require 'bake/model/metamodel_ext' require 'bake/model/metamodel' require 'set' require 'bake/toolchain/colorizing_formatter' require 'common/exit_helper' require 'common/utils' def remove_empty_strings_and_join(a, j=' ') return a.reject{|e|e.to_s.empty?}.join(j) end def adjustFlags(orgStr, flags) orgSplitted = Bake::Utils::flagSplit(orgStr, false) flags.each do |f| if f.overwrite != "" orgSplitted = Bake::Utils::flagSplit(f.overwrite, false) end if f.remove != "" rmSplitted = Bake::Utils::flagSplit(f.remove, false) orgSplitted.delete_if {|o| rmSplitted.any? { |r| begin o.match("\\A"+r+"\\Z") rescue Exception => e Bake.formatter.printError(e.message, f) Bake::ExitHelper.exit(1) end }} end if f.add != "" Bake::Utils::flagSplit(f.add, false).each do |a| orgSplitted << a unless orgSplitted.any? { |o| o==a } end end end orgSplitted.join(" ") end def integrateToolchain(tcs, toolchain) return tcs unless toolchain tcs[:OUTPUT_DIR] = toolchain.outputDir if toolchain.outputDir != "" integrateLinker(tcs, toolchain.linker) if toolchain.respond_to?"linker" integrateArchiver(tcs, toolchain.archiver) toolchain.compiler.each do |c| integrateCompiler(tcs, c, c.ctype) end integrateLintPolicy(tcs, toolchain.lintPolicy) integrateDocu(tcs, toolchain.docu) if toolchain.docu end def integrateLintPolicy(tcs, policies) policies.each do |d| tcs[:LINT_POLICY] << end end def integrateDocu(tcs, docu) tcs[:DOCU] = if != "" end def integrateLinker(tcs, linker) return tcs unless linker tcs[:LINKER][:COMMAND] = linker.command if linker.command != "" tcs[:LINKER][:FLAGS] = adjustFlags(tcs[:LINKER][:FLAGS], linker.flags) tcs[:LINKER][:LIB_PREFIX_FLAGS] = adjustFlags(tcs[:LINKER][:LIB_PREFIX_FLAGS], linker.libprefixflags) tcs[:LINKER][:LIB_POSTFIX_FLAGS] = adjustFlags(tcs[:LINKER][:LIB_POSTFIX_FLAGS], linker.libpostfixflags) end def integrateArchiver(tcs, archiver) return tcs unless archiver tcs[:ARCHIVER][:COMMAND] = archiver.command if archiver.command != "" tcs[:ARCHIVER][:FLAGS] = adjustFlags(tcs[:ARCHIVER][:FLAGS], archiver.flags) end def integrateCompiler(tcs, compiler, type) return tcs unless compiler if compiler.respond_to?"command" tcs[:COMPILER][type][:COMMAND] = compiler.command if compiler.command != "" end tcs[:COMPILER][type][:FLAGS] = adjustFlags(tcs[:COMPILER][type][:FLAGS], compiler.flags) compiler.define.each do |d| tcs[:COMPILER][type][:DEFINES] << d.str unless tcs[:COMPILER][type][:DEFINES].include? d.str end end def integrateCompilerFile(tcs, compiler) [:CPP, :C, :ASM].each do |t| integrateCompiler(tcs, compiler, t) end return tcs end def sanitize_filename(filename) filename.strip do |name| # NOTE: File.basename doesn't work right with Windows paths on Unix # get only the filename, not the whole path name.gsub! /^.*(\\|\/)/, '' # Finally, replace all non alphanumeric, underscore # or periods with underscore # name.gsub! /[^\w\.\-]/, '_' # Basically strip out the non-ascii alphabets too # and replace with x. # You don't want all _ :) name.gsub!(/[^0-9A-Za-z.\-]/, 'x') end end def searchRootsFile(dir) rootsFile = dir+"/roots.bake" return rootsFile if File.exist?(rootsFile) parent = File.dirname(dir) return searchRootsFile(parent) if parent != dir return nil end def calc_def_roots(dir) def_roots = [] rootsFile = searchRootsFile(dir) if (rootsFile) do |line| line = line.split("#")[0].strip.gsub(/[\\]/,'/') if line != "" if File.is_absolute?(line) def_roots << line else def_roots << File.dirname(rootsFile) + "/" + line end end end else def_roots << File.dirname(dir) end def_roots end def add_line_if_no_comment(array, str) s = str.split("#")[0].strip array << s unless s.empty? end