[Index](index.md) Core Extensions =============== Core Extensions are convenience methods available on standard classes like `String`. We do not extend core classes by default to avoid conflicts with other libraries and your own extensions. To enable convenience methods, include `btcruby/extensions.rb` in your application. Extensions are automatically available in BTCRuby interactive console `bin/console` and in unit tests. String Extensions ----------------- #### to\_wif(network: *BTC::Network*, public\_key\_compressed: *false|true*) Converts a binary string representing a 32-byte private key to [WIF](wif.md) format. If `network` is not specified, [BTC::Network.default](network.md#default) is used. If `public_key_compressed` is not specified, `false` is used. #### from_wif Converts [WIF-encoded](wif.md) string to a raw 32-byte [private key](key.md#private_key). Raises `FormatError` if the receiver is not a valid WIF-encoded string. #### to_hex Converts a binary string to a hex-encoded string. #### from_hex Converts a hex-encoded string to a binary string. Raises `FormatError` if the receiver is not a valid hex-encoded string. #### sha1 Returns a binary string compressed using [SHA-1](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-1) algorithm. #### sha256 Returns a binary string compressed using [SHA-256](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2) algorithm. #### sha512 Returns a binary string compressed using [SHA-512](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2) algorithm. #### ripemd160 Returns a binary string compressed using [RIPEMD-160](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RIPEMD) algorithm. #### hash256 Returns a binary string compressed using two passes of [SHA-256](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-256) algorithm. Known in Bitcoin as *Hash256*. #### hash160 Returns a binary string compressed using composition `ripemd160(sha256(string))`. Known in Bitcoin as *Hash160*.