/* * __ .__ .__ ._____. * _/ |_ _______ __|__| ____ | | |__\_ |__ ______ * \ __\/ _ \ \/ / |/ ___\| | | || __ \ / ___/ * | | ( <_> > <| \ \___| |_| || \_\ \\___ \ * |__| \____/__/\_ \__|\___ >____/__||___ /____ > * \/ \/ \/ \/ * * Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Karsten Schmidt * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/ * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ package toxi.geom; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute; import toxi.math.MathUtils; /** * * @author tux */ @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) public class Rect implements Shape2D { /** * Factory method, constructs a new rectangle from a center point and extent * vector. * * @param center * @param extent * @return new rect */ public static final Rect fromCenterExtent(ReadonlyVec2D center, Vec2D extent) { return new Rect(center.sub(extent), center.add(extent)); } /** * Factory method, computes & returns the bounding rect for the given list * of points. * * @param points * @return bounding rect * @since 0021 */ public static final Rect getBoundingRect(List points) { final Vec2D first = points.get(0); final Rect bounds = new Rect(first.x, first.y, 0, 0); for (int i = 1, num = points.size(); i < num; i++) { bounds.growToContainPoint(points.get(i)); } return bounds; } @XmlAttribute(required = true) public float x, /** * */ y, /** * */ width, /** * */ /** * */ height; /** * Constructs an empty rectangle at point 0,0 with no dimensions. */ public Rect() { } /** * Constructs a new rectangle using a point and dimensions * * @param x * x of top left * @param y * y of top left * @param width * @param height */ public Rect(float x, float y, float width, float height) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; } /** * Constructs a new rectangle defined by the two points given. * * @param p1 * @param p2 */ public Rect(ReadonlyVec2D p1, ReadonlyVec2D p2) { Vec2D tl = Vec2D.min(p1, p2); Vec2D br = Vec2D.max(p1, p2); x = tl.x; y = tl.y; width = br.x - x; height = br.y - y; } /** * Checks if the given point is within the rectangle's bounds. * * @param p * point to check * @return true, if point is contained */ @Override public boolean containsPoint(ReadonlyVec2D p) { float px = p.x(); float py = p.y(); if (px < x || px > x + width) { return false; } return (py >= y && py <= y + height); } /** * Creates a copy of this rectangle * * @return new instance */ public Rect copy() { return new Rect(x, y, width, height); } /** * Returns true if the Object o is of type Rect and all of the data members * of o are equal to the corresponding data members in this rectangle. * * @param o * the Object with which the comparison is made * @return true or false */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof Rect) { Rect r = (Rect) o; return (x == r.x && y == r.y && width == r.width && height == r.height); } return false; } @Override public final float getArea() { return width * height; } /** * Computes the aspect ratio of the rect as width over height. * * @return aspect ratio */ public final float getAspect() { return width / height; } /** * * @return */ public float getBottom() { return y + height; } /** * * @return */ public Vec2D getBottomLeft() { return new Vec2D(x, y + height); } /** * * @return */ public final Vec2D getBottomRight() { return new Vec2D(x + width, y + height); } @Override public Circle getBoundingCircle() { return new Circle(getCentroid(), new Vec2D(width, height).magnitude() / 2); } /** * Only provided because the Rect class implements {@link Shape2D}. The * bounding rect of a rectangle is itself. * * @return itself * * @see toxi.geom.Shape2D#getBounds() */ @Override public Rect getBounds() { return this; } /** * Returns the centroid of the rectangle. * * @return centroid vector */ public final Vec2D getCentroid() { return new Vec2D(x + width * 0.5f, y + height * 0.5f); } @Override public final float getCircumference() { return 2 * width + 2 * height; } /** * Returns a vector containing the width and height of the rectangle. * * @return dimension vector */ public final Vec2D getDimensions() { return new Vec2D(width, height); } /** * Returns one of the rectangles edges as {@link Line2D}. The edge IDs are: * * * @param id * edge ID * @return edge as Line2D */ public Line2D getEdge(int id) { Line2D edge = null; switch (id) { // top case 0: edge = new Line2D(x, y, x + width, y); break; // right case 1: edge = new Line2D(x + width, y, x + width, y + height); break; // bottom case 2: edge = new Line2D(x, y + height, x + width, y + height); break; // left case 3: edge = new Line2D(x, y, x, y + height); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("edge ID needs to be 0...3"); } return edge; } @Override public List getEdges() { List edges = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { edges.add(getEdge(i)); } return edges; } /** * * @return */ public float getLeft() { return x; } /** * Computes the normalized position of the given point within this * rectangle, so that a point at the top-left corner becomes {0,0} and * bottom-right {1,1}. The original point is not modified. Together with * {@link #getUnmappedPointInRect(Vec2D)} this function can be used to map a * point from one rectangle to another. * * @param p * point to be mapped * @return mapped Vec2D */ public Vec2D getMappedPointInRect(Vec2D p) { return new Vec2D((p.x - x) / width, (p.y - y) / height); } /** * Creates a random point within the rectangle. * * @return Vec2D */ @Override public Vec2D getRandomPoint() { return new Vec2D(MathUtils.random(x, x + width), MathUtils.random(y, y + height)); } /** * * @return */ public float getRight() { return x + width; } /** * * @return */ public float getTop() { return y; } /** * * @return */ public final Vec2D getTopLeft() { return new Vec2D(x, y); } /** * * @return */ public Vec2D getTopRight() { return new Vec2D(x + width, y); } /** * Inverse operation of {@link #getMappedPointInRect(Vec2D)}. Given a * normalized point it computes the position within this rectangle, so that * a point at {0,0} becomes the top-left corner and {1,1} bottom-right. The * original point is not modified. Together with * {@link #getUnmappedPointInRect(Vec2D)} this function can be used to map a * point from one rectangle to another. * * @param p * point to be mapped * @return mapped Vec2D */ public Vec2D getUnmappedPointInRect(Vec2D p) { return new Vec2D(p.x * width + x, p.y * height + y); } /** * * @param p * @return */ public Rect growToContainPoint(ReadonlyVec2D p) { if (!containsPoint(p)) { if (p.x() < x) { width = getRight() - p.x(); x = p.x(); } else if (p.x() > getRight()) { width = p.x() - x; } if (p.y() < y) { height = getBottom() - p.y(); y = p.y(); } else if (p.y() > getBottom()) { height = p.y() - y; } } return this; } /** * Returns a hash code value based on the data values in this object. Two * different Rect objects with identical data values (i.e., Rect.equals * returns true) will return the same hash code value. Two objects with * different data members may return the same hash value, although this is * not likely. * * @return the integer hash code value */ @Override public int hashCode() { long bits = 1L; bits = 31L * bits + VecMathUtil.floatToIntBits(x); bits = 31L * bits + VecMathUtil.floatToIntBits(y); bits = 31L * bits + VecMathUtil.floatToIntBits(width); bits = 31L * bits + VecMathUtil.floatToIntBits(height); return (int) (bits ^ (bits >> 32)); } /** * Creates a new rectangle by forming the intersection of this rectangle and * the given other rect. The resulting bounds will be the rectangle of the * overlay area or null if the rects do not intersect. * * @param r * intersection partner rect * @return new Rect or null */ public final Rect intersectionRectWith(Rect r) { Rect isec = null; if (intersectsRect(r)) { float x1 = MathUtils.max(x, r.x); float y1 = MathUtils.max(y, r.y); float x2 = MathUtils.min(getRight(), r.getRight()); float y2 = MathUtils.min(getBottom(), r.getBottom()); isec = new Rect(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); } return isec; } /** * * @param c * @param r * @return */ public boolean intersectsCircle(Vec2D c, float r) { float s, d = 0; float x2 = x + width; float y2 = y + height; if (c.x < x) { s = c.x - x; d = s * s; } else if (c.x > x2) { s = c.x - x2; d += s * s; } if (c.y < y) { s = c.y - y; d += s * s; } else if (c.y > y2) { s = c.y - y2; d += s * s; } return d <= r * r; } /** * Checks if the rectangle intersects with the given ray and if so computes * the first intersection point. The method takes a min/max distance * interval along the ray in which the intersection must occur. * * @param ray * intersection ray * @param minDist * minimum distance * @param maxDist * max distance * @return intersection point or null if no intersection in the given * interval */ public ReadonlyVec2D intersectsRay(Ray2D ray, float minDist, float maxDist) { Vec2D invDir = ray.getDirection().reciprocal(); boolean signDirX = invDir.x < 0; boolean signDirY = invDir.y < 0; Vec2D min = getTopLeft(); Vec2D max = getBottomRight(); Vec2D bbox = signDirX ? max : min; float tmin = (bbox.x - ray.x) * invDir.x; bbox = signDirX ? min : max; float tmax = (bbox.x - ray.x) * invDir.x; bbox = signDirY ? max : min; float tymin = (bbox.y - ray.y) * invDir.y; bbox = signDirY ? min : max; float tymax = (bbox.y - ray.y) * invDir.y; if ((tmin > tymax) || (tymin > tmax)) { return null; } if (tymin > tmin) { tmin = tymin; } if (tymax < tmax) { tmax = tymax; } if ((tmin < maxDist) && (tmax > minDist)) { return ray.getPointAtDistance(tmin); } return null; } /** * Checks if this rectangle intersects/overlaps the given one. * * @param r * another rect * @return true, if intersecting */ public boolean intersectsRect(Rect r) { return !(x > r.x + r.width || x + width < r.x || y > r.y + r.height || y + height < r.y); } /** * * @param s * @return */ public Rect scale(float s) { Vec2D c = getCentroid(); width *= s; height *= s; x = c.x - width * 0.5f; y = c.y - height * 0.5f; return this; } /** * Sets new bounds for this rectangle. * * @param x * x of top left * @param y * y of top right * @param w * width * @param h * height * @return itself */ public final Rect set(float x, float y, float w, float h) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = w; this.height = h; return this; } /** * * @param r * @return */ public final Rect set(Rect r) { x = r.x; y = r.y; width = r.width; height = r.height; return this; } /** * * @param dim * @return */ public final Rect setDimension(Vec2D dim) { width = dim.x; height = dim.y; return this; } /** * * @param pos * @return */ public final Rect setPosition(Vec2D pos) { x = pos.x; y = pos.y; return this; } /** * Adds corner vertices for rounded rectangles polygon construction. * * @param poly * @param o * @param radius * @param theta * @param res */ private void toPolyArc(Polygon2D poly, Vec2D o, float radius, float theta, int res) { for (int i = 0; i <= res; i++) { poly.add(o.add(Vec2D.fromTheta(theta + i * MathUtils.HALF_PI / res) .scaleSelf(radius))); } } /** * Creates a {@link Polygon2D} instance of the rect. * * @return rect as polygon */ @Override public Polygon2D toPolygon2D() { Polygon2D poly = new Polygon2D(); poly.add(new Vec2D(x, y)); poly.add(new Vec2D(x + width, y)); poly.add(new Vec2D(x + width, y + height)); poly.add(new Vec2D(x, y + height)); return poly; } /** * Turns this rectangle into a rounded rectangle shaped {@link Polygon2D} * instance with the given corner radius. The number of corner vertices to * be used, can be specified as well. * * @param radius * corner radius * @param res * number of vertices per corner * @return rounded rect as polygon */ public Polygon2D toPolygon2D(float radius, int res) { Polygon2D poly = new Polygon2D(); toPolyArc(poly, new Vec2D(x + width - radius, y + radius), radius, -MathUtils.HALF_PI, res); toPolyArc(poly, new Vec2D(x + width - radius, y + height - radius), radius, 0, res); toPolyArc(poly, new Vec2D(x + radius, y + height - radius), radius, MathUtils.HALF_PI, res); toPolyArc(poly, new Vec2D(x + radius, y + radius), radius, MathUtils.PI, res); return poly; } /** * * @return */ @Override public String toString() { return "rect: {x:" + x + ", y:" + y + ", width:" + width + ", height:" + height + "}"; } /** * * @param dx * @param dy * @return */ public Rect translate(float dx, float dy) { x += dx; y += dy; return this; } /** * * @param offset * @return */ public Rect translate(ReadonlyVec2D offset) { x += offset.x(); y += offset.y(); return this; } /** * @deprecated use {@link #unionRectWith(Rect)} instead. Also note, that * {@link #unionRectWith(Rect)} does NOT modify the original * Rect anymore, but produces a new Rect instance. * @param r * @return new Rect */ @Deprecated public final Rect union(Rect r) { return unionRectWith(r); } /** * Creates a new rectangle by forming an union of this rectangle and the * given other Rect. The resulting bounds will be inclusive of both. * * @param r * @return new Rect */ public final Rect unionRectWith(Rect r) { float x1 = MathUtils.min(x, r.x); float x2 = MathUtils.max(x + width, r.x + r.width); float w = x2 - x1; float y1 = MathUtils.min(y, r.y); float y2 = MathUtils.max(y + height, r.y + r.height); float h = y2 - y1; return new Rect(x1, y1, w, h); } }