module Spaceship module Portal # Represents an Website Push ID from the Developer Portal class WebsitePush < PortalBase # @return (String) The identifier of this website push, provided by the Dev Portal # @example # "RGAWZGXSAA" attr_accessor :website_id # @return (String) The name you provided for this website push # @example # "Spaceship" attr_accessor :name # @return (String) the supported platform of this website push # @example # "ios" attr_accessor :platform # Prefix provided by the Dev Portal # @example # "5A997XSHK2" attr_accessor :prefix # @return (String) The bundle_id (website identifier) of website push id # @example # "" attr_accessor :bundle_id # @return (String) Status of the website push # @example # "current" attr_accessor :status attr_mapping( 'websitePushId' => :website_id, 'name' => :name, 'prefix' => :prefix, 'identifier' => :bundle_id, 'status' => :status ) class << self # Create a new object based on a hash. # This is used to create a new object based on the server response. def factory(attrs) end # @param mac [Bool] Fetches Mac website push if true # @return (Array) Returns all website push available for this account def all(mac: false) client.website_push(mac: mac).map { |website_push| self.factory(website_push) } end # Creates a new Website Push ID on the Apple Dev Portal # # @param bundle_id [String] the bundle id (website_push_identifier) of the website push # @param name [String] the name of the Website Push # @param mac [Bool] is this a Mac Website Push? # @return (Website Push) The Website Push you just created def create!(bundle_id: nil, name: nil, mac: false) new_website_push = client.create_website_push!(name, bundle_id, mac: mac) end # Find a specific Website Push ID based on the bundle_id # @param mac [Bool] Searches Mac website pushes if true # @return (Website Push) The website push you're looking for. This is nil if the website push can't be found. def find(bundle_id, mac: false) all(mac: mac).find do |website_push| website_push.bundle_id == bundle_id end end end # Delete this Website Push ID. # @return (Website Push) The website you just deleted def delete! client.delete_website_push!(website_id, mac: mac?) self end # @return (Bool) Is this a Mac website push? def mac? platform == 'mac' end end end end