require 'saulabs/reportable/config' module Saulabs module Reportable module ReportTagHelper # Renders a sparkline with the given data using the google drawing api. # # @param [Array>] data # an array of report data as returned by {Saulabs::Reportable::Report#run} # @param [Hash] options # options for the sparkline # # @option options [Fixnum] :width (300) # the width of the generated image # @option options [Fixnum] :height (34) # the height of the generated image # @option options [String] :line_color ('0077cc') # the line color of the generated image # @option options [String] :fill_color ('e6f2fa') # the fill color of the generated image # @option options [Array] :labels ([]) # the axes to render lables for (Array of +:x+, +:y+, +:r+, +:t+; this is x axis, y axis, right, top) # @option options [String] :alt ('') # the alt attribute for the generated image # @option options [String] :title ('') # the title attribute for the generated image # # @return [String] # an image tag showing a sparkline for the passed +data+ # # @example Rendering a sparkline tag for report data # # <%= google_report_tag(User.registrations_report, :width => 200, :height => 100, :color => '000') %> # def google_report_tag(data, options = {}) options.reverse_merge!(Config.google_options) data = data.collect { |d| d[1] } labels = '' unless options[:labels].empty? chxr = {} options[:labels].each_with_index do |l, i| chxr[l] = "#{i}," + ([:x, :t].include?(l) ? "0,#{data.length}" : "#{[data.min, 0].min},#{data.max}") end labels = "&chxt=#{options[:labels].map(&:to_s).join(',')}&chxr=#{options[:labels].collect{|l| chxr[l]}.join('|')}" end title = '' unless options[:title].blank? title = "&chtt=#{options[:title]}" end image_tag( "{options[:width]}x#{options[:height]}&chd=t:#{data.join(',')}&chco=#{options[:line_color]}&chm=B,#{options[:fill_color]},0,0,0&chls=1,0,0&chds=#{data.min},#{data.max}#{labels}#{title}", :alt => options[:alt], :title => options[:title] ) end # Renders a sparkline with the given data using Raphael. # # @param [Array>] data # an array of report data as returned by {Saulabs::Reportable::Report#run} # @param [Hash] options # options for width, height, the dom id and the format # @param [Hash] raphael_options # options that are passed directly to Raphael as JSON # # @option options [Fixnum] :width (300) # the width of the generated graph # @option options [Fixnum] :height (34) # the height of the generated graph # @option options [Array] :dom_id ("reportable_#{}") # the dom id of the generated div # # @return [String] # an div tag and the javascript code showing a sparkline for the passed +data+ # # @example Rendering a sparkline tag for report data # # <%= raphael_report_tag(User.registrations_report, { :width => 200, :height => 100, :format => 'div(100).to_i' }, { :vertical_label_unit => 'registrations' }) %> # def raphael_report_tag(data, options = {}, raphael_options = {}) @__raphael_report_tag_count ||= -1 @__raphael_report_tag_count += 1 default_dom_id = "#{data.model_name.downcase}_#{data.report_name}#{@__raphael_report_tag_count > 0 ? @__raphael_report_tag_count : ''}" options.reverse_merge!(Config.raphael_options.slice(:width, :height, :format)) options.reverse_merge!(:dom_id => default_dom_id) raphael_options.reverse_merge!(Config.raphael_options.except(:width, :height, :format)) %Q{
} end # Renders a sparkline with the given data using the jquery flot plugin. # # @param [Array>] data # an array of report data as returned by {Saulabs::Reportable::Report#run} # @param [Hash] options # options for width, height, the dom id and the format # @param [Hash] flot_options # options that are passed directly to Raphael as JSON # # @option options [Fixnum] :width (300) # the width of the generated graph # @option options [Fixnum] :height (34) # the height of the generated graph # @option options [Array] :dom_id ("reportable_#{}") # the dom id of the generated div # # @return [String] # an div tag and the javascript code showing a sparkline for the passed +data+ # # @example Rendering a sparkline tag for report data # # <%= flot_report_tag(User.registrations_report) %> # def flot_report_tag(data, options = {}, flot_options = {}) @__flot_report_tag_count ||= -1 @__flot_report_tag_count += 1 default_dom_id = "#{data.model_name.downcase}_#{data.report_name}#{@__flot_report_tag_count > 0 ? @__flot_report_tag_count : ''}" options.reverse_merge!(Config.flot_options.slice(:width, :height, :format)) options.reverse_merge!(:dom_id => default_dom_id) flot_options.reverse_merge!(Config.flot_options.except(:width, :height, :format)) %Q{
} end end end end