module Neo4j class Migration class AddIdProperty < Neo4j::Migration attr_reader :models_filename def initialize @models_filename = File.join(Rails.root.join('db', 'neo4j-migrate'), 'add_id_property.yml') end def migrate models =[:models] puts "This task will add an ID Property every node in the given file." puts "It may take a significant amount of time, please be patient." models.each do |model| puts puts puts "Adding IDs to #{model}" add_ids_to model.constantize end end def setup FileUtils.mkdir_p("db/neo4j-migrate") unless File.file?(models_filename), 'w') do |file| file.write("# Provide models to which IDs should be added.\n# It will only modify nodes that do not have IDs. There is no danger of overwriting data.\n# models: [Student,Lesson,Teacher,Exam]\nmodels: []") end end end private def add_ids_to(model) require 'benchmark' max_per_batch = (ENV['MAX_PER_BATCH'] || default_max_per_batch).to_i label = model.mapped_label_name property = model.primary_key nodes_left = 1 last_time_taken = nil until nodes_left == 0 nodes_left = Neo4j::Session.query.match(n: label).where("NOT has(n.#{property})").return("COUNT(n) AS ids").first.ids time_per_node = last_time_taken / max_per_batch if last_time_taken print "Running first batch...\r" if time_per_node eta_seconds = (nodes_left * time_per_node).round print "#{nodes_left} nodes left. Last batch: #{(time_per_node * 1000.0).round(1)}ms / node (ETA: #{eta_seconds / 60} minutes)\r" end return if nodes_left == 0 to_set = [nodes_left, max_per_batch].min new_ids = { new_id_for(model) } begin last_time_taken = id_batch_set(label, property, new_ids, to_set) rescue Neo4j::Server::CypherResponse::ResponseError, Faraday::TimeoutError new_max_per_batch = (max_per_batch * 0.8).round puts "Error querying #{max_per_batch} nodes. Trying #{new_max_per_batch}" max_per_batch = new_max_per_batch end end end def id_batch_set(label, property, new_ids, to_set) Benchmark.realtime do do Neo4j::Session.query("MATCH (n:`#{label}`) WHERE NOT has(n.#{property}) with COLLECT(n) as nodes, #{new_ids} as ids FOREACH(i in range(0,#{to_set - 1})| FOREACH(node in [nodes[i]]| SET node.#{property} = ids[i])) RETURN distinct(true) LIMIT #{to_set}") end end end def default_max_per_batch 900 end def new_id_for(model) if model.id_property_info[:type][:auto] SecureRandom::uuid else[:type][:on]) end end end class AddClassnames < Neo4j::Migration attr_reader :classnames_filename, :classnames_filepath def initialize @classnames_filename = 'add_classnames.yml' @classnames_filepath = File.join(Rails.root.join('db', 'neo4j-migrate'), classnames_filename) end def migrate puts "Adding classnames. This make take some time." execute(true) end def test puts "TESTING! No queries will be executed." execute(false) end def setup puts "Creating file #{classnames_filepath}. Please use this as the migration guide." FileUtils.mkdir_p("db/neo4j-migrate") unless File.file?(@classnames_filepath) source = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "..", "config", "neo4j", classnames_filename) FileUtils.copy_file(source, classnames_filepath) end end private def execute(migrate = false) file_init map = [] map.push :nodes if @model_map[:nodes] map.push :relationships if @model_map[:relationships] map.each do |type| @model_map[type].each do |action, labels| do_classnames(action, labels, type, migrate) end end end def do_classnames(action, labels, type, migrate = false) method = type == :nodes ? :node_cypher : :rel_cypher labels.each do |label| puts cypher = self.send(method, label, action) execute_cypher(cypher) if migrate end end def file_init @model_map = end def node_cypher(label, action) where, phrase_start = action_variables(action, 'n') puts "#{phrase_start} _classname '#{label}' on nodes with matching label:" "MATCH (n:`#{label}`) #{where} SET n._classname = '#{label}' RETURN COUNT(n) as modified" end def rel_cypher(hash, action) label = hash[0] value = hash[1] from = value[:from] raise "All relationships require a 'type'" unless value[:type] from_cypher = from ? "(from:`#{from}`)" : "(from)" to = value[:to] to_cypher = to ? "(to:`#{to}`)" : "(to)" type = "[r:`#{value[:type]}`]" where, phrase_start = action_variables(action, 'r') puts "#{phrase_start} _classname '#{label}' where type is '#{value[:type]}' using cypher:" "MATCH #{from_cypher}-#{type}->#{to_cypher} #{where} SET r._classname = '#{label}' return COUNT(r) as modified" end def execute_cypher(query_string) puts "Modified #{Neo4j::Session.query(query_string).first.modified} records" puts "" end def action_variables(action, identifier) case action when 'overwrite' ['', 'Overwriting'] when 'add' ["WHERE NOT HAS(#{identifier}._classname)", 'Adding'] else raise "Invalid action #{action} specified" end end end end end