p_hashes(p_hash: launch_context.p_hash) builder = oauth_app_name: oauth_app_name, p_hash: launch_context.p_hash, session_id: session_id, action_name: launch_context.action_name ) @events << builder.launched_event( primary_target_hash: { name: 'fastlane_version', detail: fastlane_version } ) @events << builder.launched_event( primary_target_hash: { name: 'install_method', detail: install_method } ) @events << builder.launched_event( primary_target_hash: { name: 'operating_system', detail: operating_system }, secondary_target_hash: { name: 'version', detail: operating_system_version } ) @events << builder.launched_event( primary_target_hash: { name: 'build_tool_version', detail: launch_context.build_tool_version } ) @events << builder.launched_event( primary_target_hash: { name: 'ci', detail: ci?.to_s } ) @events << builder.launched_event( primary_target_hash: { name: 'fastfile', detail: fastfile?.to_s }, secondary_target_hash: { name: 'fastfile_id', detail: fastfile_id.to_s } ) @events << builder.launched_event( primary_target_hash: { name: 'platform', detail: launch_context.platform.to_s } ) @events << builder.launched_event( primary_target_hash: { name: 'ruby_version', detail: ruby_version } ) end def is_fastfile=(value) if value # If true, update all of the events to reflect # that the execution is running within a Fastfile context. # We don't want to update if this is false because once we # detect a true value, that is the one to be trusted @events.reverse_each do |event| event[:primary_target][:name] == 'fastfile' ? event[:primary_target][:detail] = value.to_s : next end end @is_fastfile = value end def action_completed(completion_context: nil) backfill_p_hashes(p_hash: completion_context.p_hash) builder = oauth_app_name: oauth_app_name, p_hash: completion_context.p_hash, session_id: session_id, action_name: completion_context.action_name ) @events << builder.completed_event( primary_target_hash: { name: 'status', detail: completion_context.status } ) end def finalize_session # If our users want to opt out of usage metrics, don't post the events. # Learn more at return if FastlaneCore::Env.truthy?("FASTLANE_OPT_OUT_USAGE") client.post_events(@events) end def fastlane_version return Fastlane::VERSION end def ruby_version patch_level = RUBY_PATCHLEVEL == 0 ? nil : "p#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}" return "#{RUBY_VERSION}#{patch_level}" end def operating_system return "macOS" if RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("darwin") return "Windows" if RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("mswin") return "Linux" if RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("linux") return "Unknown" end def install_method if Helper.rubygems? return 'gem' elsif Helper.bundler? return 'bundler' elsif Helper.mac_app? return 'mac_app' elsif Helper.contained_fastlane? return 'standalone' elsif Helper.homebrew? return 'homebrew' else return 'unknown' end end def ci? return Helper.is_ci? end def operating_system_version os = self.operating_system case os when "macOS" return system('sw_vers', out: File::NULL) ? `sw_vers -productVersion`.strip : 'unknown' else # Need to test in Windows and Linux... not sure this is enough return Gem::Platform.local.version end end end end