require 'spec_helper' describe Yaml2env do before do @valid_config_filename = 'example.yml' @valid_config_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures', @valid_config_filename) end describe "::VERSION" do it 'should be defined' do defined?(::Yaml2env::VERSION) end it 'should be a valid version string (e.g. "0.0.1", or "0.0.1.rc1")' do valid_version_string = /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ Yaml2env::VERSION.must_match valid_version_string end end describe "::LOADED_ENV" do it 'should be defined' do defined?(::Yaml2env::LOADED_ENV) end # it 'should be a empty hash' do # Yaml2env::LOADED_ENV.must_equal({}) # end end describe ".logger" do before do Yaml2env.defaults! end it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :logger end it 'should be a valid logger' do Yaml2env.logger.must_respond_to :info Yaml2env.logger.must_respond_to :debug Yaml2env.logger.must_respond_to :warn end it 'should be writable' do class MyLogger < Logger end custom_logger = Yaml2env.logger = custom_logger Yaml2env.logger.must_equal custom_logger end end describe ".logger?" do it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :logger? end it 'should be a valid logger' do Yaml2env.logger = nil Yaml2env.logger?.must_equal false Yaml2env.logger = Yaml2env.logger?.must_equal true end end describe ".root" do it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :root end it 'should be writable' do Yaml2env.root = "/tmp" Yaml2env.root.to_s.must_equal "/tmp" end it 'should be Pathname - respond to #join - if present' do Yaml2env.root = nil Yaml2env.root.must_be_kind_of NilClass Yaml2env.root.wont_respond_to :join Yaml2env.root = "" Yaml2env.root.must_be_kind_of String Yaml2env.root.wont_respond_to :join Yaml2env.root = "/tmp" Yaml2env.root.must_be_kind_of Pathname Yaml2env.root.must_respond_to :join Yaml2env.root.join('ponies').to_s.must_equal "/tmp/ponies" end # TODO: Need to alter other specs to get this work well - later. # it 'should not accept non-existing path - makes no sense' do # lambda { Yaml2env.root = "/tmp/i_dont_exist" }.must_raise Yaml2env::InvalidRootError # end it 'should expand path automatically' do Yaml2env.root = "/tmp/path/../path/.." Yaml2env.root.to_s.must_equal "/tmp" end end describe ".root?" do it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :root? end it 'should return true if root is present, otherwise false' do Yaml2env.root = nil Yaml2env.root?.must_equal false Yaml2env.root = "" Yaml2env.root?.must_equal false Yaml2env.root = "/" Yaml2env.root?.must_equal true Yaml2env.root = "/path/to/project" Yaml2env.root?.must_equal true end end describe ".env" do it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :env end it 'should be writable' do Yaml2env.root = "/tmp" Yaml2env.root.to_s.must_equal "/tmp" end # FIXME: See TODO. it "should respond true/false for matching environment via method missing (a.k.a. string inquiry)" do skip Yaml2env.env.must_respond_to :development? Yaml2env.env.must_respond_to :staging? Yaml2env.env.must_respond_to :production? Yaml2env.env.must_respond_to :bogus? Yaml2env.env = nil Yaml2env.env.development?.must_equal false Yaml2env.env = "" Yaml2env.env.development?.must_equal false Yaml2env.env = "development" Yaml2env.env.development?.must_equal true Yaml2env.env.bogus?.must_equal false Yaml2env.env = "staging" Yaml2env.env.development?.must_equal false Yaml2env.env = "production" Yaml2env.env.production?.must_equal true end end describe ".env?" do it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :env? end describe "with no arguments" do it 'should return true if env is present, otherwise false' do Yaml2env.env = nil Yaml2env.env?.must_equal false Yaml2env.env = "" Yaml2env.env?.must_equal false Yaml2env.env = "development" Yaml2env.env?.must_equal true end end describe "with one argument" do # Stupid spec, but for the record... it 'nil/blank: should return true if env equals, otherwise false' do Yaml2env.env = nil Yaml2env.env?(nil).must_equal true Yaml2env.env?("").must_equal true Yaml2env.env = "" Yaml2env.env?(nil).must_equal true Yaml2env.env?("").must_equal true end it 'string: should return true if env equals, otherwise false' do Yaml2env.env = nil Yaml2env.env?("development").must_equal false Yaml2env.env = "" Yaml2env.env?("development").must_equal false Yaml2env.env = "development" Yaml2env.env?("development").must_equal true Yaml2env.env = "staging" Yaml2env.env?("development").must_equal false end it 'regexp: should return true if env matches, otherwise false' do Yaml2env.env = nil Yaml2env.env?(/development|staging/).must_equal false Yaml2env.env = "" Yaml2env.env?(/development|staging/).must_equal false Yaml2env.env = "development" Yaml2env.env?(/development|staging/).must_equal true Yaml2env.env = "staging" Yaml2env.env?(/development|staging/).must_equal true end end describe "with one argument" do # *<:) it 'nils/blanks: should return true if env equals, otherwise false' do Yaml2env.env = nil lambda { Yaml2env.env?(nil, nil) }.must_raise Yaml2env::HumanError lambda { Yaml2env.env?(nil, "") }.must_raise Yaml2env::HumanError lambda { Yaml2env.env?("", "") }.must_raise Yaml2env::HumanError Yaml2env.env = "" lambda { Yaml2env.env?(nil, nil) }.must_raise Yaml2env::HumanError lambda { Yaml2env.env?(nil, "") }.must_raise Yaml2env::HumanError lambda { Yaml2env.env?("", "") }.must_raise Yaml2env::HumanError end it 'strings: should return true if env equals, otherwise false' do Yaml2env.env = nil Yaml2env.env?("development", "staging").must_equal false Yaml2env.env = "" Yaml2env.env?("development", "staging").must_equal false Yaml2env.env = "development" Yaml2env.env?("development", "staging").must_equal true Yaml2env.env = "staging" Yaml2env.env?("development", "staging").must_equal true Yaml2env.env = "production" Yaml2env.env?("development", "staging").must_equal false end it 'regexpes: should return true if env matches, otherwise false' do Yaml2env.env = nil Yaml2env.env?(/development|staging/).must_equal false Yaml2env.env = "" Yaml2env.env?(/development|staging/).must_equal false Yaml2env.env = "development" Yaml2env.env?(/development|staging/).must_equal true Yaml2env.env = "staging" Yaml2env.env?(/development|staging/).must_equal true end end end describe ".default_env" do it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :default_env end it 'should be default value for Yaml2env.env if no value is set' do with_constants :ENV => {'RACK_ENV' => nil} do Yaml2env.default_env = 'development' Yaml2env.env = nil Yaml2env.detect_env! Yaml2env.env.must_equal 'development' Yaml2env.default_env = 'development' Yaml2env.env = 'staging' Yaml2env.detect_env! Yaml2env.env.must_equal 'staging' Yaml2env.default_env = nil end end end describe ".default_env?" do it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :default_env? end it 'should be true only if specified env equals default_env' do Yaml2env.default_env = 'development' Yaml2env.env = 'development' Yaml2env.default_env?.must_equal true Yaml2env.env = 'staging' Yaml2env.default_env?.must_equal false end end describe ".configure" do it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :configure end it 'should be possible to change settings in a block' do Yaml2env.root = '/tmp/hello_world' Yaml2env.env = 'staging' Yaml2env.configure do |c| c.root = '/home/grimen/projects/hello_world' c.env = 'production' end Yaml2env.root.to_s.must_equal '/home/grimen/projects/hello_world' Yaml2env.env.must_equal 'production' end end describe ".detect_root!" do it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :detect_root! end it "should detect environment for Rack_apps - 1st" do rack!(true) rails!(true) sinatra!(true) Yaml2env.root = nil Yaml2env.detect_root! Yaml2env.root.to_s.must_equal '/home/grimen/development/rack_app' end it "should detect environment for Rails_apps - 2nd" do rack!(false) rails!(true) sinatra!(true) Yaml2env.root = nil Yaml2env.detect_root! Yaml2env.root.to_s.must_equal '/home/grimen/development/rails_app' end it "should detect environment for Sinatra_apps - 3rd" do rack!(false) rails!(false) sinatra!(true) Yaml2env.root = nil Yaml2env.detect_root! Yaml2env.root.to_s.must_equal '/home/grimen/development/sinatra_app' end it 'should complain if no environment could be detected' do rack!(false) rails!(false) sinatra!(false) Yaml2env.root = nil assert_raises Yaml2env::DetectionFailedError do Yaml2env.detect_root! end end end describe ".detect_env!" do before do Yaml2env.default_env = nil end it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :detect_env! end it "should detect environment for Rack_apps - 1st" do rack!(true) rails!(true) sinatra!(true) Yaml2env.env = nil Yaml2env.detect_env! Yaml2env.env.must_equal 'rack_env' end it "should detect environment for Rails_apps - 2nd" do rack!(false) rails!(true) sinatra!(true) Yaml2env.env = nil Yaml2env.detect_env! Yaml2env.env.must_equal 'rails_env' end it "should detect environment for Sinatra_apps - 3rd" do rack!(false) rails!(false) sinatra!(true) Yaml2env.env = nil Yaml2env.detect_env! Yaml2env.env.must_equal 'sinatra_env' end it 'should complain if no environment could be detected' do rack!(false) rails!(false) sinatra!(false) Yaml2env.env = nil assert_raises Yaml2env::DetectionFailedError do Yaml2env.detect_env! end end end describe "private/protected" do describe ".load_config" do it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :load_config end it 'should load config for all environments for a valid config YAML file without issues' do assert (config = Yaml2env.send(:load_config, @valid_config_path)) config.must_be_kind_of Hash config.must_equal({ "development" => {"api_key"=>"DEVELOPMENT_KEY", "api_secret"=>"DEVELOPMENT_SECRET"}, "test" => {"api_key"=>"TEST_KEY", "api_secret"=>"TEST_SECRET"}, "staging" => {"api_key"=>"STAGING_KEY", "api_secret"=>"STAGING_SECRET"}, "production" => {"api_key"=>"PRODUCTION_KEY", "api_secret"=>"PRODUCTION_SECRET"}, "nyan_cat_mode" => {"api_key"=>"NYAN_CAT_MODE_KEY", "api_secret"=>"NYAN_CAT_MODE_SECRET"} }) end end describe ".load_config_for_env" do it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :load_config_for_env end it 'should load config for a valid environment for a valid config YAML file without issues' do env_config = Yaml2env.send(:load_config_for_env, @valid_config_path, 'development') env_config.must_equal({ "api_key"=>"DEVELOPMENT_KEY", "api_secret"=>"DEVELOPMENT_SECRET" }) env_config = Yaml2env.send(:load_config_for_env, @valid_config_path, 'test') env_config.must_equal({ "api_key"=>"TEST_KEY", "api_secret"=>"TEST_SECRET" }) env_config = Yaml2env.send(:load_config_for_env, @valid_config_path, 'staging') env_config.must_equal({ "api_key"=>"STAGING_KEY", "api_secret"=>"STAGING_SECRET" }) env_config = Yaml2env.send(:load_config_for_env, @valid_config_path, 'production') env_config.must_equal({ "api_key"=>"PRODUCTION_KEY", "api_secret"=>"PRODUCTION_SECRET" }) env_config = Yaml2env.send(:load_config_for_env, @valid_config_path, 'nyan_cat_mode') env_config.must_equal({ "api_key"=>"NYAN_CAT_MODE_KEY", "api_secret"=>"NYAN_CAT_MODE_SECRET" }) end it 'should not load config for a missing environment for a valid config YAML file without issues' do env_config = Yaml2env.send(:load_config_for_env, @valid_config_path, 'missing') env_config.must_equal(nil) end end end describe ".load!" do before do Yaml2env.env = 'production' Yaml2env.root = File.dirname(__FILE__) Yaml2env.logger = nil end it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :load! end it 'should throw error if specified config file that do not exist' do assert_raises Yaml2env::ConfigLoadingError do Yaml2env.load! 'null.yml' end end it 'should not throw error if specified config file do exist' do assert Yaml2env.load!('fixtures/example.yml') end it 'should throw error if a specified constant-key do not exist in the config file' do assert_raises Yaml2env::MissingConfigKeyError do Yaml2env.load! 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'bla'} end end it 'should not throw error if a specified constant-key do in fact exist in the config file' do assert Yaml2env.load! 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key', :API_SECRET => 'api_secret'} end it 'should set - with Yaml2env - loaded ENV-values' do Yaml2env::LOADED_ENV.clear unless Yaml2env::LOADED_ENV.empty? Yaml2env.load! 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key', :API_SECRET => 'api_secret'} Yaml2env::LOADED_ENV.must_equal({"API_SECRET" => "PRODUCTION_SECRET", "API_KEY" => "PRODUCTION_KEY"}) end end describe ".load" do before do Yaml2env.env = 'production' Yaml2env.root = File.dirname(__FILE__) Yaml2env.logger = nil end it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :load end it 'should at maximum log warning if specified config file that do not exist' do assert Yaml2env.load('null.yml') end it 'should not log warning or raise error if specified config file do exist' do assert Yaml2env.load('fixtures/example.yml') end it 'should at maximum log warning if a specified constant-key do not exist in the config file' do assert Yaml2env.load 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'bla'} end it 'should not log warning or raise error if a specified constant-key do in fact exist in the config file' do assert Yaml2env.load 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key', :API_SECRET => 'api_secret'} end it 'should set - with Yaml2env - loaded ENV-values' do Yaml2env::LOADED_ENV.clear unless Yaml2env::LOADED_ENV.empty? Yaml2env.load 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key', :API_SECRET => 'api_secret'} Yaml2env::LOADED_ENV.must_equal({"API_SECRET" => "PRODUCTION_SECRET", "API_KEY" => "PRODUCTION_KEY"}) end end describe ".require!" do before do Yaml2env.env = 'production' Yaml2env.root = File.dirname(__FILE__) Yaml2env.logger = nil # Yaml2env.stubs(:loaded).returns({}) end it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :require! end it 'should throw error if specified config file that do not exist' do proc { Yaml2env.require! 'null.yml' }.must_raise Yaml2env::ConfigLoadingError end it 'should not throw error if specified config file do exist' do proc { Yaml2env.require!('fixtures/example.yml') }.must_be_silent end it 'should throw error if a specified constant-key do not exist in the config file' do proc { Yaml2env.require! 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'bla'} }.must_raise Yaml2env::MissingConfigKeyError end it 'should not throw error if a specified constant-key do in fact exist in the config file' do assert Yaml2env.require! 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key', :API_SECRET => 'api_secret'} end it 'should set - with Yaml2env - required ENV-values' do Yaml2env::LOADED_ENV.clear unless Yaml2env::LOADED_ENV.empty? Yaml2env.require! 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key', :API_SECRET => 'api_secret'} Yaml2env::LOADED_ENV.must_equal({"API_SECRET" => "PRODUCTION_SECRET", "API_KEY" => "PRODUCTION_KEY"}) end it "should only load specified file if it has not been loaded already - like Ruby require vs. load" do assert Yaml2env.require! 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key', :API_SECRET => 'api_secret'} lambda { Yaml2env.require! 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key', :API_SECRET => 'api_secret'} }.must_raise Yaml2env::AlreadyLoadedError assert Yaml2env.require! 'fixtures/example2.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key', :API_SECRET => 'api_secret'} end end describe ".require" do before do Yaml2env.env = 'production' Yaml2env.root = File.dirname(__FILE__) Yaml2env.logger = nil # Yaml2env.stubs(:loaded).returns({}) end it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :require end it 'should at maximum log warning if specified config file that do not exist' do proc { Yaml2env.require('null.yml') }.must_be_silent end it 'should not log warning or raise error if specified config file do exist' do proc { Yaml2env.require('fixtures/example.yml') }.must_be_silent end it 'should at maximum log warning if a specified constant-key do not exist in the config file' do proc { Yaml2env.require 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'bla'} }.must_be_silent end it 'should not log warning or raise error if a specified constant-key do in fact exist in the config file' do proc { assert Yaml2env.require 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key', :API_SECRET => 'api_secret'} }.must_be_silent end it 'should set - with Yaml2env - requireed ENV-values' do Yaml2env::LOADED_ENV.clear unless Yaml2env::LOADED_ENV.empty? Yaml2env.require 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key', :API_SECRET => 'api_secret'} Yaml2env::LOADED_ENV.must_equal({"API_SECRET" => "PRODUCTION_SECRET", "API_KEY" => "PRODUCTION_KEY"}) end it "should only load specified file if it has not been loaded already - like Ruby require vs. load" do Yaml2env.require('fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key', :API_SECRET => 'api_secret'}).must_equal true Yaml2env.require('fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key', :API_SECRET => 'api_secret'}).must_equal false Yaml2env.require('fixtures/example2.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key', :API_SECRET => 'api_secret'}).must_equal true # FIXME: How test output using Logger - only works with "puts", and also need to silence spec output. :P # args = ['fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key', :API_SECRET => 'api_secret'}] # lambda { # Yaml2env.require *args # }.must_output "[Yaml2env] Already loaded: -- arguments: [\"fixtures/example.yml\", {:API_KEY=>\"api_key\", :API_SECRET=>\"api_secret\"}])\n" end end describe ".loaded" do before do Yaml2env.env = 'production' Yaml2env.root = File.dirname(__FILE__) Yaml2env.logger = nil end it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :loaded end it 'should hold any loaded values - based on loaded filename as key' do key_1 = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures/example.yml') key_2 = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures/example2.yml') Yaml2env.load 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key', :API_SECRET => 'api_secret'} Yaml2env.loaded.keys.must_include key_1 Yaml2env.loaded[key_1].must_equal({'api_key' => 'PRODUCTION_KEY', 'api_secret' => 'PRODUCTION_SECRET'}) Yaml2env.load 'fixtures/example2.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key', :API_SECRET => 'api_secret'} Yaml2env.loaded.keys.must_include key_1 Yaml2env.loaded.keys.must_include key_2 Yaml2env.loaded[key_1].must_equal({'api_key' => 'PRODUCTION_KEY', 'api_secret' => 'PRODUCTION_SECRET'}) Yaml2env.loaded[key_2].must_equal({'api_key' => 'PRODUCTION_KEY_2', 'api_secret' => 'PRODUCTION_SECRET_2'}) end end describe ".loaded_files" do it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :loaded_files end it 'should return loaded files' do file_1 = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures/example.yml') file_2 = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures/example2.yml') Yaml2env.loaded_files.must_be_kind_of Array Yaml2env.load 'fixtures/example.yml' Yaml2env.loaded_files.must_include file_1 Yaml2env.load 'fixtures/example2.yml' Yaml2env.loaded_files.must_include file_1, file_2 end end describe ".loaded?" do before do Yaml2env::LOADED_ENV.clear unless Yaml2env::LOADED_ENV.empty? end it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :loaded? end describe "one argument" do it 'should return false if specified constant is not loaded into ENV' do Yaml2env.loaded?('API_KEY').must_equal false end it 'should return true if specified constant is loaded into ENV' do Yaml2env.load 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key', :API_SECRET => 'api_secret'} Yaml2env.loaded?('API_KEY').must_equal true end end describe "multiple arguments" do it 'should return false if none of the specified constants are not loaded into ENV' do Yaml2env.loaded?('API_KEY', 'API_SECRET').must_equal false end it 'should return false if any of the specified constants are not loaded into ENV' do Yaml2env.load 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key'} Yaml2env.loaded?('API_KEY', 'API_SECRET').must_equal false end it 'should return true if all specified constants are loaded into ENV' do Yaml2env.load 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY => 'api_key', :API_SECRET => 'api_secret'} Yaml2env.loaded?('API_KEY', 'API_SECRET').must_equal true end end end describe ".log_env" do before do Yaml2env.default_env = nil end it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :log_env end it 'should log env value' do Yaml2env.env = nil lambda { Yaml2env.log_env }.must_output %{:: Yaml2env.env = nil\n} Yaml2env.env = 'development' lambda { Yaml2env.log_env }.must_output %{:: Yaml2env.env = "development"\n} end it 'should show default env is used if this is the case' do Yaml2env.default_env = 'development' Yaml2env.env = 'development' lambda { Yaml2env.log_env }.must_output %{:: Yaml2env.env = "development" (default)\n} Yaml2env.default_env = 'development' Yaml2env.env = 'staging' lambda { Yaml2env.log_env }.must_output %{:: Yaml2env.env = "staging"\n} end end describe ".log_root" do it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :log_root end it 'should log root value' do Yaml2env.root = nil lambda { Yaml2env.log_root }.must_output %{:: Yaml2env.root = nil\n} Yaml2env.root = '/tmp/path' lambda { Yaml2env.log_root }.must_output %{:: Yaml2env.root = "/tmp/path"\n} end end describe ".log_values" do it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :log_values end it 'should log ENV values' do with_constants :ENV => {"API_SECRET" => "PRODUCTION_SECRET", "API_KEY" => "PRODUCTION_KEY"} do lambda { Yaml2env.log_values }.must_output %{:: ENV = \"API_KEY\" => \"PRODUCTION_KEY\", \"API_SECRET\" => \"PRODUCTION_SECRET\"\n} end end it 'should log ENV values for specified key(s)' do with_constants :ENV => {"API_SECRET" => "PRODUCTION_SECRET", "API_KEY" => "PRODUCTION_KEY"} do lambda { Yaml2env.log_values 'API_KEY' }.must_output %{:: ENV = \"API_KEY\" => \"PRODUCTION_KEY\"\n} lambda { Yaml2env.log_values 'API_KEY', 'API_SECRET', 'BOGUS' }.must_output %{:: ENV = \"API_KEY\" => \"PRODUCTION_KEY\", \"API_SECRET\" => \"PRODUCTION_SECRET\"\n} end end it 'should log ENV values for specified key expression' do with_constants :ENV => {"API_SECRET" => "PRODUCTION_SECRET", "API_KEY" => "PRODUCTION_KEY"} do lambda { Yaml2env.log_values /API_KEY/ }.must_output %{:: ENV = \"API_KEY\" => \"PRODUCTION_KEY\"\n} lambda { Yaml2env.log_values /API_KEY|API_SECRET|BOGUS/ }.must_output %{:: ENV = \"API_KEY\" => \"PRODUCTION_KEY\", \"API_SECRET\" => \"PRODUCTION_SECRET\"\n} end end end describe ".assert_keys!" do before do Yaml2env.root = File.dirname(__FILE__) Yaml2env.env = 'development' Yaml2env.logger = nil # end it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :assert_keys! end it 'should raise error if no arguments are specified' do lambda { Yaml2env.assert_keys! }.must_raise Yaml2env::ArgumentError end it 'should raise error if specified keys are not loaded into ENV' do Yaml2env.load 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY_6 => 'api_key', :API_SECRET_6 => 'api_secret'} lambda { Yaml2env.assert_keys! :BOGUS }.must_raise Yaml2env::MissingConfigKeyError lambda { Yaml2env.assert_keys! :BOGUS, :BOGUS_2 }.must_raise Yaml2env::MissingConfigKeyError end it 'should not raise error if specified keys are loaded into ENV' do Yaml2env.load 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY_6 => 'api_key', :API_SECRET_6 => 'api_secret'} lambda { Yaml2env.assert_keys! :API_KEY_6 }.must_be_silent lambda { Yaml2env.assert_keys! :API_KEY_6, :API_SECRET_6 }.must_be_silent end end describe ".assert_keys" do before do Yaml2env.root = File.dirname(__FILE__) Yaml2env.env = 'development' Yaml2env.logger = nil # end it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :assert_keys end it 'should raise error if no arguments are specified' do lambda { Yaml2env.assert_keys }.must_raise Yaml2env::ArgumentError end it 'should log warning if specified keys are not loaded into ENV' do Yaml2env.load 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY_5 => 'api_key', :API_SECRET_5 => 'api_secret'} lambda { Yaml2env.assert_keys :BOGUS }.must_output %{[Yaml2env] WARN: Assertion failed, no such ENV-keys loaded: \"BOGUS\"\n} lambda { Yaml2env.assert_keys :BOGUS, :BOGUS_2 }.must_output %{[Yaml2env] WARN: Assertion failed, no such ENV-keys loaded: \"BOGUS\", \"BOGUS_2\"\n} end it 'should not log warning if specified keys are loaded into ENV' do Yaml2env.load 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY_5 => 'api_key', :API_SECRET_5 => 'api_secret'} lambda { Yaml2env.assert_keys :API_KEY_5 }.must_be_silent lambda { Yaml2env.assert_keys :API_KEY_5, :API_SECRET_5 }.must_be_silent end end describe ".assert_values!" do before do Yaml2env.root = File.dirname(__FILE__) Yaml2env.env = 'development' Yaml2env.logger = nil # end it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :assert_values! end it 'should raise error if no hash is specified' do lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values! }.must_raise ArgumentError lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values!({}) }.must_raise Yaml2env::ArgumentError lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values! :API_KEY_4 }.must_raise Yaml2env::ArgumentError end it 'should raise error if specified hash values are not regular expression values' do lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values! :API_KEY_4 => 'DEVELOPMENT_KEY' }.must_raise Yaml2env::ArgumentError lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values! :API_KEY_4 => 'DEVELOPMENT_KEY', :API_SECRET_4 => /[A-Z]+/ }.must_raise Yaml2env::ArgumentError end it 'should raise error if specified keys with - based on the expression - valid values are not loaded into ENV' do Yaml2env.load 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY_4 => 'api_key', :API_SECRET_4 => 'api_secret'} lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values! :API_KEY_4 => /[a-z]+/ }.must_raise Yaml2env::InvalidConfigValueError lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values! :API_KEY_4 => /[a-z]+/, :API_SECRET_4 => /[A-Z]+/ }.must_raise Yaml2env::InvalidConfigValueError lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values! :API_KEY_4 => /[a-z]+/, :API_SECRET_4 => /[a-z]+/ }.must_raise Yaml2env::InvalidConfigValueError end it 'should not raise error if specified keys with - based on the expression - valid values are loaded into ENV' do Yaml2env.load 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY_4 => 'api_key', :API_SECRET_4 => 'api_secret'} lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values! :API_KEY_4 => /[A-Z]+/ }.must_be_silent lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values! :API_KEY_4 => /[A-Z]+/, :API_SECRET_4 => /[A-Z]+/ }.must_be_silent end end describe ".assert_values" do before do Yaml2env.root = File.dirname(__FILE__) Yaml2env.env = 'development' Yaml2env.logger = nil # end it 'should be defined' do Yaml2env.must_respond_to :assert_values end it 'should raise error if no hash is specified' do lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values }.must_raise ArgumentError lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values({}) }.must_raise Yaml2env::ArgumentError lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values :API_KEY_2 }.must_raise Yaml2env::ArgumentError end it 'should raise error if specified hash values are not regular expression values' do lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values :API_KEY_2 => 'DEVELOPMENT_KEY' }.must_raise Yaml2env::ArgumentError lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values :API_KEY_2 => 'DEVELOPMENT_KEY', :API_SECRET_2 => /[A-Z]+/ }.must_raise Yaml2env::ArgumentError end it 'should log warning if specified keys with - based on the expression - valid values are not loaded into ENV' do Yaml2env.load 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY_2 => 'api_key', :API_SECRET_2 => 'api_secret'} lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values :API_KEY_2 => /[a-z]+/ }.must_output %{[Yaml2env] WARN: Assertion failed, invalid values: \"API_KEY_2\" => /[a-z]+/\n} lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values :API_KEY_2 => /[a-z]+/, :API_SECRET_2 => /[A-Z]+/ }.must_output %{[Yaml2env] WARN: Assertion failed, invalid values: \"API_KEY_2\" => /[a-z]+/, \"API_SECRET_2\" => /[A-Z]+/\n} lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values :API_KEY_2 => /[a-z]+/, :API_SECRET_2 => /[a-z]+/ }.must_output %{[Yaml2env] WARN: Assertion failed, invalid values: \"API_KEY_2\" => /[a-z]+/, \"API_SECRET_2\" => /[a-z]+/\n} end it 'should not log warning if specified keys with - based on the expression - valid values are loaded into ENV' do Yaml2env.load 'fixtures/example.yml', {:API_KEY_3 => 'api_key', :API_SECRET_3 => 'api_secret'} lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values :API_KEY_3 => /[A-Z]+/ }.must_be_silent lambda { Yaml2env.assert_values :API_KEY_3 => /[A-Z]+/, :API_SECRET_3 => /[A-Z]+/ }.must_be_silent end end end