module Alias # Namespace for subclasses of Alias::Creator. class Creators; end # This is the base creator class. To be a valid subclass, the creator must define and Alias::Creator.generate. # Although not required, creators should enforce validation of their aliases with Alias::Creator.valid. Also, the creator should # be named in the format Alias::Creators::*Creator where the asterisk stands for any unique string. Since that string is converted # to an underscored version when referenced in the console, it's recommended to make it camel case. For example, # Alias::Creators::InstanceMethodCreator is referenced by it's underscored version :instance_method. # # To better understand how a creator works, here's the steps a creator goes through when creating aliases: # * map() : Maps the hash from a config file or console input into an array of alias hashes. # * valid() : Defines a validation that each alias hash must pass. # * generate() : Given the array of alias hashes, generates the string of ruby code to be evaled for alias creation. class Creator class AbstractMethodError < StandardError; end class FailedAliasCreationError < StandardError; end class<key, :creator=>self)) rescue Validator::MissingConditionError raise ArgumentError, "A :unless or :if option is required." rescue Validator::InvalidValidatorError $stderr.puts "Validator not set for #{key}" @validators.delete(key) end end # Stores validators per alias attribute/key. def validators #:nodoc: @validators ||= {} end def maps_config(config) #:nodoc: @map ? : raise(AbstractMethodError, "No map() defined for #{self}") end # Takes a block which converts the creator's config to an array of aliases. def map(&block) @map = block end def generates_aliases(aliases) #:nodoc: @generate ? : raise(AbstractMethodError, "No generate() defined for #{self}") end # Takes a block which converts aliases to a string of ruby code to run through Kernel#eval. def generate(&block) @generate = block end def class_or_module(klass) #:nodoc: Util.any_const_get(klass).is_a?(Class) ? 'class' : 'module' end def inherited(subclass) #:nodoc: @creators ||= [] @creators << subclass end # Array of all Creator subclasses. def creators; @creators; end end # Same purpose as Alias::Manager.verbose and Alias::Manager.force but unlike them these only take a boolean. attr_accessor :verbose, :force # Array of alias hashes that have been created. attr_accessor :aliases def initialize(options={}) #:nodoc: @verbose = false @force = false @aliases = [] end # Main method used to create aliases. Handles mapping, validation and creation of aliases. def create(aliases_hash, pretend=false) aliases_array = self.class.maps_config(aliases_hash) delete_invalid_aliases(aliases_array) self.aliases = aliases + aliases_array unless pretend begin #td: create method for efficiently removing constants/methods in any namespace eval_string = Util.silence_warnings { self.class.generates_aliases(aliases_array) } pretend ? puts("\n", eval_string) : Kernel.eval(eval_string) rescue raise FailedAliasCreationError, $! end end # Deletes invalid alias hashes that fail defined validators for a creator. def delete_invalid_aliases(arr) arr.delete_if {|alias_hash| !self.class.validators.all? {|attribute, validator| validator.validate(self, alias_hash, attribute) } } end end end