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Choose :shared or :tenanted"</span> <span class='end end kw'>end</span> <span class='end end kw'>end</span> </pre> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="method_details "> <p class="signature " id="table_name_prefix-class_method"> + (<tt>String</tt>) <strong>table_name_prefix</strong> </p><div class="docstring"> <div class="discussion"> <p>Overrides ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix Defaults to blank if roomer class method is not set in model Returns the shared schema name prefix if roomer method is set to :shared Returns the current tenants schema name if roomer class method is set to :tenanted</p> </div> </div> <div class="tags"> <h3>Returns:</h3> <ul class="return"> <li> <span class='type'>(<tt>String</tt>)</span> — <div class='inline'> <p>shared schema name prefix or current tenants schema name</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div><table class="source_code"> <tr> <td> <pre class="lines"> 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18</pre> </td> <td> <pre class="code"><span class="info file"># File 'lib/roomer/extensions/active_record.rb', line 9</span> <span class='def def kw'>def</span> <span class='table_name_prefix identifier id'>table_name_prefix</span> <span class='return return kw'>return</span> <span class='@table_name_prefix ivar id'>@table_name_prefix</span> <span class='unless unless_mod kw'>unless</span> <span class='@table_name_prefix ivar id'>@table_name_prefix</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='blank? fid id'>blank?</span> <span class='if if kw'>if</span> <span class='shared? fid id'>shared?</span> <span class='Roomer constant id'>Roomer</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='shared_schema_name identifier id'>shared_schema_name</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='to_s identifier id'>to_s</span> <span class='elsif elsif kw'>elsif</span> <span class='tenanted? fid id'>tenanted?</span> <span class='self self kw'>self</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='current_tenant identifier id'>current_tenant</span><span class='lbrack token'>[</span><span class='Roomer constant id'>Roomer</span><span class='dot token'>.</span><span class='tenant_schema_name_column identifier id'>tenant_schema_name_column</span><span class='rbrack token'>]</span> <span class='else else kw'>else</span> <span class='string val'>""</span> <span class='end end kw'>end</span> <span class='end end kw'>end</span> </pre> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> Generated on Fri Aug 12 10:39:12 2011 by <a href="http://yardoc.org" title="Yay! A Ruby Documentation Tool" target="_parent">yard</a> 0.7.2 (ruby-1.8.7). </div> </body> </html>