module Swift # A resource (instance) definition. # # @example A user scheme. # class User < Swift::Scheme # store :users # attribute :id, Swift::Type::Integer, serial: true, key: true # attribute :name, Swift::Type::String # attribute :email, Swift::Type::String # attribute :updated_at, Swift::Type::Time # end # User class Scheme attr_accessor :tuple alias_method :scheme, :class # @example # # name: 'Apple Arthurton', # email: 'apple@arthurton.local', # updated_at: # ) # @param [Hash] options Create resource and set attributes. {name: value} def initialize options = {} @tuple = scheme.header.new_tuple options.each{|k, v| send(:"#{k}=", v)} end # @example # apple = User.create( # name: 'Apple Arthurton', # email: 'apple@arthurton.local', # updated_at: # ) # apple.update(name: 'Arthur Appleton') # # @param [Hash] options Update attributes. {name: value} def update options = {} options.each{|k, v| send(:"#{k}=", v)} Swift.db.update(scheme, self) end # @example # apple = User.create( # name: 'Apple Arthurton', # email: 'apple@arthurton.local', # updated_at: # ) # apple.destroy def destroy resources = self Swift.db.destroy(scheme, resources) end class << self # Attribute set. # # @return [Swift::Header] attr_accessor :header def inherited klass klass.header = klass.header.push(*header) if header store if store Swift.schema.push(klass) if end def load tuple scheme = allocate scheme.tuple = tuple scheme end # Define a new attribute for this scheme. # # @see Swift::Attribute#new def attribute name, type, options = {} header.push(attribute =, name, options)) (class << self; self end).send(:define_method, name, lambda{ attribute }) end # Define the store (table). # # @param [Symbol] name Storage name. # @return [Symbol] def store name = nil name ? @store = name : @store end # Create (insert). # # @example # apple = User.create( # name: 'Apple Arthurton', # email: 'apple@arthurton.local', # updated_at: # ) # # @param [Hash, Array] options Create with attributes. {name: value} def create resources = {} Swift.db.create(self, resources) end # Select by id(s). # # @example Single key. # User.get(id: 12) # @example Complex primary key. # UserAddress.get(user_id: 12, address_id: 15) # # @param [Hash] keys Hash of id(s) {id_name: value}. # @return [Swift::Scheme, nil] def get keys Swift.db.get(self, keys) end # Select one or more. # # @example All. # User.all # @example All with conditions and binds. # User.all(':name = ? and :age > ?', 'Apple Arthurton', 32) # @example Block form iterator. # User.all(':age > ?', 32) do |user| # puts # end # # @param [String] conditions Optional SQL 'where' fragment. # @param [Object, ...] *binds Optional bind values that accompany conditions SQL fragment. # @param [Proc] &block Optional 'each' iterator block. # @return [Swift::Result] def all conditions = '', *binds, &block Swift.db.all(self, conditions, *binds, &block) end # Select one. # # @example First. # User.first # @example First with conditions and binds. # User.first(':name = ? and :age > ?', 'Apple Arthurton', 32) # @example Block form iterator. # User.first(User, 'age > ?', 32) do |user| # puts # end # # @param [String] conditions Optional SQL 'where' fragment. # @param [Object, ...] *binds Optional bind values that accompany conditions SQL fragment. # @param [Proc] &block Optional 'each' iterator block. # @return [Swift::Scheme, nil] def first conditions = '', *binds, &block Swift.db.first(self, conditions, *binds, &block) end end end # Scheme end # Swift