Daemons Rails support (based on http://github.com/dougal/daemon_generator) ================ To get it work just add dependency to this gem in your Gemfile. ## NOTES ## - **If you switched from earlier version to 1.2 its recommended to change `Daemons.run` to `Daemons::Rails.run` in your `*_ctl` files** - **If you switched from earlier version to 1.1 you may need to move `script/daemons` file to `lib/daemons` directory.** ## GENERATOR ## rails generate daemon Then insert your code in the lib/daemons/\.rb stub. All pids and logs will live in the normal log/ folder. This helps to make things Capistrano friendly. ## CONTROL ## Individual control script: ./lib/daemons/_ctl [start|stop|restart|status] rake daemon:[:(start|stop|status)] Examples: rake daemon:test - runs lib/daemons/test.rb not daemonized rake daemon:test:start - start daemon using lib/daemons/test_ctl start rake daemon:test:stop - stop daemon using lib/daemons/test_ctl stop rake daemon:test:status - show running status for daemon using lib/daemons/test_ctl status App-wide control script: ./lib/daemons/daemons [start|stop|restart|status] rake daemons:(start|stop|status) ## MONITORING API ## Daemons::Rails::Monitoring.statuses - hash with all daemons and corresponding statuses Daemons::Rails::Monitoring.start("test.rb") - start daemon using lib/daemons/test_ctl start Daemons::Rails::Monitoring.stop("test.rb") - start daemon using lib/daemons/test_ctl stop Daemons::Rails::Monitoring.controllers - list of controllers Daemons::Rails::Monitoring.controller("test.rb") - controller for test.rb application controller = Daemons::Rails::Monitoring.controller("test.rb") controller.path # => lib/daemons/test_ctl controller.app_name # => test.rb controller.start # => starts daemon controller.stop # => stops daemon controller.status # => :not_exists or :running ## CONFIGURATION ## You can set default settings for your daemons into config/daemons.yml file. Full list of options you can get from documentation to Daemons.daemonize method (http://daemons.rubyforge.org/classes/Daemons.html#M000007). Also it possible to set individual daemon options using file config/\-daemon.yml. If you want to use directory other than default lib/daemons then you should add to application initialization block following lines: class MyApp < Rails::Application ... Daemons::Rails.configure do |c| c.daemons_path = Rails.root.join("new_daemons_path") end ... end If you change your mind, you can easily move content of this directory to other place and change config. Notice: this feature available only from version 1.1 and old generated daemons can't be free moved, because uses hard-coded path to lib/daemons. So, you can generate daemons with same names and then move client code to generated templates. ## USING MULTIPLE DAEMON SETS ## At this moment it is not supported at generators and rake tasks levels, but you can generate daemon to default location and move to different folder (you should also copy *daemons* script to same directory). Then you will be able to operate with them using following scripts: other/daemons/location/daemons [start|stop|restart|status] other/daemons/location/_ctl [start|stop|restart|status] To access the daemons with Monitoring API you can use configured instance of *Daemons::Rails::Monitoring*: Daemons::Rails::Monitoring.new("other/daemons/location") and same set of methods. Effectively, *Daemons::Rails::Monitoring* just delegates all method calls to *Daemons::Rails::Monitoring.default* initialized with configured daemons path. ## CHANGES ## * 1.2.0 - development dependency on Rails bumped to support Rails 4 (dmilisic). Removed direct dependency on Daemons gem from generated files (in preparation for more daemonization providers) * 1.1.2 - fix script template to load environment within Rails.root directory. It takes no effect on already generated scripts. * 1.1.1 - fix dependencies, clean-up specs * 1.1.0 - supported custom directory for daemons, support multiple daemons directories * 1.0.0 - changed api for Daemons::Rails::Monitoring, fixed path in template for script, improved documentation, added RSpec * 0.0.3 - added rake for running script without daemonization (rake daemon:\)