require 'spec_helper' describe Locomotive::ContentType do before(:each) do allow_any_instance_of(Locomotive::Site).to receive(:create_default_pages!).and_return(true) end context 'when validating' do it 'haves a valid factory' do content_type = build(:content_type) label: 'anything', type: 'string' expect(content_type).to be_valid end # Validations ## %w{site name}.each do |field| it "requires the presence of #{field}" do content_type = build(:content_type, field.to_sym => nil) expect(content_type).to_not be_valid expect(content_type.errors[field.to_sym]).to eq(["can't be blank"]) end end it 'requires the presence of slug' do content_type = build(:content_type, name: nil, slug: nil) expect(content_type).to_not be_valid expect(content_type.errors[:slug]).to eq(["can't be blank"]) end it 'is not valid if slug is not unique' do content_type = build(:content_type) label: 'anything', type: 'string' content_type = build(:content_type, site:, slug: content_type.slug) expect(content_type).to_not be_valid expect(content_type.errors[:slug]).to eq(["is already taken"]) end it 'is not valid if there is not at least one field' do content_type = build(:content_type) expect(content_type).to_not be_valid expect(content_type.errors[:entries_custom_fields]).to eq({ base: ['At least, one custom field is required'] }) end %w(created_at updated_at).each do |name| it "does not allow #{name} as name" do content_type = build(:content_type) field = label: 'anything', type: 'string', name: name expect(field.valid?).to eq(false) expect(field.errors[:name]).to eq(['is reserved']) end end it 'sets a slug from the name before the validation' do content_type = build(:content_type, name: 'my content Type') content_type.valid? expect(content_type.slug).to match(/slug_of_content_type_/) end it 'make sure the slug is correctly set before the validation' do content_type = build(:content_type, slug: 'my content-type') content_type.valid? expect(content_type.slug).to eq('my_content_type') end end context '#ordered_entries' do before(:each) do (@content_type = build_content_type(order_by: 'created_at')).save @content_2 = @content_type.entries.create name: 'Sacha' @content_1 = @content_type.entries.create name: 'Did' end it 'orders with the ASC direction by default' do expect(@content_type.order_direction).to eq('asc') end it 'has a getter for manual order' do expect(@content_type.order_manually?).to eq(false) @content_type.order_by = '_position' expect(@content_type.order_manually?).to eq(true) end it 'returns a list of entries ordered manually' do @content_type.order_by = '_position' expect(@content_type.ordered_entries.collect(&:name)).to eq(%w(Sacha Did)) end it 'returns a list of entries ordered by a column specified by order_by (ASC)' do @content_type.order_by = @content_type.entries_custom_fields.where(name: 'name').first._id expect(@content_type.ordered_entries.collect(&:name)).to eq(%w(Did Sacha)) end it 'returns a list of entries ordered by a column specified by order_by (DESC)' do @content_type.order_by = @content_type.entries_custom_fields.where(name: 'name').first._id @content_type.order_direction = 'desc' expect(@content_type.ordered_entries.collect(&:name)).to eq(%w(Sacha Did)) end it 'returns a list of contents ordered through condition {order_by: "name asc"}' do @content_type.order_by = @content_type.entries_custom_fields.where(name: 'name').first._id @content_type.order_direction = 'desc' expect(@content_type.ordered_entries(order_by: 'name asc').collect(&:name)).to eq(%w(Did Sacha)) end it 'returns a list of entries ordered by a Date column when first instance is missing the value' do @content_type.order_by = @content_type.entries_custom_fields.where(name: 'active_at').first._id @content_2.update_attribute :active_at, Date.parse('01/01/2001') content_3 = @content_type.entries.create name: 'Mario', active_at: Date.parse('02/02/2001') expect( eq([nil, Date.parse('01/01/2001'), Date.parse('02/02/2001')]) @content_type.order_direction = 'desc' expect( eq([Date.parse('02/02/2001'), Date.parse('01/01/2001'), nil]) end end describe 'belongs_to/has_many relationship' do before(:each) do build_belongs_to_has_many_relationship @category_1 = @category_content_type.entries.create name: 'Gems' @category_2 = @category_content_type.entries.create name: 'Service' @content_1 = @content_type.entries.create name: 'Github', category: @category_2 @content_2 = @content_type.entries.create name: 'LocomotiveCMS', category: @category_1, description: 'Lorem ipsum', _position_in_category: 1 @content_3 = @content_type.entries.create name: 'RubyOnRails', category: @category_1, description: 'Zzzzzz', _position_in_category: 2 end context '#ordering in a belongs_to/has_many relationship' do it 'orders projects based on the default order of the Project content type' do expect(@category_1.projects.relation_metadata.order).to eq(%w(name desc)) expect( eq(%w(RubyOnRails LocomotiveCMS).sort) expect( eq(%w(RubyOnRails LocomotiveCMS)) end it 'updates the information about the order of a has_many relationship if the target class changes its order' do @content_type.order_by = 'description'; @content_type.order_direction = 'ASC';! @category_1 = safe_find(@category_1.class, @category_1._id) expect(@category_1.projects.relation_metadata.order).to eq(%w(description ASC)) expect( eq(%w(LocomotiveCMS RubyOnRails)) end it 'uses the order by position if the UI option is enabled' do field = @category_content_type.entries_custom_fields.where(name: 'projects').first field.ui_enabled = true;!; @category_1 = safe_find(@category_1.class, @category_1._id) expect(@category_1.projects.relation_metadata.order.to_s).to eq('position_in_category') expect( eq(%w(LocomotiveCMS RubyOnRails)) end end describe '#list_of_groups' do subject { @content_type.send(:list_of_groups) } it { expect(subject.size).to eq 2 } it { expect(subject[0][:name]).to eq 'Gems' } it { expect(subject[1][:name]).to eq 'Service' } end end describe 'custom fields' do before(:each) do site = build(:site) allow(Locomotive::Site).to receive(:find).and_return(site) @content_type = build_content_type(site: site) # Locomotive::ContentType.logger =$stdout) # Locomotive::ContentType.db.connection.instance_variable_set(:@logger,$stdout)) end context 'validation' do %w{label type}.each do |key| it "validates presence of #{key}" do field ={ label: 'Shortcut', type: 'string' }.merge(key.to_sym => nil)) expect(field).to_not be_valid expect(field.errors[key.to_sym]).to eq(["can't be blank"]) end end it 'does not have unique label' do field = label: 'Active', type: 'boolean' expect(field).to_not be_valid expect(field.errors[:label]).to eq(["is already taken"]) end it 'invalidates parent if custom field is not valid' do field = expect(@content_type).to_not be_valid expect(@content_type.entries_custom_fields.last.errors[:label]).to eq(["can't be blank"]) end end context 'define core attributes' do it 'has an unique name' do @content_type.valid? expect( eq('name') expect( eq('active_at') end end context 'build and save' do before(:each) do end it 'builds asset' do asset = expect { asset.description }.not_to raise_error end it 'assigns values to newly built asset' do asset = build_content_entry(@content_type) expect(asset.description).to eq('Lorem ipsum') expect( eq(true) end it 'saves asset' do asset = build_content_entry(@content_type) and @content_type.reload asset = @content_type.entries.first expect(asset.description).to eq('Lorem ipsum') expect( eq(true) end it 'does not modify entries from another content type' do asset = build_content_entry(@content_type) and @content_type.reload another_content_type = expect { }.to raise_error end end context 'modifying fields' do before(:each) do @asset = build_content_entry(@content_type).save end it 'adds new field' do label: 'Author', name: 'author', type: 'string' && @content_type.reload asset = @content_type.entries.first expect { }.to_not raise_error end it 'removes a field' do @content_type.entries_custom_fields.destroy_all(name: 'active_at') && @content_type.reload asset = @content_type.entries.first expect { asset.active_at }.to raise_error end it 'removes the field used as the label when setting the original label_field_name value before' do @content_type.label_field_name = 'name' @content_type.entries_custom_fields.destroy_all(name: @content_type.label_field_name) expect(@content_type.label_field_name).to eq('description') end it 'renames field label' do @content_type.entries_custom_fields[1].label = 'Simple description' @content_type.entries_custom_fields[1].name = nil && @content_type.reload asset = @content_type.entries.first expect(asset.simple_description).to eq('Lorem ipsum') end end context 'managing from hash' do it 'adds new field' do @content_type.entries_custom_fields.clear field = label: 'Title' @content_type.entries_custom_fields_attributes = { 0 => { id:, 'label' => 'A title', 'type' => 'string' }, 1 => { 'label' => 'Tagline', 'type' => 'sring' } } expect(@content_type.entries_custom_fields.size).to eq(2) expect(@content_type.entries_custom_fields.first.label).to eq('A title') expect(@content_type.entries_custom_fields.last.label).to eq('Tagline') end it 'updates/removes fields' do field = label: 'Title', type: 'string' @content_type.update_attributes(entries_custom_fields_attributes: { '0' => { '_id' => lookup_field_id(1), 'label' => 'My Description', 'type' => 'text', '_destroy' => '1' }, '1' => { '_id' => lookup_field_id(2), 'label' => 'Active', 'type' => 'boolean', '_destroy' => '1' }, '2' => { '_id' => field._id, 'label' => 'My Title !' }, '3' => { 'label' => 'Published at', 'type' => 'string' } }) @content_type = Locomotive::ContentType.find( expect(@content_type.entries_custom_fields.size).to eq(4) expect( eq(%w(name active_at title published_at)) expect(@content_type.entries_custom_fields[2].label).to eq('My Title !') end end end describe 'finding by id or slug' do let(:content_type) { build_content_type(slug: 'my_project') } let(:id_or_slug) { 'unknown' } subject { Locomotive::ContentType.by_id_or_slug(id_or_slug).first } before { } describe 'unknown id' do it { should eq nil } end describe 'existing id' do let(:id_or_slug) { content_type._id.to_s } it { expect( eq 'My project' } end describe 'existing slug' do let(:id_or_slug) { 'my_project' } it { expect( eq 'My project' } end end it_should_behave_like 'model scoped by a site' do let(:model) { build_content_type(slug: 'my_project') } let(:attribute) { :content_version } end def build_content_type(options = {}, &block) build(:content_type, options).tap do |content_type| label: 'Name', type: 'string' label: 'Description', type: 'text' label: 'Active', type: 'boolean' label: 'Active at', type: 'date' if block_given? end end def safe_find(klass, id) # Mongoid::IdentityMap.clear # Rails.logger.debug "---> reload #{klass}, #{id}!!!!!" klass.find(id) end def build_content_entry(content_type) 'Asset on steroids', description: 'Lorem ipsum', active: true) end def build_belongs_to_has_many_relationship (@category_content_type = build_content_type(name: 'Categories')).save! category_klass = @category_content_type.klass_with_custom_fields(:entries).name @content_type = build_content_type.tap do |content_type| field = label: 'Category', type: 'belongs_to', class_name: category_klass content_type.order_by = 'name' content_type.order_direction = 'desc' content_type.group_by_field_id = field._id! end project_klass = @content_type.klass_with_custom_fields(:entries).name field = label: 'Projects', type: 'has_many', class_name: project_klass, inverse_of: :category, ui_enabled: false! end def lookup_field_id(index) @content_type.entries_custom_fields.all[index].id.to_s end end