Source of mappings from MIMETYPE to file extension Controls filename extension mapping when the datastream ID is used as the source of the filename. Values are as above. Maximum number of Fedora http client connections allowed to a given host. Number of seconds Fedora http client will wait for data coming across an established http connection. Defines the host name for the Fedora server, as seen from the outside world. Controls filename extension mapping when the datastream label is used as the source of the filename. Values are always: always generate an extension based on the MIMETYPE, using the default extension if none can be determined; ifmissing: generate an extension if the filename obtained from the source does not already contain one (again returning the default if there is no MIMETYPE-to-extension mapping is found); never: never generate an extension, use the filename from the source as-is Maximun number of redirects the Fedora http client will follow (only if httpClientFollowRedirects is set to true.) The value to be set for the User-Agent HTTP request header. Maximum number of total Fedora http client connections allowed at once. determines the source of the filename generated when download=true on a datastream dissemination. Value is space separated list of label: use the datastream label; id: use the datastream ID; rels: use the value defined in RELS-INT. Each source is checked in order, and the first containing a value is used. Omit any of the sources if that source is never to be used. If no sources are to be used, and just the default filename and extension below are to be used, specify " ". Defines one or more email addresses for server administrators; list is space delimited. Determines the time interval in which external mechanisms must respond to requests by the Fedora server. The value is specified in milliseconds. The value specified should be set high enough to allow for an average response time from any single external mechanisms. Note this value must be less than the limit specified for the datastreamExpirationLimit. Defines the port number on which the Fedora server runs; default is 8080. Defines the redirect port of the Fedora sever; default is 8443. Should the Fedora http client follow redirects? Controls filename extension mapping when no filename can be determined from the sources listed in datastreamFilenameSource. Values are always: always generate an extension based on the MIMETYPE (using the default if no appropriate mapping is specified); never: never generate an extension. determines if a content-disposition header specifying "inline" and a filename is added to the response for the REST API getDatastreamDissemination when no query parameter of download=true is specified. Browser support for recognising a filename in case of "inline" content disposition is patchy, so you may wish to disable the content disposition header in this case and only have it provided when download=true is specified, in which case the content disposition of "attachment" will be used; which is generally supported. Defines the context name for the Fedora server within the application server. If set to eg "myfedora" the URL for Fedora will result in http[s]://fedoraServerHost[:fedoraServerPort]/myfedora. Defines the port number used to shutdown the Fedora sever; default is 8005. Extension to use when none can be determined from mappings Filename to use for datastream downloads when none can be determined from the sources listed in datastreamFilenameSource. Controls the size of the datastream mediation hash by removing entries outside the specified threshold. The value is specified in seconds. Note this value must be greater than the limit specified for the datastreamMediationLimit. Controls filename extension mapping when RELS-INT is used as the source of the filename. Values are as above. Number of seconds Fedora http client will wait for a connection before timing out. Defines a human readable name for the Fedora server; default is Fedora Repository. Builds and manages Fedora's authorization structure. This parameter is for future use. Description: Interface to the backend service security configuration. This module initializes backend service security information in the server by parsing the beSecurity configuration file. This file is located in the distribution in $FEDORA_HOME/dist/server/config/beSecurity.xml. The configuration file is read once at server startup. The character encoding used for the beSecurity configuration file. The default is "utf-8". The value specified must correspond to the character encoding used in the beSecurity configuration file. Controls whether beSecurity config file is validated against the beSecurityDescription schema. The default is "false". Valid values are "true" or "false". The interface to the storage subsystem. This provides context-appropriate DOReaders and DOWriters for reflecting on and writing to the objects stored in the repository. It also provides methods for reflecting on the contents of the repository as a whole.. The control group to use for the system-generated DC datastream if no DC datastream is present on ingest. Must be "X" or "M". The associated password for accessing the REST endpoint of the Fedora Generic Search service. This parameter is only required if GSearchDOManager is used, and the service requires authentication. If the serialization format is text-based, this is the character encoding that should be used. Default is UTF-8. The username for accessing the REST endpoint of the Fedora Generic Search service. This parameter is only required if GSearchDOManager is used, and the service requires authentication. The named connection pool from which read/write database connections are to be provided for the storage subsystem (see the ConnectionPoolManager module). Default is the default provided by the ConnectionPoolManager. The REST endpoint of the Fedora Generic Search service. This parameter is only required if GSearchDOManager is used. The control group to use for system-generated RELS-EXT and RELS-INT datastreams where these are not already present when adding relationships via addRelationship. Must be "X" or "M". This is the namespace id for pids of newly-created objects. This should be unique for a repository. It can be from 1 to 17 characters, and may only contain A-Z, a-z, 0-9, '.', or '-' (dash). The management subsystem. This implements the methods necessary to fulfill API-M requests without regard to: - how the service is exposed - how bytestreams and java types might be marshalled/demarshalled over the wire - how the storage subsystem is implemented. Optional, default is 60000 (1 minute). This specifies the amount of time between checks to remove temporary files uploaded via the API-M upload interface. During each check, old files whose age exceeds uploadStorageMinutes will be removed. Specifies which checksumming algorithm is to be used when automatically computing checksums as specified by the above parameter. Valid values are: MD5 SHA-1 SHA-256 SHA-384 SHA-512. Optional, default is 5. This specifies the minimum amount of time that each uploaded file should be kept in temporary storage. Controls whether a checksum is automatically computed for every datastream as the datastream is added to the repository. This will allow the integrity of datastream contents to be periodically checked to insure the object is not corrupted. Description: The access subsystem. This implements the methods necessary to fulfill API-A requests without regard to: - how the service is exposed - how bytestreams and java types might be marshalled/demarshalled over the wire. A boolean switch indicating whether Datastream Mediation is activated or not. Datastream Mediation is required if using basic authentication for API-A. When basic authentication is enabled for API-A, backend services used by custom disseminations may or may not be capable of authenticating with the Fedora server. Datastream mediation coupled with the backend service configuration information in the beSecurity.xml file enables the Fedora server to determine which backend services are required to authenticate and which ones are allowed to connect without authentication. Datastream mediation provides additional repository security by not exposing the physical location of Referenced Content datastreams to external mechanisms(services). Instead of exposing the actual physical location of Referenced Content datastreams, Datastream Mediation functions as a proxy requiring all external services to communicate through the Fedora server to resolve the location of Referenced Content datastreams. IMPORTANT: For Datastream Mediation to function, the Fedora server must be internet accessible using the configured name for fedoraServerHost and fedoraServerPort. For example, using the default fedoraServerHost value of "localhost" will not work if you have remote backend services since the hostname of "localhost" will not be resolvable as the Fedora server by the remote backend services. This requirement can be difficult to satisfy if the Fedora server is located behind a firewall and you do not have ready access to the firewall's configuration to enable the required access. If the Fedora server is behind a firewall and you have no access to the firewall's configuration, you are limited to keeping Datastream Mediation turned off. Note that this will also prevent you from using basic authentication with API-A. The default value of doMediateDatastreams is false. The dynamic behavior module for the access subsystem. This implements the methods necessary to fulfill API-A requests without regard to: - dynamically associating a default behavior definition and mechanism with objects - (Future) dynamically associating other behavior definitions and mechanisms with objects - running disseminations of dynamic behaviors The interface that defines the methods of the bootstrap disseminator. These methods are "built-in" to the Fedora system, and are dynamically associated with every behavior definition and behavior mechanism object. The class that implements the methods of the bootstrap disseminator. These method implementations are "built-in" to the Fedora system, and are dynamically associated with every behavior definition and behavior mechanism object. This class can be thought of as implementing an "internal service" whereas other disseminators use external services (described by WSDL) to do their work. The interface that defines the methods of the default disseminator. These methods are "built-in" to the Fedora system, and are dynamically associated with every object. The class that implements the methods of the default disseminator. These method implementations are "built-in" to the Fedora system, and are dynamically associated with every object. This class can be though of as implementing an "internal service" whereas other disseminators use external services (described by WSDL) to do their work. Supports the API-A simpleSearch and advancedSearch methods. (optional, default is true) Whether the content of the DC datastream should be examined and the contents indexed, for each object. You may wish to save time and space by disabling DC field indexing, particularly if you have an external search service (such as Fedora Generic Search) that already fulfills this need. Note: If you change this value on a Fedora repository that has been running for some time, you will need to perform a SQL rebuild using the Fedora Rebuilder tool if you want to change objects that have already been ingested. (optional) To make unspecified, comment out or delete the whole param line as opposed to using an empty string, default=ConnectionPoolManager's default) The connectionPool providing the connection to the database to be used. Warning: When setting these values, keep in mind that while a session is not timed out (maxSecondsPerSession seconds haven't elapsed, and not all results have been requested), a connection from the pool is tied up. Therefore, the connectionPool should be at least of size n, large enough to accomodate n simultaneous search sessions. The longer maxSecondsPerSession is, the more chance you have of tying up all available connections from the pool. Therefore, keep maxSecondsPerSession fairly low, but still reasonable for an automated program or user to serially get a long list of results, and make sure you have a connectionPool large enough to accomodate your users. (required, must be > 0) The maximum number of seconds that the server guarantees subsequent search results may be obtained. This is only used in cases where the number of results is greater than maxResults (as specified by the server [above] or the client [in the search request]). (required, must be > 0) The maximum number of records to return as the result of a search. Even if a client requests more results at a time, this is the cutoff value. Supports the ResourceIndex. (required) Index level. Currently, only 0, and 1 are supported levels. 0 = off and 1 = on. WARNING: changing the level (except to 0) requires running the Resource Index Rebuilder. (optional, default is false) Whether to flush the triple buffer before returning from object modification operations. Specifying this as true will ensure that RI queries immediately reflect the latest triples. Specifying false will not provide this guarantee, but can significantly reduce roundtrip time for API-M operations (depending on the triplestore implementation). (required) Name of the triplestore to use. WARNING: changing the triplestore running the Resource Index Rebuilder. (optional) Aliases that can be used for queries. The param name of an alias starts with the string "alias:" and is followed by the name of the alias (shortcut) for the value, which is a URI prefix. For example: name="alias:test" value="" will allow a query to use test:apple instead of Description: Exposes the repository for OAI harvesters. Supports translation from DigitalObject to a stream of some format, and vice-versa. The parameters below specify serializer/deserializer classes to be used for a given format. Those classes must implement the DOSerializer/DODeserializer interfaces. The pid generator. Fedora's Java Messaging Service (JMS) Module A datastore representing a JMS Destination for APIM events which update the repository A datastore representing a JMS Destination for APIM events which do not update the repository This module facilitates obtaining ConnectionPools Description: Supports validation of digital objects, including XML Schema validation, Schematron validation (to Fedora Rules schema written in Schematron language), and other programatic validation including referential integrity checking of existence and availability of distributed data and/or services. (required) This is a directory that the validation module can use as a work space, as when it must write a temporary file. The local path to the Schematron Rules used for Fedora-specific on Atom XML files. The local path to the Schematron Rules used for Fedora-specific on Atom Zip files. The local path to the Schematron Rules used for Fedora-specific validation on FOXML 1.1 XML files. The local path to the Schematron Rules used for Fedora-specific validation on FOXML 1.0 XML files. The local path for the Fedora-METS XML schema used to do XML schema validation of digital objects. The local path for the Fedora-METS 1.0 XML schema used to do XML schema validation of digital objects. The local path for the OASIS XACML XML policy schema used to do XML schema validation of XACML policies. The local path for the Fedora FOXML 1.1 XML schema used to do XML schema validation of digital objects The local path for the Fedora FOXML 1.0 XML schema used to do XML schema validation of digital objects The local path for the Atom XML schema used to do XML schema validation of digital objects The local path to the Schematron Rules used for Fedora-specific validation on Fedora-METS 1.0 XML files. The local path for the Atom XML schema used to do XML schema validation of digital objects The local path to the Schematron Rules used for Fedora-specific validation on Fedora-METS XML files. This module facilitates obtaining external content via HTTP MySQL database on localhost with db name of fedora3. Each connection pool instance has several configuration parameter that can be used to tune the options for the connection pool. It is recommended that you not change the default values unless you are trying to address a specific performance issue. For additional information regarding connection pool options, refer to the Apache Commons Pool API documentation at The maximum number of idle instances in pool. When true objects are validated before borrowed from the pool. When true, objects are validated by the idle object evictor thread. The query to run when validating connections. Connections are validated according to the testOnBorrow, testOnReturn, and testWhileIdle configuration values. If this is specified, it must be a SQL SELECT statement that returns at least one row. If this is NOT specified, validation tests will not be run. The database user name. When true, objects are validated before returned to the pool. The maximum number of active instances in pool. The database password. The JDBC connection URL. Action to take when a new object is requested and the the pool has reached maximum number of active objects. Valid values are: 0 (fail i.e., throw Exception) 1 (block i.e., wait until pool resources are freed) 2 (grow i.e., increase the size of the pool). The number of objects to be examined on each run of idle evictor thread (if applicable). A value less than zero indicates that ceil(numIdle)/abs(numTestsPerEvictionRun) will be run. The JDBC driver class name. The maximum amount of time in milliseconds the borrowObject() method should wait before throwing an Exception when whenExhaustedAction is set to WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK. A value less than zero indicates block indefinitely. The minimum of idle instances in pool. The minimum amount of time in milliseconds an object can be idle in pool before eligible for eviction (if applicable). A value less than zero indicates no object will be evicted due to idle time alone. The time in milliseconds to sleep between runs of the idle object evictor thread. A value less than zero indicates no idle evictor thread is run. Derby database on localhost running on port 1527 Each connection pool instance has several configuration parameter that can be used to tune the options for the connection pool. It is recommended that you not change the default values unless you are trying to address a specific performance issue. For additional information regarding connection pool options, refer to the Apache Commons Pool API documentation at The maximum number of idle instances in pool. When true objects are validated before borrowed from the pool. When true, objects are validated by the idle object evictor thread. The database user name. When true, objects are validated before returned to the pool. The maximum number of active instances in pool. The database password. The JDBC connection URL. Action to take when a new object is requested and the the pool has reached maximum number of active objects. Valid values are: 0 (fail i.e., throw Exception) 1 (block i.e., wait until pool resources are freed) 2 (grow i.e., increase the size of the pool). The number of objects to be examined on each run of idle evictor thread (if applicable). A value less than zero indicates that ceil(numIdle)/abs(numTestsPerEvictionRun) will be run. The JDBC driver class name. The maximum amount of time in milliseconds the borrowObject() method should wait before throwing an Exception when whenExhaustedAction is set to WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK. A value less than zero indicates block indefinitely. The minimum of idle instances in pool. The minimum amount of time in milliseconds an object can be idle in pool before eligible for eviction (if applicable). A value less than zero indicates no object will be evicted due to idle time alone. The time in milliseconds to sleep between runs of the idle object evictor thread. A value less than zero indicates no idle evictor thread is run. Oracle database on localhost with SID=fedora3 Each connection pool instance has several configuration parameter that can be used to tune the options for the connection pool. It is recommended that you not change the default values unless you are trying to address a specific performance issue. For additional information regarding connection pool options, refer to the Apache Commons Pool API documentation at The maximum number of idle instances in pool. When true objects are validated before borrowed from the pool. When true, objects are validated by the idle object evictor thread. The query to run when validating connections. Connections are validated according to the testOnBorrow, testOnReturn, and testWhileIdle configuration values. If this is specified, it must be a SQL SELECT statement that returns at least one row. If this is NOT specified, validation tests will not be run. The database user name. When true, objects are validated before returned to the pool. The maximum number of active instances in pool. The database password. The JDBC connection URL. Action to take when a new object is requested and the the pool has reached maximum number of active objects. Valid values are: 0 (fail i.e., throw Exception) 1 (block i.e., wait until pool resources are freed) 2 (grow i.e., increase the size of the pool). The number of objects to be examined on each run of idle evictor thread (if applicable). A value less than zero indicates that ceil(numIdle)/abs(numTestsPerEvictionRun) will be run. The JDBC driver class name. The maximum amount of time in milliseconds the borrowObject() method should wait before throwing an Exception when whenExhaustedAction is set to WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK. A value less than zero indicates block indefinitely. The minimum of idle instances in pool. The minimum amount of time in milliseconds an object can be idle in pool before eligible for eviction (if applicable). A value less than zero indicates no object will be evicted due to idle time alone. The time in milliseconds to sleep between runs of the idle object evictor thread. A value less than zero indicates no idle evictor thread is run. PostgreSQL database on localhost with db name of fedora3. Each connection pool instance has several configuration parameter that can be used to tune the options for the connection pool. It is recommended that you not change the default values unless you are trying to address a specific performance issue. For additional information regarding connection pool options, refer to the Apache Commons Pool API documentation at The maximum number of idle instances in pool. When true objects are validated before borrowed from the pool. When true, objects are validated by the idle object evictor thread. The query to run when validating connections. Connections are validated according to the testOnBorrow, testOnReturn, and testWhileIdle configuration values. If this is specified, it must be a SQL SELECT statement that returns at least one row. If this is NOT specified, validation tests will not be run. The database user name. When true, objects are validated before returned to the pool. The maximum number of active instances in pool. The database password. The JDBC connection URL. Action to take when a new object is requested and the the pool has reached maximum number of active objects. Valid values are: 0 (fail i.e., throw Exception) 1 (block i.e., wait until pool resources are freed) 2 (grow i.e., increase the size of the pool). The number of objects to be examined on each run of idle evictor thread (if applicable). A value less than zero indicates that ceil(numIdle)/abs(numTestsPerEvictionRun) will be run. The JDBC driver class name. The maximum amount of time in milliseconds the borrowObject() method should wait before throwing an Exception when whenExhaustedAction is set to WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK. A value less than zero indicates block indefinitely. The minimum of idle instances in pool. The minimum amount of time in milliseconds an object can be idle in pool before eligible for eviction (if applicable). A value less than zero indicates no object will be evicted due to idle time alone. The time in milliseconds to sleep between runs of the idle object evictor thread. A value less than zero indicates no idle evictor thread is run. local Mulgara Triplestore used by the Resource Index The initial size of the session pool used for queries. Note: A value of 0 will cause the Resource Index to operate in synchronized mode: concurrent read/write requests are put in a queue and handled in FIFO order; this will severely impair performance and is only intended for debugging. The maximum size the buffer can reach before being forcibly flushed. If this threshold is reached, flushing will occur in the foreground and the buffer will be locked for writing until it is finished. This should be larger than autoFlushBufferSize. Create the model if it doesn't already exist. At startup, the model will be automatically created. In addition, an XML schema datatyped model named "xsd" will also be automatically created. The number of updates to send to the triplestore at a time. This should be the same size as, or smaller than autoFlushBufferSize. Whether to propagate adds/deletes to a full-text [Full-Text] model automatically. While a very useful feature, enabling full-text indexing adds significantly to object ingest times. If true, the text model will be named modelName-fullText. Note that if this is true and autoCreate is true, the text model will also be created if it doesn't already exist. Maximum number of additional sessions the pool may add. If specified as -1, no limit will be placed on pool growth. Tells the connector to communicate with Mulgara in remote or local mode. If true, the host parameter must be defined. If false, the path parameter must be defined. Seconds of buffer inactivity that will trigger an auto-flush. If this threshold is reached, flushing will occur in the background, during which time the buffer is still available for writing. The server name for rmi binding. The size at which the buffer should be auto-flushed. If this threshold is reached, flushing will occur in the background, during which time the buffer is still available for writing. The name of the model to use. Whether the triplestore should be read-only. Most Fedora repositories will set this to false. The local path to the main triplestore directory. The name of the Trippi Connector class used to communicate with the triplestore. Example local MPTStore backed by Postgres. To use this triplestore for the Resource Index: 1) In fedora.fcfg, change the "datastore" parameter of the ResourceIndex module to localPostgresMPTTriplestore. 2) Login to your Postgres server as an administrative user and run the following commands: CREATE ROLE "fedoraAdmin" LOGIN PASSWORD 'fedoraAdmin' NOINHERIT CREATEDB VALID UNTIL 'infinity'; CREATE DATABASE "riTriples" WITH ENCODING='SQL_ASCII' OWNER="fedoraAdmin"; 3) Make sure you can login to your Postgres server as fedoraAdmin. 4) Download the appropriate Postgres JDBC 3 driver from and make sure it's accessible to your servlet container. If you're running Tomcat, putting it in common/lib/ will work. Messaging Destination for API-M events which update the repository A space-separated list of message types that will be delivered to this Destination. Currently, "apimUpdate" and "apimAccess" are the only supported message types. Optional, defaults to topic. Messaging Destination for API-M events which did not make changes to the repository A space-separated list of message types that will be delivered to this Destination. Currently, "apimUpdate" and "apimAccess" are the only supported message types. Optional, defaults to topic.