require 'fileutils' require 'tmpdir' require 'rubygems' require 'active_support/inflector' module HoboSupport module Command class << self def run(gem, version=nil) version ||='../../../VERSION', __FILE__)).strip is_hobo = gem == :hobo puts "#{gem.to_s.capitalize} Command Line Interface #{version}" hobo_banner = %( Usage: hobo new [setup_opt] [rails_opt] Creates a new Hobo Application setup_opt: --wizard| launch the setup_wizard in interactive mode --setup launch the setup_wizard in non-interactive mode expect you pass other setup_wizard options --skip-setup generate only the rails infrastructure and expect you launch the setup_wizard manually rails_opt: all the options accepted by the rails new command hobo plugin [opt] Creates a new Hobo Plugin opt: all the options accepted by the rails plugin new command ) hobofields_banner = %( Usage: hobofields new [rails_opt] Creates a new HoboFields Application ) banner = is_hobo ? hobo_banner : hobofields_banner banner += %( #{gem} generate|g [ARGS] [options] Fires the hobo: #{gem} destroy [ARGS] [options] Tries to undo generated code #{gem} --help|-h This help screen Dev Notes: Set the HOBODEV ENV variable to your local hobo git-repository path in order to use your local dev version instead of the installed gem. ) # for hobo developers only setup_wizard = true default = false command = ARGV.shift case command when nil puts "\nThe command is missing!\n" puts banner exit when /^--help|-h$/ puts banner exit when 'new' app_name = ARGV.shift if app_name.nil? puts "\nThe application name is missing!\n" puts banner exit end if is_hobo setup_wizard = case ARGV.first when /^--skip-wizard|--skip-setup$/ ARGV.shift :skip when /^--setup|--default$/ ARGV.shift :setup when /^--wizard$/ ARGV.shift :wizard else :wizard end end template_path = File.join Dir.tmpdir, "hobo_app_template", 'w') do |file| if ENV["HOBODEV"] dev_root = File.expand_path ENV["HOBODEV"], FileUtils.pwd file.puts %( $:.unshift '#{dev_root}/hobo_support/lib' gem 'hobo_support', :path => '#{dev_root}/hobo_support' gem 'hobo_fields', :path => '#{dev_root}/hobo_fields' ) if is_hobo file.puts %( gem 'dryml', :path => '#{dev_root}' gem 'hobo', :path => '#{dev_root}' gem 'hobo_rapid', :path => '#{dev_root}' gem 'hobo_clean', :path => '#{dev_root}' gem 'hobo_clean_admin', :path => '#{dev_root}' gem 'hobo_jquery', :path => '#{dev_root}' gem 'hobo_jquery_ui', :path => '#{dev_root}' ) end else file.puts %( gem '#{gem}', '= #{version}' ) end if is_hobo file.puts %( require 'generators/hobo_support/thor_shell' extend Generators::HoboSupport::ThorShell ) case setup_wizard when :setup file.puts %( say 'Running Setup...' exec 'rails g hobo:setup_wizard --skip-wizard #{ARGV * ' '} ' ) when :wizard file.puts %( say_title "Hobo Setup Wizard" if yes_no?("Do you want to start the Setup Wizard now? (Choose 'n' if you need to manually customize any file before running the Wizard. You can run it later with `hobo g setup_wizard` from the application root dir.)") exec 'rails g hobo:setup_wizard --no-main-title' else say "Please, remember to run `hobo g setup_wizard` from the application root dir, in order to complete the Setup.", :yellow end ) when :skip file.puts %( say "Please, remember to run `hobo g setup_wizard` from the application root dir, in order to complete the Setup.", :yellow ) end end end puts "Generating Rails infrastructure..." system "rails new #{app_name} #{ARGV * ' '} -m #{template_path}" File.delete template_path when /^(g|generate|destroy)$/ cmd = $1 if ARGV.empty? puts "\nThe generator name is missing!\n" puts banner else if ARGV.first =~ /^hobo:(\w+)$/ puts "NOTICE: You can omit the 'hobo' namespace: e.g. `hobo #{cmd} #{$1} #{ARGV[1..-1] * ' '}`" end system "bundle exec rails #{cmd} hobo:#{ARGV * ' '}" end when /^plugin$/ if ARGV.empty? puts "\nThe plugin name is missing!\n" puts banner return end plugin_name = ARGV.shift template_path = File.join Dir.tmpdir, "hobo_plugin_template", 'w') do |file| source_path = File.expand_path('../../generators/plugin/templates', __FILE__) file.puts %( @filename = "#{plugin_name}" @module_name = "#{plugin_name.camelize}" gsub_file "#{plugin_name}.gemspec", /^ s.files = Dir.*?\\n/m, '' gsub_file "#{plugin_name}.gemspec", /^ s.add_development_dependency "sqlite3".*?\\n/m, '' inject_into_file "#{plugin_name}.gemspec", :before => /end\\s*$/m do """ s.files = `git ls-files -z`.split('\\0') s.add_runtime_dependency('hobo', ['~> #{version}']) """end inject_into_file 'lib/#{plugin_name}.rb', :before => /end(?!.*end).*?$/m do """ @@root = File.expand_path('../..', __FILE__) def self.root; @@root; end EDIT_LINK_BASE = '{plugin_name}/edit/master' if defined?(Rails) require '#{plugin_name}/railtie' class Engine < ::Rails::Engine end end """end template '#{source_path}/railtie.rb.erb', "lib/#{plugin_name}/railtie.rb" template '#{source_path}/taglib.dryml', "taglibs/#{plugin_name}.dryml" template '#{source_path}/javascript.js', "vendor/assets/javascripts/#{plugin_name}.js" template '#{source_path}/stylesheet.css', "vendor/assets/stylesheets/#{plugin_name}.css" template '#{source_path}/gitkeep', "vendor/assets/images/.gitkeep" template '#{source_path}/helper.rb.erb', "app/helpers/#{plugin_name}_helper.rb" template '#{source_path}/README', "README.markdown" remove_file 'README.rdoc' ) end system "rails plugin new #{plugin_name} #{ARGV * ' '} -m #{template_path}" #File.delete template_path else puts "\n => '#{command}' is an unknown command!\n" puts banner end end end end end