module Graticule #:nodoc: module Geocoder #:nodoc: # First you need a Google Maps API key. You can register for one here: # # # gg = Graticule.service(:google).new(MAPS_API_KEY) # location = gg.locate '1600 Amphitheater Pkwy, Mountain View, CA' # p location.coordinates # #=> [37.423111, -122.081783 # class Google < Rest # # PRECISION = { 0 => :unknown, # Unknown location. (Since 2.59) 1 => :country, # Country level accuracy. (Since 2.59) 2 => :state, # Region (state, province, prefecture, etc.) level accuracy. (Since 2.59) 3 => :state, # Sub-region (county, municipality, etc.) level accuracy. (Since 2.59) 4 => :city, # Town (city, village) level accuracy. (Since 2.59) 5 => :zip, # Post code (zip code) level accuracy. (Since 2.59) 6 => :street, # Street level accuracy. (Since 2.59) 7 => :street, # Intersection level accuracy. (Since 2.59) 8 => :address # Address level accuracy. (Since 2.59) } # Creates a new GoogleGeocode that will use Google Maps API +key+. def initialize(key) @key = key @url = URI.parse '' end # Locates +address+ returning a Location def locate(address) get :q => address.is_a?(String) ? address : location_from_params(address).to_s end private # Extracts a Location from +xml+. def parse_response(xml) #:nodoc: longitude, latitude, = xml.elements['/kml/Response/Placemark/Point/coordinates'].text.split(',').map { |v| v.to_f } returning => latitude, :longitude => longitude) do |l| address = REXML::XPath.first(xml, '//xal:AddressDetails', 'xal' => "urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xsdschema:xAL:2.0") if address l.street = value(address.elements['.//ThoroughfareName/text()']) l.locality = value(address.elements['.//LocalityName/text()']) l.region = value(address.elements['.//AdministrativeAreaName/text()']) l.postal_code = value(address.elements['.//PostalCodeNumber/text()']) = value(address.elements['.//CountryNameCode/text()']) l.precision = PRECISION[address.attribute('Accuracy').value.to_i] || :unknown end end end # Extracts and raises an error from +xml+, if any. def check_error(xml) #:nodoc: status = xml.elements['/kml/Response/Status/code'].text.to_i case status when 200 then # ignore, ok when 500 then raise Error, 'server error' when 601 then raise AddressError, 'missing address' when 602 then raise AddressError, 'unknown address' when 603 then raise AddressError, 'unavailable address' when 610 then raise CredentialsError, 'invalid key' when 620 then raise CredentialsError, 'too many queries' else raise Error, "unknown error #{status}" end end # Creates a URL from the Hash +params+. Automatically adds the key and # sets the output type to 'xml'. def make_url(params) #:nodoc: params[:key] = @key params[:output] = 'xml' super params end def value(element) element.value if element end def text(element) element.text if element end end end end