/* * BlueCloth -- a Ruby implementation of Markdown * $Id$ * * = Authors * * - Michael Granger * * BlueCloth 2 is mostly just a wrapper around the Discount library * written by David Loren Parsons . * * = License * * Discount: * Copyright (C) 2007 David Loren Parsons. All rights reserved. * * The Discount library is used under the licensing terms outlined in the * COPYRIGHT.discount file included in the distribution. * * Ruby bits: * See the LICENSE file included in the distribution. * */ #include "bluecloth.h" VALUE bluecloth_cBlueCloth; VALUE bluecloth_default_opthash; /* Get a Discount document for the specified text */ static MMIOT * bluecloth_alloc( VALUE text, int flags ) { MMIOT *document; document = mkd_string( RSTRING_PTR(text), RSTRING_LEN(text), flags ); if ( !document ) rb_raise( rb_eRuntimeError, "Failed to create a BlueCloth object for: %s", RSTRING_PTR(text) ); return document; } /* * GC Free function */ static void bluecloth_gc_free( MMIOT *document ) { if ( document ) { mkd_cleanup( document ); document = NULL; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------- * Utility functions * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef HAVE_STDARG_PROTOTYPES #include void bluecloth_debug(const char *fmt, ...) #else #include void bluecloth_debug( fmt, va_alist ) const char *fmt; va_dcl #endif { char buf[BUFSIZ], buf2[BUFSIZ]; va_list args; if (!RTEST(ruby_debug)) return; snprintf( buf, BUFSIZ, "Debug>>> %s", fmt ); #ifdef HAVE_STDARG_PROTOTYPES va_start( args, fmt ); #else va_start( args ); #endif vsnprintf( buf2, BUFSIZ, buf, args ); fputs( buf2, stderr ); fputs( "\n", stderr ); fflush( stderr ); va_end( args ); } /* * Object validity checker. Returns the data pointer. */ static MMIOT * bluecloth_check_ptr( VALUE self ) { Check_Type( self, T_DATA ); if ( !rb_obj_is_kind_of(self, bluecloth_cBlueCloth) ) { rb_raise( rb_eTypeError, "wrong argument type %s (expected BlueCloth object)", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF( self )) ); } return DATA_PTR( self ); } /* * Fetch the data pointer and check it for sanity. */ static MMIOT * bluecloth_get_ptr( VALUE self ) { MMIOT *ptr = bluecloth_check_ptr( self ); if ( !ptr ) rb_fatal( "Use of uninitialized BlueCloth object" ); return ptr; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------- * Class methods * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * call-seq: * BlueCloth.allocate -> object * * Allocate a new BlueCloth object. * */ static VALUE bluecloth_s_allocate( VALUE klass ) { return Data_Wrap_Struct( klass, NULL, bluecloth_gc_free, 0 ); } /* * call-seq: * BlueCloth.discount_version -> string * * Return the version string of the Discount library BlueCloth was built on. * */ static VALUE bluecloth_s_discount_version( VALUE klass ) { return rb_str_new2( markdown_version ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------- * Instance methods * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * call-seq: * BlueCloth.new( string='', options=DEFAULT_OPTIONS ) -> object * * Create a new BlueCloth object that will process the given +string+. The +options+ * argument is a Hash that can be used to control the generated markup, and to * enable/disable extensions. The supported options are: * * [:remove_links] * Ignore links in Markdown, and escape A tags in the output. Defaults to +false+. * [:remove_images] * Ignore images in Markdown, and escape IMG tags in the output. Defaults to +false+. * [:smartypants] * Do Smartypants-style mangling of quotes, dashes, or ellipses. Defaults to +true+. * [:pseudoprotocols] * Support Discount's pseudo-protocol links. Defaults to +false+. * [:pandoc_headers] * Support the extraction of * {Pandoc headers}[http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html#title-blocks], which * can be fetched as a Hash via the #header method. Defaults to +false+. * [:header_labels] * Generate ID attributes for all headers. Defaults to +false+. * [:escape_html] * Escape all HTML in the input string. Defaults to +false+. * [:strict_mode] * Disables Discount's relaxed emphasis (ignores underscores in the middle of words) and * superscript notation. Defaults to +true+. * */ static VALUE bluecloth_initialize( int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self ) { if ( !bluecloth_check_ptr(self) ) { MMIOT *document; VALUE text, textcopy, optflags, fullhash, opthash = Qnil; int flags = 0; rb_scan_args( argc, argv, "02", &text, &opthash ); /* Default empty string and options */ if ( argc == 0 ) { text = rb_str_new( "", 0 ); } /* One arg could be either the text or the opthash, so shift the args if appropriate */ else if ( argc == 1 && (TYPE(text) == T_HASH || TYPE(text) == T_FIXNUM) ) { opthash = text; text = rb_str_new( "", 0 ); } else { text = rb_obj_as_string( text ); } /* Merge the options hash with the defaults and turn it into a flags int */ if ( NIL_P(opthash) ) opthash = rb_hash_new(); optflags = rb_funcall( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, rb_intern("flags_from_opthash"), 1, opthash ); fullhash = rb_funcall( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, rb_intern("opthash_from_flags"), 1, optflags ); flags = NUM2INT( optflags ); DATA_PTR( self ) = document = bluecloth_alloc( text, flags ); if ( !mkd_compile(document, flags) ) rb_raise( rb_eRuntimeError, "Failed to compile markdown" ); textcopy = rb_str_dup( text ); OBJ_FREEZE( textcopy ); rb_iv_set( self, "@text", textcopy ); OBJ_FREEZE( fullhash ); rb_iv_set( self, "@options", fullhash ); OBJ_INFECT( self, text ); } return self; } /* * call-seq: * bluecloth.to_html -> string * * Transform the document into HTML. * */ static VALUE bluecloth_to_html( VALUE self ) { MMIOT *document = bluecloth_get_ptr( self ); char *output; int length; VALUE result = Qnil; bluecloth_debug( "Compiling document %p", document ); if ( (length = mkd_document( document, &output )) != EOF ) { bluecloth_debug( "Pointer to results: %p, length = %d", output, length ); result = rb_str_new( output, length ); OBJ_INFECT( result, self ); return result; } else { return Qnil; } } char * (*header_functions[3])(MMIOT *) = { mkd_doc_title, mkd_doc_author, mkd_doc_date }; /* * call-seq: * bluecloth.header -> hash * * Return the hash of * {Pandoc-style headers}[http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html#title-blocks] * from the parsed document. If there were no headers, or the BlueCloth object was not * constructed with the :pandoc_headers option enabled, an empty Hash is returned. * * markdown = "%title My Essay\n%author Me\n%date Today\n\nSome stuff..." * bc = BlueCloth.new( markdown, :pandoc_headers => true ) * # => * bc.header * # => */ static VALUE bluecloth_header( VALUE self ) { MMIOT *document = bluecloth_get_ptr( self ); char *field; VALUE fieldstring, headers = rb_hash_new(); bluecloth_debug( "Fetching pandoc headers for document %p", document ); if ( (field = mkd_doc_title(document)) ) { fieldstring = rb_str_new2( field ); OBJ_INFECT( fieldstring, self ); rb_hash_aset( headers, ID2SYM(rb_intern("title")), fieldstring ); } if ( (field = mkd_doc_author(document)) ) { fieldstring = rb_str_new2( field ); OBJ_INFECT( fieldstring, self ); rb_hash_aset( headers, ID2SYM(rb_intern("author")), fieldstring ); } if ( (field = mkd_doc_date(document)) ) { fieldstring = rb_str_new2( field ); OBJ_INFECT( fieldstring, self ); rb_hash_aset( headers, ID2SYM(rb_intern("date")), fieldstring ); } return headers; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------- * Initializer * -------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Init_bluecloth_ext( void ) { bluecloth_cBlueCloth = rb_define_class( "BlueCloth", rb_cObject ); rb_define_alloc_func( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, bluecloth_s_allocate ); rb_define_singleton_method( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "discount_version", bluecloth_s_discount_version, 0 ); rb_define_method( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "initialize", bluecloth_initialize, -1 ); rb_define_method( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "to_html", bluecloth_to_html, 0 ); rb_define_method( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "header", bluecloth_header, 0 ); rb_define_alias( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "pandoc_header", "header" ); /* The original Markdown text the object was constructed with */ rb_define_attr( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "text", 1, 0 ); /* The options hash that describes the options in effect when the object was created */ rb_define_attr( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "options", 1, 0 ); /* --- Constants ----- */ /* Do not process `[]' and remove A tags from the output. */ rb_define_const( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "MKD_NOLINKS", INT2FIX(MKD_NOLINKS) ); /* Do not process `![]' and remove IMG tags from the output. */ rb_define_const( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "MKD_NOIMAGE", INT2FIX(MKD_NOIMAGE) ); /* Do not do Smartypants-style mangling of quotes, dashes, or ellipses. */ rb_define_const( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "MKD_NOPANTS", INT2FIX(MKD_NOPANTS) ); /* Escape all opening angle brackets in the input text instead of allowing block-level HTML */ rb_define_const( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "MKD_NOHTML", INT2FIX(MKD_NOHTML) ); /* disable SUPERSCRIPT, RELAXED_EMPHASIS */ rb_define_const( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "MKD_STRICT", INT2FIX(MKD_STRICT) ); /* process text inside an html tag; no , no , no html or [] expansion */ rb_define_const( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "MKD_TAGTEXT", INT2FIX(MKD_TAGTEXT) ); /* don't allow pseudo-protocols */ rb_define_const( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "MKD_NO_EXT", INT2FIX(MKD_NO_EXT) ); /* do table-of-contents processing */ rb_define_const( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "MKD_TOC", INT2FIX(MKD_TOC) ); /* MarkdownTest 1.0 Compatibility Mode */ rb_define_const( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "MKD_1_COMPAT", INT2FIX(MKD_1_COMPAT) ); /* MKD_NOLINKS|MKD_NOIMAGE|MKD_TAGTEXT */ rb_define_const( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "MKD_EMBED", INT2FIX(MKD_EMBED) ); /* Create links for inline URIs */ rb_define_const( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "MKD_AUTOLINK", INT2FIX(MKD_AUTOLINK) ); /* Be paranoid about link protocols */ rb_define_const( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "MKD_SAFELINK", INT2FIX(MKD_SAFELINK) ); /* don't process header blocks */ rb_define_const( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, "MKD_NOHEADER", INT2FIX(MKD_NOHEADER) ); /* Make sure the Ruby side is loaded */ rb_require( "bluecloth" ); bluecloth_default_opthash = rb_const_get( bluecloth_cBlueCloth, rb_intern("DEFAULT_OPTIONS") ); }