require 'mkmf' require 'fileutils' require 'rbconfig' host_os = RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] sitearch = RbConfig::CONFIG['sitearch'] LIBDIR = RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir'] INCLUDEDIR = RbConfig::CONFIG['includedir'] unless find_executable('cmake') abort "\n\n\n[ERROR]: cmake is required and not installed. Get it here:\n\n\n" end ROOT_TMP = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'tmp')) CMARK_DIR = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'cmark')) CMARK_BUILD_DIR = File.join(CMARK_DIR, 'build') # TODO: we need to clear out the build dir that's erroneously getting packaged # this causes problems, as Linux installation is expecting OS X output if && !File.exist?(ROOT_TMP) FileUtils.rm_rf(CMARK_BUILD_DIR) end FileUtils.mkdir_p(CMARK_BUILD_DIR) Dir.chdir(CMARK_BUILD_DIR) do if host_os == 'mingw32' system 'cmake .. -G "MSYS Makefiles"' else system 'cmake .. -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-fPIC' end system "make libcmark_static" or abort "make libcmark_static failed" system "make libcmarkextensions_static" or abort "make libcmarkextensions_static failed" # rake-compiler seems to complain about this line, not sure why it's messing with it FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(CMARK_BUILD_DIR, 'Testing', 'Temporary')) end HEADER_DIRS = [INCLUDEDIR] LIB_DIRS = [LIBDIR, "#{CMARK_BUILD_DIR}/src", "#{CMARK_BUILD_DIR}/extensions"] dir_config('cmark', HEADER_DIRS, LIB_DIRS) # don't even bother to do this check if using OS X's messed up system Ruby: unless sitearch =~ /^universal-darwin/ abort 'libcmark is missing.' unless find_library('cmark', 'cmark_parse_document') abort 'cmarkextensions is missing.' unless find_library('cmarkextensions', 'core_extensions_registration') end $LDFLAGS << " -L#{CMARK_BUILD_DIR}/src -L#{CMARK_BUILD_DIR}/extensions -lcmark -lcmarkextensions" $CFLAGS << " -O2 -I#{CMARK_DIR}/src -I#{CMARK_DIR}/extensions -I#{CMARK_BUILD_DIR}/src -I#{CMARK_BUILD_DIR}/extensions" $CFLAGS << " -DCMARK_STATIC_DEFINE -DCMARKEXTENSIONS_STATIC_DEFINE" create_makefile('commonmarker/commonmarker')