module DeviseTokens::Concerns::SetUserByToken extend ActiveSupport::Concern include DeviseTokens::Concerns::ResourceFinder included do before_action :set_request_start after_action :update_auth_header end protected # keep track of request duration def set_request_start @request_started_at = @used_auth_by_token = true # initialize instance variables @token = @resource ||= nil @is_batch_request ||= nil end # user auth def set_user_by_token(mapping = nil) # determine target authentication class rc = resource_class(mapping) # no default user defined return unless rc if request.headers["Authorization"].present? req_headers = request.headers["Authorization"].split(",") # parse header for values necessary for authentication uid = req_headers[0] @token = unless @token @token.token = req_headers[1] @token.client = req_headers[2] # client isn't required, set to 'default' if absent @token.client ||= 'default' end # check for an existing user, authenticated via warden/devise, if enabled if DeviseTokens.enable_standard_devise_support devise_warden_user = warden.user(rc.to_s.underscore.to_sym) if devise_warden_user && devise_warden_user.tokens[@token.client].nil? @used_auth_by_token = false @resource = devise_warden_user # REVIEW: The following line _should_ be safe to remove; # the generated token does not get used anywhere. # @resource.create_new_auth_token end end # user has already been found and authenticated return @resource if @resource && @resource.is_a?(rc) # ensure we clear the client unless @token.present? @token.client = nil return end # mitigate timing attacks by finding by uid instead of auth token user = uid && rc.dta_find_by(uid: uid) scope = rc.to_s.underscore.to_sym if user && user.valid_token?(@token.token, @token.client) # sign_in with bypass: true will be deprecated in the next version of Devise if respond_to?(:bypass_sign_in) && DeviseTokens.bypass_sign_in bypass_sign_in(user, scope: scope) else sign_in(scope, user, store: false, event: :fetch, bypass: DeviseTokens.bypass_sign_in) end return @resource = user else # zero all values previously set values @token.client = nil return @resource = nil end end def update_auth_header # cannot save object if model has invalid params return unless @resource && @token.client # Generate new client with existing authentication @token.client = nil unless @used_auth_by_token if @used_auth_by_token && !DeviseTokens.change_headers_on_each_request # should not append auth header if @resource related token was # cleared by sign out in the meantime return if @resource.reload.tokens[@token.client].nil? auth_header = @resource.build_auth_header(@token.token, @token.client) # update the response header response.headers.merge!(auth_header) else unless @resource.reload.valid? @resource = resource_class.find(@resource.to_param) # errors remain after reload # if we left the model in a bad state, something is wrong in our app unless @resource.valid? raise DeviseTokens::Errors::InvalidModel, "Cannot set auth token in invalid model. Errors: #{@resource.errors.full_messages}" end end refresh_headers end end private def refresh_headers # Lock the user record during any auth_header updates to ensure # we don't have write contention from multiple threads @resource.with_lock do # should not append auth header if @resource related token was # cleared by sign out in the meantime return if @used_auth_by_token && @resource.tokens[@token.client].nil? # update the response header response.headers.merge!(auth_header_from_batch_request) end # end lock end def is_batch_request?(user, client) !params[:unbatch] && user.tokens[client] && user.tokens[client]['updated_at'] && user.tokens[client]['updated_at'].to_time > @request_started_at - DeviseTokens.batch_request_buffer_throttle end def auth_header_from_batch_request # determine batch request status after request processing, in case # another processes has updated it during that processing @is_batch_request = is_batch_request?(@resource, @token.client) auth_header = {} # extend expiration of batch buffer to account for the duration of # this request if @is_batch_request auth_header = @resource.extend_batch_buffer(@token.token, @token.client) # Do not return token for batch requests to avoid invalidated # tokens returned to the client in case of race conditions. # Use a blank string for the header to still be present and # being passed in a XHR response in case of # 304 Not Modified responses. auth_header[DeviseTokens.headers_names[:"access-token"]] = ' ' auth_header[DeviseTokens.headers_names[:"expiry"]] = ' ' else # update Authorization response header with new token auth_header = @resource.create_new_auth_token(@token.client) end auth_header end end