module Refinery class Setting < Refinery::Core::BaseModel extend FriendlyId friendly_id :name FORM_VALUE_TYPES = [ ['Multi-line', 'text_area'], ['Checkbox', 'check_box'] ] validates :name, :presence => true serialize :value # stores into YAML format # Docs for acts_as_indexed acts_as_indexed :fields => [:name] attr_accessible :name, :value, :destroyable, :scoping, :restricted, :form_value_type before_save do |setting| setting.restricted = false if setting.restricted.nil? end after_save do |setting| setting.class.rewrite_cache end class << self # Number of settings to show per page when using will_paginate def per_page 12 end def ensure_cache_exists! if (result =, :multithread => true)).nil? result = rewrite_cache end result end protected :ensure_cache_exists! def cache_read(name = nil, scoping = nil) result = ensure_cache_exists! if name.present? scoping = scoping.to_s if scoping.is_a?(Symbol) result = result.detect do |rs| rs[:name] == name.to_s.downcase.to_sym and rs[:scoping] == scoping end result = result[:value] if !result.nil? and result.keys.include?(:value) end result end def to_cache(settings) settings.collect do |rs| { :name =>, :value => rs.value, :scoping => rs.scoping, :destroyable => rs.destroyable } end end def rewrite_cache # delete cache Rails.cache.delete(cache_key, :multithread => true) # generate new cache result = (to_cache(all) if (table_exists? rescue false)) # write cache Rails.cache.write(cache_key, result, :multithread => true) # return cache, or lack thereof. result ||= [] end def cache_key [Refinery::Core.base_cache_key, 'settings_cache'].join('_') end # find_or_set offers a convenient way to def find_or_set(name, the_value, options={}) # Merge default options with supplied options. options = { :scoping => nil, :restricted => false, :form_value_type => 'text_area' }.merge(options) # try to find the setting first value = get(name, :scoping => options[:scoping]) # if the setting's value is nil, store a new one using the existing functionality. value = set(name, options.merge({:value => the_value})) if value.nil? # Return what we found. value end alias :get_or_set :find_or_set # Retrieve the current value for the setting whose name is supplied. def get(name, options = {}) options = {:scoping => nil}.update(options) cache_read(name, options[:scoping]) end alias :[] :get def set(name, value) return (value.is_a?(Hash) ? value[:value] : value) unless (table_exists? rescue false) scoping = (value[:scoping] if value.is_a?(Hash) and value.has_key?(:scoping)) setting = find_or_initialize_by_name_and_scoping(name.to_s, scoping) # you could also pass in {:value => 'something', :scoping => 'somewhere'} unless value.is_a?(Hash) and value.has_key?(:value) setting.value = value else # set the value last, so that the other attributes can transform it if required. setting.form_value_type = value[:form_value_type] || 'text_area' if setting.respond_to?(:form_value_type) setting.scoping = value[:scoping] if value.has_key?(:scoping) setting.destroyable = value[:destroyable] if value.has_key?(:destroyable) setting.value = value[:value] end # Save because we're in a setter method. # Return the value setting.value end end # prettier version of the name. # site_name becomes Site Name def title result = name.to_s.titleize result << " (#{scoping.titleize})" if scoping.is_a?(String) result end # form_value is so that on the web interface we can display a sane value. def form_value unless self[:value].blank? or self[:value].is_a?(String) YAML::dump(self[:value]) else self[:value] end end def value replacements!(self[:value]) end def value=(new_value) # must convert "1" to true and "0" to false when supplied using 'check_box', unfortunately. if ["1", "0"].include?(new_value) and form_value_type == 'check_box' new_value = new_value == "1" ? true : false end # must convert to string if true or false supplied otherwise it becomes 0 or 1, unfortunately. if [true, false].include?(new_value) new_value = new_value.to_s end super end private # Below is not very nice, but seems to be required. The problem is when Rails # serialises a fields like booleans it doesn't retrieve it back out as a boolean # it just returns a string. This code maps the two boolean values # correctly so that a boolean is returned instead of a string. REPLACEMENTS = {"true" => true, "false" => false} def replacements!(current_value) # This bit handles true and false so that true and false are actually returned # not "0" and "1" REPLACEMENTS.each do |current, new_value| current_value = new_value if current_value == current end # converts the serialised value back to an integer # if the value is an integer begin if current_value.to_i.to_s == current_value current_value = current_value.to_i end rescue current_value end current_value end end end