# Installation of wxRuby3/Shapes ## Installation of a wxRuby3/Shapes Gem The wxRuby3/Shapes project provides gems on [RubyGems](https://rubygems.org) which can be installed with the standard `gem install` command line this: ```sh gem install wxruby3-shapes ``` This will install the wxruby3-shapes gem on any system supporting Ruby and wxRuby. As wxRuby3/Shapes has a dependency on wxRuby3 the wxRuby3 gem will be attempted to be installed if (the required version is) not yet installed. This will be attempted using a default installation of the wxRuby3 gem. As this is a gem building a native extension (except for Windows where the default install will be a prebuilt binary extension gem) this can take quite a while. Due to the dependencies of the wxRuby3 gem itself it might be preferable to install that gem separately beforehand. See the [INSTALL](https://github.com/mcorino/wxRuby3/blob/master/INSTALL.md) document of the wxRuby3 project for more details. ## Building from source When installing from source the following basic requirements apply: - Git version control toolkit - Ruby 2.5 or later Checkout the wxRuby3/Shapes sources from [GitHub](https://github.com/mcorino/wxRuby3-shapes). The wxRuby3/Shapes project provides a Rake based build system. Call `rake help` to get an overview of the available commands. Execute the `rake gem` command to build the wxruby-shapes gem. This will create a gem file in the `./pkg` folder. Install the created gem by executing the command `gem install pkg/wxruby3-shapes-.gem`. Everything described above for [Installation of a wxRuby3/Shapes Gem](#installation-of-a-wxruby3shapes-gem) applies.