# # = bio/appl/blast/wublast.rb - WU-BLAST default output parser # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2003, 2008 Naohisa GOTO # License:: The Ruby License # # $Id:$ # # == Description # # WU-BLAST default output parser. # # The parser is still incomplete and may contain many bugs, # because I didn't have WU-BLAST license. # It was tested under web-based WU-BLAST results and # obsolete version downloaded from http://blast.wustl.edu/ . # # == References # # * http://blast.wustl.edu/ # * http://www.ebi.ac.uk/blast2/ # require 'bio/appl/blast/format0' module Bio class Blast module WU #:nodoc: # Bio::Blast::WU::Report parses WU-BLAST default output # and stores information in the data. # It may contain a Bio::Blast::WU::Report::Iteration object. # Because it inherits Bio::Blast::Default::Report, # please also refer Bio::Blast::Default::Report. class Report < Default::Report # Returns parameters (???) def parameters parse_parameters @parameters end # Returns parameter matrix (???) def parameter_matrix parse_parameters @parameter_matrix end # Returns e-value threshold specified when BLAST was executed. def expect; parse_parameters; @parameters['E']; end # Returns warning messages. def warnings unless defined?(@warnings) @warnings = @f0warnings iterations.each { |x| @warnings.concat(x.warnings) } end @warnings end # Returns notice messages. def notice unless defined?(@notice) @notice = @f0notice.to_s.gsub(/\s+/, ' ').strip end #unless @notice end # (WU-BLAST) Returns record number of the query. # It may only be available for reports with multiple queries. # Returns an Integer or nil. def query_record_number format0_parse_query @query_record_number end # (WU-BLAST) Returns exit code for the execution. # Returns an Integer or nil. def exit_code if defined? @exit_code then @exit_code else nil end end # (WU-BLAST) Returns fatal error information. # Returns nil or an array containing String. def fatal_errors if defined? @fatal_errors then @fatal_errors else nil end end # Returns the name (filename or title) of the database. def db unless defined?(@db) if /Database *\: *(.*)/m =~ @f0database then a = $1.split(/^/) if a.size > 1 and /\ASearching\..+ done\s*\z/ =~ a[-1] then a.pop end if a.size > 1 and /\A +[\d\,]+ +sequences\; +[\d\,]+ total +letters\.?\s*\z/ =~ a[-1] then a.pop end @db = a.collect { |x| x.sub(/\s+\z/, '') }.join(' ') end end #unless @db end private # Parses the query lines (begins with "Query = "). def format0_parse_query unless defined?(@query_def) sc = StringScanner.new(@f0query) sc.skip(/\s*/) if sc.skip_until(/Query\= */) then q = [] begin q << sc.scan(/.*/) sc.skip(/\s*^ ?/) end until !sc.rest or r = sc.skip(/ *\( *([\,\d]+) *letters *(\; *record *([\,\d]+) *)?\)\s*\z/) @query_len = sc[1].delete(',').to_i if r @query_record_number = sc[3].delete(',').to_i if r and sc[2] @query_def = q.join(' ') end end end # Splits headers. def format0_split_headers(data) @f0header = data.shift @f0references = [] while r = data.first case r when /^Reference\: / @f0references.push data.shift when /^Copyright / @f0copyright = data.shift when /^Notice\: / @f0notice = data.shift when /^Query\= / break else break end end @f0query = data.shift @f0warnings ||= [] while r = data.first and r =~ /^WARNING\: / @f0warnings << data.shift end return if r = data.first and /\AParameters\:/ =~ r if r = data.first and !(/^Database\: / =~ r) @f0translate_info = data.shift end @f0database = data.shift end # Splits search data. def format0_split_search(data) @f0warnings ||= [] while r = data.first and r =~ /^WARNING\: / @f0warnings << data.shift end [ Iteration.new(data) ] end # Splits statistics parameters. def format0_split_stat_params(data) @f0warnings ||= [] while r = data.first and r =~ /^WARNING\: / @f0warnings << data.shift end @f0wu_params = [] @f0wu_stats = [] ary = @f0wu_params while r = data.shift case r when /\AStatistics\:/ ary = @f0wu_stats when /\AEXIT CODE *(\d+)\s*$/ @exit_code = $1.to_i r = nil when /\AFATAL\: / @fatal_errors ||= [] @fatal_errors.push r r = nil when /\AWARNING\: / @f0warnings ||= [] @f0warnings << r r = nil end ary << r if r end @f0dbstat = F0dbstat.new(@f0wu_stats) itr = @iterations[0] x = @f0dbstat itr.instance_eval { @f0dbstat = x } if itr end # Splits parameters. def parse_parameters unless defined?(@parse_parameters) @parameters = {} @parameter_matrix = [] @f0wu_params.each do |x| if /^ Query/ =~ x then @parameter_matrix << x else x.split(/^/).each do |y| if /\A\s*(.+)\s*\=\s*(.*)\s*/ =~ y then @parameters[$1] = $2 elsif /\AParameters\:/ =~ y then ; #ignore this elsif /\A\s*(.+)\s*$/ =~ y then @parameters[$1] = true end end end end if ev = @parameters['E'] then ev = '1' + ev if ev[0] == ?e @parameters['E'] = ev.to_f end @parse_parameters = true end end # Stores database statistics. # Internal use only. Users must not use the class. class F0dbstat < Default::Report::F0dbstat #:nodoc: def initialize(ary) @f0stat = ary @hash = {} end #-- #undef :f0params #undef :matrix, :gap_open, :gap_extend, # :eff_space, :expect, :sc_match, :sc_mismatch, # :num_hits #++ # Parses database statistics. def parse_dbstat unless defined?(@parse_dbstat) parse_colon_separated_params(@hash, @f0stat) @database = @hash['Database'] @posted_date = @hash['Posted'] if val = @hash['# of letters in database'] then @db_len = val.tr(',', '').to_i end if val = @hash['# of sequences in database'] then @db_num = val.tr(',', '').to_i end @parse_dbstat = true end #unless end #def private :parse_dbstat end #class F0dbstat #-- #class Frame #end #class FrameParams #++ # Iteration class for WU-BLAST report. # Though WU-BLAST does not iterate like PSI-BLAST, # Bio::Blast::WU::Report::Iteration aims to keep compatibility # with Bio::Blast::Default::Report::* classes. # It may contain some Bio::Blast::WU::Report::Hit objects. # Because it inherits Bio::Blast::Default::Report::Iteration, # please also refer Bio::Blast::Default::Report::Iteration. class Iteration < Default::Report::Iteration # Creates a new Iteration object. # It is designed to be called only internally from # the Bio::Blast::WU::Report class. # Users shall not use the method directly. def initialize(data) @f0stat = [] @f0dbstat = Default::Report::AlwaysNil.instance @f0hitlist = [] @hits = [] @num = 1 @f0message = [] @f0warnings = [] return unless r = data.first return if /\AParameters\:$/ =~ r @f0hitlist << data.shift return unless r = data.shift unless /\*{3} +NONE +\*{3}/ =~ r then @f0hitlist << r while r = data.first and /^WARNING\: / =~ r @f0warnings << data.shift end while r = data.first and /^\>/ =~ r @hits << Hit.new(data) end end #unless end # Returns warning messages. def warnings @f0warnings end private # Parses hit list. def parse_hitlist unless defined?(@parse_hitlist) r = @f0hitlist.shift.to_s if /Reading/ =~ r and /Frame/ =~ r then flag_tblast = true spnum = 5 else flag_tblast = nil spnum = 4 end i = 0 @f0hitlist.each do |x| b = x.split(/^/) b.collect! { |y| y.empty? ? nil : y } b.compact! b.each do |y| y.strip! y.reverse! z = y.split(/\s+/, spnum) z.each { |y| y.reverse! } dfl = z.pop h = @hits[i] unless h then h = Hit.new([ dfl.to_s.sub(/\.+\z/, '') ]) @hits[i] = h end z.pop if flag_tblast #ignore Reading Frame scr = z.pop scr = (scr ? scr.to_i : nil) pval = z.pop.to_s pval = '1' + pval if pval[0] == ?e pval = (pval.empty? ? (1.0/0.0) : pval.to_f) nnum = z.pop.to_i h.instance_eval { @score = scr @pvalue = pval @n_number = nnum } i += 1 end end #each @parse_hitlist = true end #unless end end #class Iteration # Bio::Blast::WU::Report::Hit contains information about a hit. # It may contain some Bio::Blast::WU::Report::HSP objects. # # Because it inherits Bio::Blast::Default::Report::Hit, # please also refer Bio::Blast::Default::Report::Hit. class Hit < Default::Report::Hit # Creates a new Hit object. # It is designed to be called only internally from the # Bio::Blast::WU::Report::Iteration class. # Users should not call the method directly. def initialize(data) @f0hitname = data.shift @hsps = [] while r = data.first if r =~ /^\s*(?:Plus|Minus) +Strand +HSPs\:/ then data.shift r = data.first end if /\A\s+Score/ =~ r then @hsps << HSP.new(data) else break end end @again = false end # Returns score. def score @score end # p-value attr_reader :pvalue # n-number (???) attr_reader :n_number end #class Hit # Bio::Blast::WU::Report::HSP holds information about the hsp # (high-scoring segment pair). # # Because it inherits Bio::Blast::Default::Report::HSP, # please also refer Bio::Blast::Default::Report::HSP. class HSP < Default::Report::HSP # p-value attr_reader :pvalue if false #dummy method_after_parse_score :pvalue # p_sum_n (???) attr_reader :p_sum_n if false #dummy method_after_parse_score :p_sum_n end #class HSP end #class Report # WU-BLAST default output parser for TBLAST. # All methods are equal to Bio::Blast::WU::Report. # Only DELIMITER (and RS) is different. class Report_TBlast < Report # Delimter of each entry for TBLAST. Bio::FlatFile uses it. DELIMITER = RS = "\nTBLAST" # (Integer) excess read size included in DELIMITER. DELIMITER_OVERRUN = 6 # "TBLAST" end #class Report_TBlast end #module WU end #class Blast end #module Bio ###################################################################### if __FILE__ == $0 Bio::FlatFile.open(Bio::Blast::WU::Report, ARGF) do |ff| ff.each do |rep| print "# === Bio::Blast::WU::Report\n" puts print " rep.program #=> "; p rep.program print " rep.version #=> "; p rep.version print " rep.reference #=> "; p rep.reference print " rep.notice #=> "; p rep.notice print " rep.db #=> "; p rep.db #print " rep.query_id #=> "; p rep.query_id print " rep.query_def #=> "; p rep.query_def print " rep.query_len #=> "; p rep.query_len #puts print " rep.version_number #=> "; p rep.version_number print " rep.version_date #=> "; p rep.version_date puts print "# === Parameters\n" #puts print " rep.parameters #=> "; p rep.parameters puts #@#print " rep.matrix #=> "; p rep.matrix print " rep.expect #=> "; p rep.expect #print " rep.inclusion #=> "; p rep.inclusion #@#print " rep.sc_match #=> "; p rep.sc_match #@#print " rep.sc_mismatch #=> "; p rep.sc_mismatch #@#print " rep.gap_open #=> "; p rep.gap_open #@#print " rep.gap_extend #=> "; p rep.gap_extend #print " rep.filter #=> "; p rep.filter #@#print " rep.pattern #=> "; p rep.pattern #print " rep.entrez_query #=> "; p rep.entrez_query #puts #@#print " rep.pattern_positions #=> "; p rep.pattern_positions puts print "# === Statistics (last iteration's)\n" #puts #print " rep.statistics #=> "; p rep.statistics puts print " rep.db_num #=> "; p rep.db_num print " rep.db_len #=> "; p rep.db_len #print " rep.hsp_len #=> "; p rep.hsp_len #@#print " rep.eff_space #=> "; p rep.eff_space #@#print " rep.kappa #=> "; p rep.kappa #@#print " rep.lambda #=> "; p rep.lambda #@#print " rep.entropy #=> "; p rep.entropy puts #@#print " rep.num_hits #=> "; p rep.num_hits #@#print " rep.gapped_kappa #=> "; p rep.gapped_kappa #@#print " rep.gapped_lambda #=> "; p rep.gapped_lambda #@#print " rep.gapped_entropy #=> "; p rep.gapped_entropy #@#print " rep.posted_date #=> "; p rep.posted_date puts #@#print "# === Message (last iteration's)\n" #@#puts #@#print " rep.message #=> "; p rep.message #puts #@#print " rep.converged? #=> "; p rep.converged? #puts print "# === Warning messages\n" print " rep.warnings #=> "; p rep.warnings print "# === Iterations\n" puts print " rep.itrerations.each do |itr|\n" puts rep.iterations.each do |itr| print "# --- Bio::Blast::WU::Report::Iteration\n" puts print " itr.num #=> "; p itr.num #print " itr.statistics #=> "; p itr.statistics puts print " itr.warnings #=> "; p itr.warnings print " itr.message #=> "; p itr.message print " itr.hits.size #=> "; p itr.hits.size #puts #@#print " itr.hits_newly_found.size #=> "; p itr.hits_newly_found.size; #@#print " itr.hits_found_again.size #=> "; p itr.hits_found_again.size; if itr.hits_for_pattern then itr.hits_for_pattern.each_with_index do |hp, hpi| print " itr.hits_for_pattern[#{hpi}].size #=> "; p hp.size; end end print " itr.converged? #=> "; p itr.converged? puts print " itr.hits.each do |hit|\n" puts itr.hits.each_with_index do |hit, i| print "# --- Bio::Blast::WU::Report::Hit" print " ([#{i}])\n" puts #print " hit.num #=> "; p hit.num #print " hit.hit_id #=> "; p hit.hit_id print " hit.len #=> "; p hit.len print " hit.definition #=> "; p hit.definition #print " hit.accession #=> "; p hit.accession #puts print " hit.found_again? #=> "; p hit.found_again? #puts print " hit.score #=> "; p hit.score print " hit.pvalue #=> "; p hit.pvalue print " hit.n_number #=> "; p hit.n_number print " --- compatible/shortcut ---\n" #print " hit.query_id #=> "; p hit.query_id #print " hit.query_def #=> "; p hit.query_def #print " hit.query_len #=> "; p hit.query_len #print " hit.target_id #=> "; p hit.target_id print " hit.target_def #=> "; p hit.target_def print " hit.target_len #=> "; p hit.target_len print " --- first HSP's values (shortcut) ---\n" print " hit.evalue #=> "; p hit.evalue print " hit.bit_score #=> "; p hit.bit_score print " hit.identity #=> "; p hit.identity #print " hit.overlap #=> "; p hit.overlap print " hit.query_seq #=> "; p hit.query_seq print " hit.midline #=> "; p hit.midline print " hit.target_seq #=> "; p hit.target_seq print " hit.query_start #=> "; p hit.query_start print " hit.query_end #=> "; p hit.query_end print " hit.target_start #=> "; p hit.target_start print " hit.target_end #=> "; p hit.target_end print " hit.lap_at #=> "; p hit.lap_at print " --- first HSP's vaules (shortcut) ---\n" print " --- compatible/shortcut ---\n" puts print " hit.hsps.size #=> "; p hit.hsps.size if hit.hsps.size == 0 then puts " (HSP not found: please see blastall's -b and -v options)" puts else puts print " hit.hsps.each do |hsp|\n" puts hit.hsps.each_with_index do |hsp, j| print "# --- Bio::Blast::WU::Report::Hsp" print " ([#{j}])\n" puts #print " hsp.num #=> "; p hsp.num print " hsp.bit_score #=> "; p hsp.bit_score print " hsp.score #=> "; p hsp.score print " hsp.evalue #=> "; p hsp.evalue print " hsp.identity #=> "; p hsp.identity print " hsp.gaps #=> "; p hsp.gaps print " hsp.positive #=> "; p hsp.positive print " hsp.align_len #=> "; p hsp.align_len #print " hsp.density #=> "; p hsp.density puts print " hsp.pvalue #=> "; p hsp.pvalue print " hsp.p_sum_n #=> "; p hsp.p_sum_n puts print " hsp.query_frame #=> "; p hsp.query_frame print " hsp.query_from #=> "; p hsp.query_from print " hsp.query_to #=> "; p hsp.query_to print " hsp.hit_frame #=> "; p hsp.hit_frame print " hsp.hit_from #=> "; p hsp.hit_from print " hsp.hit_to #=> "; p hsp.hit_to #print " hsp.pattern_from#=> "; p hsp.pattern_from #print " hsp.pattern_to #=> "; p hsp.pattern_to print " hsp.qseq #=> "; p hsp.qseq print " hsp.midline #=> "; p hsp.midline print " hsp.hseq #=> "; p hsp.hseq puts print " hsp.percent_identity #=> "; p hsp.percent_identity #print " hsp.mismatch_count #=> "; p hsp.mismatch_count # print " hsp.query_strand #=> "; p hsp.query_strand print " hsp.hit_strand #=> "; p hsp.hit_strand print " hsp.percent_positive #=> "; p hsp.percent_positive print " hsp.percent_gaps #=> "; p hsp.percent_gaps puts end #each end #if hit.hsps.size == 0 end end end #ff.each end #FlatFile.open end #if __FILE__ == $0 ######################################################################