Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); var XPCOMCoreVersion = '0.5.1'; // DO NOT REMOVE THIS COMMENT OR MOVE THIS LINE. THIS LINE IS AUTO-GENERATED FROM A RAKE TASK. @XPCOMCORE_VERSION@ const $Cc = Components.classes; const $Ci = Components.interfaces; var ioService = $Cc[";1"].getService($Ci.nsIIOService); var libRoot = ioService.newURI("resource://xpcomcore/lib", null, null).QueryInterface($Ci.nsIFileURL).file.path; var binRoot = ioService.newURI("resource://xpcomcore/bin", null, null).QueryInterface($Ci.nsIFileURL).file.path; // NOTE - XPCOMCore is a singleton var XPCOMCore = function() { if (arguments.callee.__singletonInstance__) { return arguments.callee.__singletonInstance__; }; // Private method that does the work of loading the XPCOMCore kernel // into the given scope. var loadKernel = function(importScope) { var loader = $Cc[";1"].getService($Ci.mozIJSSubScriptLoader); loader.loadSubScript("resource://xpcomcore/lib/kernel.js", importScope); }; // Private method to actually kick off the importing of kernel into the given // import scope. var import = function(importScope, importKernel) { if (importScope.__XPCOMCoreLoaded__) { return false; } else { loadKernel(importScope); // FIXME - defineGetter explodes when it's a 'Window' object for some reason. Fine for // ChromeWindow and fine for BackstagePass though. Weird. // importScope.__defineGetter__('__XPCOMCoreLoaded__', function() { return true; }); importScope.__XPCOMCoreLoaded__ = true; // Automatically mix Kernel into the scope if importKernel is true if (importKernel) { importScope.Kernel(importScope); }; return true; } }; // FIXME - hack. hijacking the nsIWritableVariant interface so we can have a constructor that works // FIXME - and to boot, for reasons i dont understand, we wrap the scope in another object, hence the options // hash. which might be useful anyway. this.setFromVariant = function(options) { if (!options.scope) { return false; } return import(options.scope, !(options.importKernel === false)); }; arguments.callee.__singletonInstance__ = this; // HACK HACK HACK - this is so we can get a reference to the real constructor // from the bootstrapper. this.__specialConstructor__ = arguments.callee; }; // FIXME - maybe? might not really be a 'bug' // Bahaha - we rely on // (as written about in to expose a getProperty // method on this object to allow for getting arbitrary properties. var XPCOMCoreInterfaces = [$Ci.nsIClassInfo, $Ci.nsIPropertyBag, $Ci.nsIWritableVariant]; XPCOMCore.prototype = { classDescription: "XPCOMCore Core Object", contractID: ";1", classID: Components.ID("{f562f600-9c25-11de-8a39-0800200c9a66}"), QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI(XPCOMCoreInterfaces), _xpcom_categories: [{category: "JavaScript global property", entry: "XPCOMCoreConfig"}], // implemented for nsIClassInfo getInterfaces: function(aCountRef) { aCountRef.value = XPCOMCoreInterfaces.length; return XPCOMCoreInterfaces; }, // implemented for nsIClassInfo getHelperForLanguage: function(aLanguage) { return null; }, // implemented for nsIClassInfo implementationLanguage: $Ci.nsIProgrammingLanguage.JAVASCRIPT, // implemented for nsIClassInfo flags: $Ci.nsIClassInfo.SINGLETON, get version() { return new String(XPCOMCoreVersion); }, get libRoot() { return new String(libRoot); }, get binRoot() { return new String(binRoot); } }; var XPCOMCoreConstructorInterfaces = [$Ci.nsIClassInfo, $Ci.nsIXPCConstructor, $Ci.nsIXPCScriptable]; // Singleton var XPCOMCoreConstructor = function() { if (arguments.callee.__singletonInstance__) { return arguments.callee.__singletonInstance__; }; var ctor = Components.Constructor(";1", Components.interfaces.nsIWritableVariant, "setFromVariant"); arguments.callee.__singletonInstance__ = ctor; return ctor; }; XPCOMCoreConstructor.prototype = { classDescription: "XPCOMCore Core Object Constructor Hack", contractID: ";1", classID: Components.ID("{b5762b40-a0ec-11de-8a39-0800200c9a66}"), QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI(XPCOMCoreConstructorInterfaces), _xpcom_categories: [{category: "JavaScript global property", entry: "XPCOMCore"}], // implemented for nsIClassInfo getInterfaces: function(aCountRef) { aCountRef.value = XPCOMCoreConstructorInterfaces.length; return XPCOMCoreConstructorInterfaces; }, // implemented for nsIClassInfo getHelperForLanguage: function(aLanguage) { return null; }, // implemented for nsIClassInfo implementationLanguage: $Ci.nsIProgrammingLanguage.JAVASCRIPT, // implemented for nsIClassInfo flags: $Ci.nsIClassInfo.SINGLETON } NSGetModule = function(compMgr, fileSpec) { return XPCOMUtils.generateModule([XPCOMCore, XPCOMCoreConstructor]); };