Feature: Browse Features In order to simply view project requirements As a stakeholder I want a web based feature viewer and navigator Scenario: Links to features in alphabetical order Given a feature file named "kate_moss.feature" with the contents: """ Feature: Kate Moss """ Given a feature file named "katie_price.feature" with the contents: """ Feature: Katie Price """ Given a feature file named "jessica_jane_clement.feature" with the contents: """ Feature: Jessica-Jane Clement """ Given a feature file named "elle_macpherson.feature" with the contents: """ Feature: Elle Macpherson """ When I visit the home page Then I should see a link to my sample features And the features are ordered alphabetically Scenario: Display feature tags Given a feature file named "sample.feature" with the contents: """ @sample_tag Feature: Sample Feature """ When I visit the sample feature page Then I should see "sample_tag" Scenario: Feature Content Given a feature file named "sample.feature" with the contents: """ Feature: Sample Feature In order to get some value As a person I want to create value """ When I visit the sample feature page Then I should see the feature free-form narrative Scenario: View Scenario Links Given a feature file named "sample.feature" with the contents: """ Feature: Sample Feature In order to get some value As a person I want to create value Scenario: Sample Aidy Given my name is "Aidy" When I drink alcohol Then I go nuts Scenario: Sample Andrew Given my name is 'Andrew' When I drink alcohol Then I go happy """ When I visit the sample feature page Then I should see Scenario headers as links Scenario: View Scenario Content Given a feature file named "sample.feature" with the contents: """ Feature: Sample Feature @tag1 @tag2 Scenario: Sample Aidy Given my name is "Aidy" When I drink alcohol Then I go nuts """ When I visit the sample feature page And click on a scenario header link Then a page appears with the scenario content And I should see "tag1" And I should see "tag2" Scenario: View Scenario Background Given a feature file named "sample.feature" with the contents: """ Feature: Sample Feature Background: Given some things Scenario: Sample Aidy """ When I visit the sample feature page And click on a scenario header link Then the background is visible Scenario: View Scenario Tags Given a feature file named "sample.feature" with the contents: """ Feature: Sample Feature Background: Given some things @work_in_progress Scenario: Sample Aidy """ When I visit the sample feature page And click on a scenario header link Then I should see "work_in_progress" Scenario: Sort Scenario Links in Alphabetical Order Given a feature file named "sample.feature" with the contents: """ Feature: Sample Feature Scenario: V Scenario: C Scenario: I Scenario: N """ When I visit the sample feature page Then the scenario links are sorted