class Licensee class LevenshteinMatcher < Matcher # Return the first potential license that is more similar than the confidence threshold def match @match ||= potential_licenses.find do |license| similarity(license) >= Licensee::CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD end end # Sort all licenses, in decending order, by difference in length to the file # Difference in lengths cannot exceed the file's length * the confidence threshold / 100 def potential_licenses @potential_licenses ||= begin { |license| length_delta(license) <= max_delta }.sort_by { |l| length_delta(l) } end end # Calculate the difference between the file length and a given license's length def length_delta(license) (file_length - license.body_normalized.length).abs end # Maximum possible difference between file length and license length # for a license to be a potential license to be matched def max_delta @max_delta ||= (file_length * (Licensee::CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD.to_f / 100.to_f )) end # Confidence that the matched license is a match def confidence @confidence ||= match ? similarity(match) : 0 end private # Length of the file, normalized to strip whitespace def file_length @file_length ||= file.content_normalized.length.to_f end # Calculate percent changed between file and potential license def similarity(license) 100 * (file_length - distance(license)) / file_length end # Calculate the levenshtein distance between file and license # Note: We used content/body normalized because white space and capitalization # isn't legally significant in this context. Fewer characters lets levenshtein # work faster. As long as they both undergo the same transformation, should match. def distance(license) Levenshtein.distance(license.body_normalized, file.content_normalized).to_f end end end