/* * Main authors: * Christian Schulte * Mikael Lagerkvist * * Copyright: * Christian Schulte, 2001 * Mikael Lagerkvist, 2005 * * Last modified: * $Date: 2006-08-04 16:06:52 +0200 (Fri, 04 Aug 2006) $ by $Author: schulte $ * $Revision: 3517 $ * * This file is part of Gecode, the generic constraint * development environment: * http://www.gecode.org * * See the file "LICENSE" for information on usage and * redistribution of this file, and for a * DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. * */ #include "examples/support.hh" #include "gecode/minimodel.hh" /// The maximum number of knights placeable const int kval[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 9, 15, 21, 29, 37, 47, 57, 69, 81, 94, 109 }; const int nkval = 16; /** \brief %Example: Crowded Chessboard "You are given a chessboard together with 8 queens, 8 rooks, 14 bishops, and 21 knights. The puzzle is to arrange the 51 pieces on the chessboard so that no queen shall attack another queen, no rook attack another rook, no bishop attack another bishop, and no knight attack another knight. No notice is to be taken of the intervention of pieces of another type from that under consideration - that is, two queens will be considered to attack one another although there may be, say, a rook, a bishop, and a knight between them. It is not difficult to dispose of each type of piece separately; the difficulty comes in when you have to find room for all the arrangements on the board simultaneously." Dudeney, H.E., (1917), Amusements in Mathematics, Thomas Nelson and Sons. This puzzle can be generalized to chess-boards of size \f$n\f$, where the number of pieces to place are: - \f$ n \f$ queens - \f$ n \f$ rooks - \f$ 2n-1 \f$ bishops - \f$ k \f$ knights where k is a number to maximize. The maximum k for some different values of \f$ n \f$ are presented below (from Jesper Hansen and Joachim Schimpf, ECLiPSe solution
n k
8 21
9 29
10 37
11 47
12 57
13 69
14 81
15 94
16 109
A solution for n = 8 is:
\todo Currently this script finds a solution. Instead, it should find the maximum number of knights for a given size. \ingroup Example */ class CrowdedChess : public Example { protected: const int n; ///< Board-size IntVarArray s; ///< The board IntVarArray queens, ///< Row of queen in column x rooks; ///< Row of rook in column x BoolVarArray knights; ///< True iff the corresponding place has a knight /** Symbolic names of pieces. The order determines which piece will * be placed first. */ enum {Q, ///< Queen R, ///< Rook B, ///< Bishop K, ///< Knight E, ///< Empty square PMAX ///< Number of pieces (including empty squares) } piece; // Is (i,j) a valid position on the board? bool valid_pos(int i, int j) { return (i >= 0 && i < n) && (j >= 0 && j < n); } /// Post knight-constraints void knight_constraints() { static const int kmoves[4][2] = { {-1,2}, {1,2}, {2,-1}, {2,1} }; MiniModel::Matrix kb(knights, n, n); for (int x = n; x--; ) for (int y = n; y--; ) for (int i = 4; i--; ) if (valid_pos(x+kmoves[i][0], y+kmoves[i][1])) { IntVarArgs places(2); places[0] = kb(x, y); places[1] = kb(x+kmoves[i][0], y+kmoves[i][1]); linear(this, places, IRT_LQ, 1); } } public: /// The model of the problem CrowdedChess(const Options& o) : n(o.size), s(this, n*n, 0, PMAX-1), queens(this, n, 0, n-1), rooks(this, n, 0, n-1), knights(this, n*n, 0, 1) { const int nn = n*n, q = n, r = n, b = (2*n)-2, k = n <= nkval ? kval[n-1] : kval[nkval-1]; const int e = nn - (q + r + b + k); assert(nn == (e + q + r + b + k)); MiniModel::Matrix m(s, n); // *********************** // Basic model // *********************** count(this, s, E, IRT_EQ, e, o.icl); count(this, s, Q, IRT_EQ, q, o.icl); count(this, s, R, IRT_EQ, r, o.icl); count(this, s, B, IRT_EQ, b, o.icl); count(this, s, K, IRT_EQ, k, o.icl); // Integer variables for use with the element constraint IntVar queen(this, Q, Q), rook(this, R, R); // Collect rows and columns for handling rooks and queens. for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { IntVarArgs aa = m.row(i), bb = m.col(i); count(this, aa, Q, IRT_EQ, 1, o.icl); count(this, bb, Q, IRT_EQ, 1, o.icl); count(this, aa, R, IRT_EQ, 1, o.icl); count(this, bb, R, IRT_EQ, 1, o.icl); //Connect (queens|rooks)[i] to the row it is in element(this, aa, queens[i], queen, ICL_DOM); element(this, aa, rooks[i], rook, ICL_DOM); } // N-queens constraints distinct(this, queens, ICL_DOM); IntArgs koff(n); for (int i = n; i--; ) koff[i] = i; distinct(this, koff, queens, ICL_DOM); for (int i = n; i--; ) koff[i] = -i; distinct(this, koff, queens, ICL_DOM); // N-rooks constraints distinct(this, rooks, ICL_DOM); // Collect diagonals for handling queens and bishops for (int l = n; l--; ) { const int il = (n-1) - l; IntVarArgs d1(l+1), d2(l+1), d3(l+1), d4(l+1); for (int i = 0; i <= l; ++i) { d1[i] = m(i+il, i); d2[i] = m(i, i+il); d3[i] = m((n-1)-i-il, i); d4[i] = m((n-1)-i, i+il); } count(this, d1, Q, IRT_LQ, 1, o.icl); count(this, d2, Q, IRT_LQ, 1, o.icl); count(this, d3, Q, IRT_LQ, 1, o.icl); count(this, d4, Q, IRT_LQ, 1, o.icl); count(this, d1, B, IRT_LQ, 1, o.icl); count(this, d2, B, IRT_LQ, 1, o.icl); count(this, d3, B, IRT_LQ, 1, o.icl); count(this, d4, B, IRT_LQ, 1, o.icl); } // Handle knigths //Connect knigths to board for(int i = n*n; i--; ) knights[i] = post(this, ~(s[i] == K)); knight_constraints(); // *********************** // Redundant constraints // *********************** // Queens and rooks not in the same place // Faster than going through the channeled board-connection for (int i = n; i--; ) { rel(this, queens[i], IRT_NQ, rooks[i]); } // Place bishops in two corners (from Schimpf and Hansens solution) // Avoids some symmetries of the problem rel(this, m(n-1, 0), IRT_EQ, B); rel(this, m(n-1, n-1), IRT_EQ, B); // *********************** // Branchings // *********************** //Place each piece in turn branch(this, s, BVAR_MIN_MIN, BVAL_MIN); } /// Constructor for cloning e CrowdedChess(bool share, CrowdedChess& e) : Example(share,e), n(e.n) { s.update(this, share, e.s); queens.update(this, share, e.queens); rooks.update(this, share, e.rooks); knights.update(this, share, e.knights); } /// Copy during cloning virtual Space* copy(bool share) { return new CrowdedChess(share,*this); } /// Print solution virtual void print(void) { MiniModel::Matrix m(s, n); char *names = static_cast(Memory::malloc(PMAX)); const char *sep = n < 8 ? "\t\t" : "\t"; names[E] = '.'; names[Q] = 'Q'; names[R] = 'R'; names[B] = 'B'; names[K] = 'K'; for (int r = 0; r < n; ++r){ // Print main board std::cout << '\t'; for (int c = 0; c < n; ++c) { std::cout << names[m(r, c).val()]; } // Print each piece on its own for (int p = 0; p < PMAX; ++p) { if (p == E) continue; std::cout << sep; for (int c = 0; c < n; ++c) { if (m(r, c).val() == p) std::cout << names[p]; else std::cout << names[E]; } } std::cout << std::endl; } std::cout << std::endl; } }; /** \brief Main function * \relates CrowdedChess */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { Options o("CrowdedChess"); o.icl = ICL_DOM; o.size = 7; o.parse(argc,argv); if(o.size < 5) { std::cerr << "Error: Size must be at least 5" << std::endl; return 1; } Example::run(o); return 0; } // STATISTICS: example-any