module FireWatir class Firefox def close if js_eval("getWindows().length").to_i == 1 js_eval("getWindows()[0].close()") if current_os == :macosx %x{ osascript -e 'tell application "Firefox" to quit' } end # wait for the app to close properly @t.join if @t else # Check if window exists, because there may be the case that it has been closed by click event on some element. # For e.g: Close Button, Close this Window link etc. window_number = find_window(:url, @window_url) # If matching window found. Close the window. if window_number.try(:>, 0) js_eval "getWindows()[#{window_number}].close()" end end end # Waits for the page to get loaded. def wait(last_url = nil) #puts "In wait function " isLoadingDocument = "" start = while isLoadingDocument != "false" # MONKEYPATCH - START isLoadingDocument = js_eval("#{browser_var}=#{window_var}.getBrowser(); #{browser_var}.webProgress.isLoadingDocument;") rescue return # MONKEYPATCH - END #puts "Is browser still loading page: #{isLoadingDocument}" # Raise an exception if the page fails to load if ( - start) > 300 raise "Page Load Timeout" end end # If the redirect is to a download attachment that does not reload this page, this # method will loop forever. Therefore, we need to ensure that if this method is called # twice with the same URL, we simply accept that we're done. url = js_eval("#{browser_var}.contentDocument.URL") if(url != last_url) # Check for Javascript redirect. As we are connected to Firefox via JSSh. JSSh # doesn't detect any javascript redirects so check it here. # If page redirects to itself that this code will enter in infinite loop. # So we currently don't wait for such a page. # wait variable in JSSh tells if we should wait more for the page to get loaded # or continue. -1 means page is not redirected. Anyother positive values means wait. jssh_command = "var wait = -1; var meta = null; meta = #{browser_var}.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('meta'); if(meta != null) { var doc_url = #{browser_var}.contentDocument.URL; for(var i=0; i< meta.length;++i) { var content = meta[i].content; var regex = new RegExp(\"^refresh$\", \"i\"); if(regex.test(meta[i].httpEquiv)) { var arrContent = content.split(';'); var redirect_url = null; if(arrContent.length > 0) { if(arrContent.length > 1) redirect_url = arrContent[1]; if(redirect_url != null) { regex = new RegExp(\"^.*\" + redirect_url + \"$\"); if(!regex.test(doc_url)) { wait = arrContent[0]; } } break; } } } } wait;" wait_time = js_eval(jssh_command).to_i begin if(wait_time != -1) sleep(wait_time) # Call wait again. In case there are multiple redirects. js_eval "#{browser_var} = #{window_var}.getBrowser()" wait(url) end rescue end end set_browser_document() run_error_checks() return self end end end