module AuthHelpers module Spec module Confirmable def self.included(base) base.class_eval do describe 'confirmation' do before(:each) do ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = [] @confirmable = base.described_class.create!(@valid_attributes) end it 'should set the confirmation date on #confirm!' do @confirmable.confirmed_at.should be_nil @confirmable.confirm! @confirmable.confirmed_at.should_not be_nil end it "should say when a record is confirmed or not" do be_false @confirmable.confirmed?.should be_false @confirmable.confirm! @confirmable.confirmed?.should be_true end describe 'on create' do it "should set confirmed_at to nil" do @confirmable.confirmed_at.should be_nil end it "should set confirmation_sent_at" do @confirmable.confirmation_sent_at.should_not be_blank end it "should send create confirmation notification" do ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.length.should == 1 end end describe 'with a valid perishable token' do it "should confirm his account" do record = base.described_class.find_and_confirm(:perishable_token => @confirmable.perishable_token) record.errors.should be_empty end it "should set confirmation date" do record = base.described_class.find_and_confirm(:perishable_token => @confirmable.perishable_token) @confirmable.reload @confirmable.confirmed_at.should_not be_nil end end describe 'with an invalid perishable token' do it "should set an error message" do record = base.described_class.find_and_confirm(:perishable_token => "invalid token") record.errors.on(:perishable_token).should == record.errors.generate_message(:perishable_token, :invalid_confirmation, :default => :invalid) end it "should return a new record with the perishable token set" do record = base.described_class.find_and_confirm(:perishable_token => "invalid token") record.should be_new_record record.perishable_token.should == "invalid token" end end describe 'when lost confirmation code' do before(:each){ ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = [] } it "should resend confirmation instructions if account is not confirmed" do record = base.described_class.find_and_resend_confirmation_instructions(:email => record.errors.should be_empty ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.length.should == 1 end it "should not resend confirmation instructions if account is confirmed" do @confirmable.confirm! record = base.described_class.find_and_resend_confirmation_instructions(:email => record.errors.on(:email).should == record.errors.generate_message(:email, :already_confirmed) ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.length.should == 0 end it "should show a error message on resend confirmation instructions if e-mail is not valid" do record = base.described_class.find_and_resend_confirmation_instructions(:email => 'invalid') record.errors.on(:email).should == record.errors.generate_message(:email, :not_found) ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.length.should == 0 end end end end end end end end