require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider(:dnfmodule) do include PuppetSpec::Fixtures let(:dnf_version) do <<-DNF_OUTPUT 4.0.9 Installed: dnf-0: at Wed 29 May 2019 07:05:05 AM GMT Built : Red Hat, Inc. at Thu 14 Feb 2019 12:04:07 PM GMT Installed: rpm-0:4.14.2-9.el8.x86_64 at Wed 29 May 2019 07:04:33 AM GMT Built : Red Hat, Inc. at Thu 20 Dec 2018 01:30:03 PM GMT DNF_OUTPUT end let(:execute_options) do {:failonfail => true, :combine => true, :custom_environment => {}} end let(:packages) {"dnf-module-list-installed.txt")) } let(:dnf_path) { '/usr/bin/dnf' } before(:each) { allow(Puppet::Util).to receive(:which).with('/usr/bin/dnf').and_return(dnf_path) } it "should have lower specificity" do allow(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:osfamily).and_return(:redhat) allow(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:operatingsystem).and_return(:redhat) allow(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:operatingsystemmajrelease).and_return('8') expect(described_class.specificity).to be < 200 end describe "should be an opt-in provider" do Array(4..8).each do |ver| it "should not be default for redhat #{ver}" do allow(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:operatingsystem).and_return('redhat') allow(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:osfamily).and_return('redhat') allow(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:operatingsystemmajrelease).and_return(ver.to_s) expect(described_class).not_to be_default end end end describe "handling dnf versions" do before(:each) do expect(Puppet::Type::Package::ProviderDnfmodule).to receive(:execute) .with(["/usr/bin/dnf", "--version"]) .and_return(dnf_version).at_most(:once) expect(Puppet::Util::Execution).to receive(:execute) .with(["/usr/bin/dnf", "--version"], execute_options) .and_return(, 0)) end describe "with a supported dnf version" do it "correctly parses the version" do expect(described_class.current_version).to eq('4.0.9') end end describe "with an unsupported dnf version" do let(:dnf_version) do <<-DNF_OUTPUT 2.7.5 Installed: dnf-0:2.7.5-12.fc28.noarch at Mon 13 Aug 2018 11:05:27 PM GMT Built : Fedora Project at Wed 18 Apr 2018 02:29:51 PM GMT Installed: rpm-0:4.14.1-7.fc28.x86_64 at Mon 13 Aug 2018 11:05:25 PM GMT Built : Fedora Project at Mon 19 Feb 2018 09:29:01 AM GMT DNF_OUTPUT end before(:each) { described_class.instance_variable_set("@current_version", nil) } it "correctly parses the version" do expect(described_class.current_version).to eq('2.7.5') end it "raises an error when attempting prefetch" do expect { described_class.prefetch('anything') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, "Modules are not supported on DNF versions lower than 3.0.1") end end end describe "when installing a module" do let(:name) { 'baz' } let(:resource) do Puppet::Type.type(:package).new( :name => name, :provider => 'dnfmodule', ) end let(:provider) do provider = provider.resource = resource provider end describe 'provider features' do it { be_versionable } it { be_installable } it { be_uninstallable } end context "when installing a new module" do before do provider.instance_variable_get('@property_hash')[:ensure] = :absent end it "should not reset the module stream when package is absent" do resource[:ensure] = :present expect(provider).not_to receive(:uninstall) expect(provider).to receive(:execute) provider.install end it "should not reset the module stream when package is purged" do provider.instance_variable_get('@property_hash')[:ensure] = :purged resource[:ensure] = :present expect(provider).not_to receive(:uninstall) expect(provider).to receive(:execute) provider.install end it "should install the default stream and flavor" do resource[:ensure] = :present expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(array_including('baz')) provider.install end it "should install a specific stream" do resource[:ensure] = '9.6' expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(array_including('baz:9.6')) provider.install end it "should install a specific flavor" do resource[:ensure] = :present resource[:flavor] = 'minimal' expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(array_including('baz/minimal')) provider.install end it "should install a specific flavor and stream" do resource[:ensure] = '9.6' resource[:flavor] = 'minimal' expect(provider).to receive(:execute).with(array_including('baz:9.6/minimal')) provider.install end end context "when ensuring a specific version on top of another stream" do before do provider.instance_variable_get('@property_hash')[:ensure] = '9.6' end it "should remove existing packages and reset the module stream before installing" do resource[:ensure] = '10' expect(provider).to receive(:execute).thrice.with(array_including(/remove|reset|install/)) provider.install end end context "with an installed flavor" do before do provider.instance_variable_get('@property_hash')[:flavor] = 'minimal' end it "should remove existing packages and reset the module stream before installing another flavor" do resource[:flavor] = 'common' expect(provider).to receive(:execute).thrice.with(array_including(/remove|reset|install/)) provider.flavor = resource[:flavor] end it "should not do anything if the flavor doesn't change" do resource[:flavor] = 'minimal' expect(provider).not_to receive(:execute) provider.flavor = resource[:flavor] end it "should return the existing flavor" do expect(provider.flavor).to eq('minimal') end end end context "parsing the output of module list --installed" do before { allow(described_class).to receive(:command).with(:dnf).and_return(dnf_path) } it "returns an array of installed modules" do allow(Puppet::Util::Execution).to receive(:execute) .with("/usr/bin/dnf module list --installed -d 0 -e 1") .and_return(packages) installed_packages = { |package| } expected_packages = [{name: "gimp", ensure: "2.8", flavor: "devel", :provider => :dnfmodule}, {name: "mariadb", ensure: "10.3", flavor: "client", :provider => :dnfmodule}, {name: "nodejs", ensure: "10", flavor: "minimal", :provider => :dnfmodule}, {name: "perl", ensure: "5.26", flavor: "minimal", :provider => :dnfmodule}, {name: "postgresql", ensure: "10", flavor: "server", :provider => :dnfmodule}, {name: "rust-toolset", ensure: "rhel8", flavor: "common", :provider => :dnfmodule}, {name: "subversion", ensure: "1.10", flavor: "server", :provider => :dnfmodule}] expect(installed_packages).to eql(expected_packages) end end end